Okay folks here it is the final chapter. I want to thank y'all so much for joining me on my first Fan Fic journey. Special thanks go to my awesome sisser for nagging me incessantly to write. I have got another fic in the works as we speak so you haven't heard the last of me Muwahahahahaha!

Disclaimer: I do not own Teasing Dean; if I did I wouldn't be sitting here writing this I assure you. Also I don't own dirty talking Cas….Sadly.

Cas kisses Dean passionately as the world whirls away from them. When they land Dean doesn't even realize they have moved he was too distracted by his angel's kiss.

"Wow Cas, I gotta tell you, angel airways is a hell of a lot more enjoyable when you add your lips to the mix."

Castiel grins at him. "If I had known that would make you more agreeable with that form of travel, I would have done it this way from the beginning."

He begins to nuzzle Dean's neck and rains kisses all over it.

Dean freezes and looks up. Cas steps back as the hunter turns to take in his surroundings. He knew it so well. The lake was glistening in the sun that was just beginning to peek over the trees, bathing everything in golden light. Leave it to his angel to take him to the one place he felt nothing but peace, even if it was only a place in his mind.

Castiel grabbed his hunter's hand, and walked him down the wooden dock away from the lake. "You can fish later Dean." Cas says excitedly.

"I had to improvise much of this. I have only been here just the once with you, and that was only on the dock."

The angel led him forward to a two story cabin in the tree line complete with wrap around porch and a hot tub by the look of it. Dean would get some good use out of that later he thinks wickedly.

They walk up the steps, and Cas pushes open the door. The whole cabin is done in wood the color of amber beer Dean thinks pleasantly. From the front he can see a kitchen done in brown tones that's sweeps into a dining room, with a sturdy looking oak table. And further in he can see the living room. It's in an octagonal shape, and a red plush couch wraps almost all the way around it. And in the middle of all this is a sunken fire pit.

Dean turns and looks at Cas confused.

"You're telling me you just made all this up?" Dean says turning a circle. "It kinda looks familiar." He says with a crease in his brow.

"Well." The angel says rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. "It might have been on an episode of Dr. Sexy."

"That's it!" Dean exclaims snapping his fingers in recognition. "Ellen Piccolo's cabin in Montana, Cas you dog."

"You like it don't you Dean?" Cas asks just as Dean opens the refrigerator to find nothing but his favorite beer and 6 different varieties of pie.

"Oh!" Dean practically squeals with delight. "Oh Yeah." He says lower, more manly. "This is as perfect as it gets man."

The angel swells with pride at his hunter's statement.

Dean shuts the fridge, turning on his heels to find Cas once again invading his personal space.

The hunter tries to make some smart ass remark, but discovers all too quickly it is entirely too difficult to do so with the angels tongue plundering his mouth. Its not as if Dean could remember what he was going to say at this point anyways.

Dean grabs Castiel by the hips and in one fluid motion lifts him up, spins him around and sets him on the counter, never once breaking the kiss.

Dean moans into his angel's mouth at the friction that this move had produced and pulls Cas legs up to wrap them around his waist.

They continue to kiss. It's slow and scorching, neither one of them wanting to rush this.

Cas pushes Dean's jacket and his over shirt off his shoulders letting them drop to the floor, running his hands under his t-shirt over taunt muscles.

Everywhere his angel touches feels like liquid fire to Dean. His hands shake with want as he unbuttons the Cas' shirt the rest of the way and pushes all the layers of trench coat, jacket and shirt off all at once. Dean's eyes never leave Cas' as he leans in to kiss the angel again.

Castiel pulls the last barrier of Deans clothing over his head so they can finally be pressed skin to skin.

When their chest press together, Dean gasps and Cas whimpers both of them feeling the rightness of this, and both feeling like they had finally found home again.

"Dean." Castiel moans against his neck before he's hotly running his mouth over the hunters collar bone. Dean grabs the angels hair and gently tugs so that he can kiss him again.

Cas has begun to tortuously grind his hips into his hunters as he begins to make little keening noises into Dean's mouth.

"Oh God Cas if you don't cut that out I am gonna lose it right here." Dean warns though a groan.

"I am uncertain as to why that's a bad ting Dean." The angel says panting in his ear.

"I am saying there is no way we are making it to the bedroom, hell I don't even know if I can make it to the couch." Dean explains trying to hold on to his control.

"And that is wrong because why?" Cas says tilting his head is hips still steady grinding on Deans.

"Okay so you're saying you wouldn't mind if I spread you open and fucked you on the kitchen table." The hunter says raggedly.

A shudder runs through the angel at the proposition.

"No Dean, I don't see anything objectionable to being spread open and fucked on the kitchen table." Cas growled snapping his hips forward.

"Jeezus Cas say that again." Dean moans.

"Say what Dean?" He asks. Clearly the angel has lost the thread of the conversation. Dean looks into his eyes and sees the pools of blue are completely blown wide with lust. Biting into Cas' shoulder and running his lounge up his neck, he all but begs.

"Tell me again what you want me to do to you." Dean pants. "Please Cas; never heard you say anything like that before. So fucking hot."

Castiel stops all movement and pulls back to look into Deans eyes. At first Dean thinks he's going to get a lecture, but then Cas licks his lips and says.

"I want you to spread me open Dean, and fuck me on the table." Cas growls out, working the button of his hunters jeans open, and following quickly with the zipper.

Amazingly enough, somehow Castiel has rendered Dean Winchester completely speechless. He grins at the victory.

Dean can only watch as his angel pulls him out of his jeans and strokes him his thumb running over the slit.

The angel looks at his hunter with his head titled to the side. Dean just stands there trembling slightly too stunned to move.

Cas chuckles lowly and unbuttons his own pants and pulls himself out.

The spell on the hunter breaks, as he watches his angel take himself in hand.

"Shit Cas, don't stop." Dean whispers hypnotized.

Castiel blushes thoroughly "Dean I- I don't know-" He stammers.

It's okay Cas, I'll show you." The hunter assures him placing his hand over his angels as he begins to move it.

"Dean." Cas says breathily. As he finds his own rhythm. Once he's see Cas has the hang of it, he steps back to simply watch.

The angel is sitting on top of the counter, legs spread as wide as they will go with his pants around his ankles still, caught by his shoes. He has one had braced back on the counter to keep him steady the other, working himself slowly. Dean notes that though his coat, jacket and shirt have been discarded, somehow he has missed his tie, which is flipped over the top of his left shoulder. Cas' eyes glow with lust and never once leave his hunters.

Dean walks back over and bends down licks the length of the angel just once following Castiel's hand. He then bends down to untie his shoes. After removing shoes socks and the trapped pants, he feels the angel's movements begin to speed up.

He leans in and kisses Cas and runs his hand over the angels tip once more, and at that Castiel comes undone against him.

"Dean-Oh Dean." Castiel gasps. Dean grabs his hands and wraps them around his neck, wraps his legs around his waist and lifts him up. He walks the few feet to the kitchen table, reaching out with one hand sweeping it across to send place mats, salt and pepper shakers, a bowl of fruit, and the napkin holder all crashing to the floor.

The hunter drops Cas onto the table and kisses him fiercely before backing up to toe off his sock and shoes, and push his jeans and underwear into a heap on the ground.

"Stay right where you are angel boy." Dean teases as he walk to the bathroom, he hears the angel ask breathily where he thinks he's going to go.

When he makes it the short distance to the bathroom he flips on the light. He figures if Cas made this place, then it should be well stocked. Opening the bathroom cabinet a low whistle passes his lips. He is faced with every type of lube he can imagine, and some he really can't.

"Well stocked indeed." He says smirking. "Dammit Cas you dirty little angel." Dean says grabbing good old original. He thought about the pleasure enhancing one, but he's pretty sure that just the regular sex with Cas is going to kill him eventually; pleasure enhancing lube would probably just expedite the whole thing.

When Dean walks back to the table Cas is leaned up on his elbows.

"Uh uh." Dean says pressing a splayed palm on the angels chest pushing him back down. Dean leans forward and places a chaste kiss on Castiel's lips with a wicked grin.

Then he begins to run his hands down. He lets them roam everywhere, mapping out every dip every contour of Cas' body.

The angel shudders, and tires to touch Dean, but the hunter pulls back before he can make contact.

"Dean please I-"Cas begs.

Dean leans over into Cas' ear. "You left me Cas, and all I did was think about all the ways I was gonna make you beg for my forgiveness. I think this is my favorite one though."

Castiel almost leapt off the table as Deans hands danced across his groin.

Dean chuckled low and whispered "Paybacks a bitch angelcakes."

Then he began slowly, maddeningly to sweep circles with his tongue behind the angels ear.

He continued down the rest of Cas' body. The angel was trembling now, and whimpering in regular intervals.

He wondered if anyone had died from pent up sexual pleasure. If not he supposed he could always be the first.

He feels Dean yank him forward by the hips his mouth still devouring his body.

"Dean, please. I'm sorry." Castiel says giving in. He will tell his hunter anything he requires if he will just DO something.

"I'm sorry Cas. What was that again?" Dean says taking the angels nipple between his teeth.

"I-ugh-I said I am sorry Dean.' He barley gets out before another wave of pleasure washes over him.

"hmmmm" Dean says humming across Cas' chest. "For what Cas?" Dean asks now sucking where his teeth had been before.

Castiel has no idea how he's supposed to answer let alone form coherent sentences with his hunter assaulting him like this. He had never felt this strung out before. So coiled and ready to snap while Dean's hands and mouth wreaked havoc.

"I-" The angel tries to breathe. "I-For-for leaving you Dean." He finally manages.

"You won't do i again will you?" The hunter asks laving the angels hipbone.

"I-"Castiel tries once again to sit up, but is too far gone to manage that much. He lets his head fall down on the wooden surface of the table with a thump.

"No Dean of course not." He says breathlessly as he hears a bottle open.

"Good to know Cas." The hunter says sliding a finger slowly in to his angel.

"Oh God Dean!" Castiel screams arching off the table.

Dean pulls out and adds another finger. "Now Cas, that's blasphemy." He teases curling his fingers just right.

Cas bears down thrusting into Deans hand.

"I have-I have said I-I was sorry Dean. What more can I do?" the angel asks entreatingly.

"All you have to do Cas is tell me what you want." Dean says with a smirk.

"I want you Dean." He says arching off the table when his hunter hits that sweet spot again.

"Sorry buddy, but you're gonna have to be a little more specific." Dean says grinning.

"Very well." Cas says leaning up on his elbows to look his hunter in the eyes. "I want the length of you buried in me as far as it will go. Is that specific enough?"

Dean white knuckles the table trying to control himself.

"Yeah. Hell yeah Cas, that's exactly what I wanted to hear."

Castiel hears the bottle opening again. He thinks Dean is a sexual mastermind, to have enough coordination to continue to work his fingers in him and never miss a beat, while preparing himself at the same time.

Dean slides in agonizingly slow. Inch by inch. Cas tries to pump his hips to speed the process along, but the hunter is having none of it. He pulls out just as slowly a wicked glint in his eyes.

Castiel once again pushes up to look at his hunter. "Dean, if you aren't going to fuck me in earnest…." Cs lets the sentence trail off, the lust driven look on his hunters face effectively wiping the ability to speak from him.

"Ask and thou shalt receive." Dean says roughly thrusting into him again and again.

"Dean!" Cas screams as his hunter hits that wonderful spot on every down stroke.

Dean lifts Cas up still impaled on him and walks them to the fur rug in front of the fire pit. He lays Cas down gently and kisses him as he begins to thrust again, but slower this time.

"I want to be able to see you when you come Cas." Dean says entwining their hands together over his angels head.

The hunter reaches down, and takes his angel in hand and begins to pump him slowly. Matching the rhythm of his thrusts.

When Cas finally breaks, and spills on Dean and his own stomachs, he cries out his hunters name breathlessly one last time as shudders wrack his body.

Dean shatters to as he feels Cas' body tighten around his.

He rides it out until he collapses on to the rug, head on Castiel's chest. He leans into his angels ear and whispers "You're forgiven."

Cas chuckles lowly holding onto Dean. "Really? I am sure I could apologize more, if it will help." Cas says evilly.

"You will be apologizing till the day I die." Dean says kissing his angels chest.

"The day you die Dean? I am not sure you will want me for all that time." Castiel says worriedly.

"Wow. You really are dense. I love your feathery stubborn ass. I want you with me pretty much forever." Dean says leaning up on an arm to look at him.

"Forever is a very long time Dean." Cas states truthfully

"Tell me about it." The hunter says rolling his eyes. "But that's what I want, so you better get used to the idea."

Castiel's brow furrows. And Dean wonders what he said to upset him.

"It will be difficult Dean, but I believe I can." He says his eyes twinkling.

"What about heaven?" Dean says hating ruin the mood. "And Lisa? Don't really think, I can stay there and bang you on the side.

"And they say chivalry is dead." Castiel say jokingly.

"Dean this life is ours; we'll live it our way. I believe everything will be worked out. For now I just want to enjoy this small, brief peace we have."

"Did you just quote Metallica dude?" Dean says unbelievably.

"I did yes." Castiel admits through a blush.

"Well, you sure do know the way to my heart. So what you're saying is nothing else matters?" Dean asks smirking and leaning in for a kiss.

Cas wraps his arms around his hunter's neck, and sighs.

"Yes Dean that is exactly what I am saying."


Woohoo! First fanfic ever is finished. I have LOVED writing this. I am already hard at work on two more. Anyone like them some vampire Dean? Yeah me too! Anywho one more time guys. Reviews?