Title: Clemency Pays

By: CypressArtemis

Summary: He was just a rancher's son. A hardworking man content with a decent, honest days work. Concerned with little else than horses and cattle he suddenly finds himself wondering, as his hand clutches the stained parchment of a wanted poster, how anything so young and gorgeous could be considered so evil.

Chapter 6: Let 'er Buck!


It filtered through the trees laying flashy extended streaks in the still darkened sky. It illuminated the clouds, coating the fluffy ridges in a dark prominent line so they stood out remarkably against the dismal grayed backdrop. For an instant heaven appeared within reach as the line that separated it from earth became blurred and distorted upon the horizon.

But as the glinting ball of aurulent ember laid siege to the heavenly domain it exuded color into everything laying in its wake and those fine lines materialized into vast distances.

The sky, ashen with leftover night, brightened into a soft dulled blue. Blades of black grass now touched with newfound life glowed emerald as the golden hue struck ground for the first time that morning. The lights caught the houses, shops, barns and each cast their own shadow, elongated and protecting upon patches of earth. The frost melting from the exuberant warmth into dew and the miniscule droplets of clear water trickled down the stems of decorative flowers, over the leaves, and dripped onto engraved glass pots.

Birds, flocking in mass hordes, sang their sweet melodies and somewhere far off in the distance a rooster announced the coming of day with a loud cackle. Footsteps clanked on the wooden floorboards of neighboring porches as women gathered their children, ushering them soundlessly into the street as they gathered at the church for Sunday mass.

All dressed in their personal Sunday best. The women and young girls covering their heads in hats, lacey gloves decked out on their hands as their dresses swayed amidst their ankles. The few men that accompanied them usually wore their best set of pants and a button-up shirt, the richer man's attire of choice was nothing less than a suit. Just another bold statement to his fellow man that practically roared in a shrill taunt, I'm better than you.

Golden-brown depths lingered on the weathered fence a few mere feet away, oblivious, or simply not concerned with the shuffling masses.

From his position on the ground the lower rung was in direct line of sight, something he found himself oddly thankful of, and he didn't much care to look above it.

He knew what was there.

And what wasn't.

He thumped his head on the barn door as his form slouched farther back into its splintering redness. Paint chips flecked off and flittered to the ground like confetti around his crossed legs. The moist grass dampening his pants and staining them a sickly shade of sage green in places where his body exerted too much pressure.

His gaze lingered on the distorted plank of grayed knotted wood till he could no longer take the air of apprehension it radiated. His eyes stung while his vision blurred with unshed weakness and his stomach churned, making him feel nauseous with all the conflicting emotions. He felt useless, heartbroken, and more so, betrayed. His teeth clenched, grating as he suppressed wave after wave of despair coiling in his gut like a malicious ornery rattlesnake, its forked tongue lapping relentless at his heart.

With a deep inhale his hands rubbed over his temples, tangled in his orange locks, and finally dropped back to the ground as his eyes drifting shut. His head thumped against the door as a means to distract himself and he suddenly wondered how many times it would take before he incapacitated himself. If he couldn't think, he couldn't remember, and that meant he certainly couldn't feel either.

A fluffy yellow head peaked around the adjacent corner. An instant purring filled his ears as two front paws found their way onto his thigh. They pressed rhythmically, altering weight from paw to paw and the sharp tips of claws dug through the grey fabric to graze the tanned skin beneath.

He sighed and went to nudge the cat away but Kon appeared determined and rubbed his whiskered cheek affectionately against the outstretched hand pushing into his furry side. He hopped into the warmth of his distraught master's lap, twitching and maneuvering about till he finally settled, stretched across his thighs, attempting to offer a smidgen of comfort.

Kon's eyes were shut in pure bliss, paws working lazily as they repeatedly tugged and bunched up folds of Ichigo's pants. A strong hand found its way to the top of the cat's tiny head. Fingers threaded through the silky fur and swept downwards between two triangle ears before shifting to the jowls.

Twirling a finger around the white whiskers the cat pushed its face into his broad hand and Ichigo scratched his fingertips under its chin. He could feel the vibrations of Kon's purring and watched him stretch out his neck to give more access.

A hint of a smile touched Ichigo's lips. He hated to admit it but Kon was actually helping him feel better, if only for a moment.


Stirring at his name he glanced over in recognition, "Orihime?"

She was standing on the other side of the fence, a sour worried expression plastered on her face as she toyed with the white strings of her hat quickly knotting into a bow. "Are you not going to church today?"

His head shook, "No."

It was such a simple word and a negative one at that. The notion that he would even consider to skip church was severely frowned upon. It would cause scrutiny and she would no doubt be subjected to listen to gossiping townsfolk but she thought it was his tone more than his answer that made her frown most.

His response was curt, clipped, and laced with a hint of sadness that made his voice crackle at the last instant.

Her eyes became downcast when he looked away and her heart ached. She wanted to reach out to him more than anything, to be there and comfort him, but fear of rejection made her shrink back.

Amber irises turned back on her when he caught a glimpse of movement, taking note that she was stepping backwards inching away from the fence. She stumbled slightly, her bandaged leg still sore and radiating pain when she placed too much weight on the injured limb. He must have noticed because his eyes widened just a degree more than usual and to lighten the mood she giggled, her eyes shut as her cheeks blushed a nervous shade of pink.

Ichigo blinked at the burnt auburn haired girl's sudden outburst and Kon jumped out of his lap and up onto the railing beside her, his tiny paw reaching out scraping air as he mewed in an attempt to get attention.

Ichigo wanted to scoff and throw a rock at him.

"Orihime, if your leg is still bothering you perhaps you should come by later for a checkup." It was an offer made out of sincerity rather than concern but either way she didn't seem to notice the difference as a smile graced her plush pink lips.

"Oh, no it's fine." She waved her hand dismissively, smiling nonchalantly as she went on ranting. "It really doesn't hurt that much. I just forget about it is all and then I go to do something like normal and it's just a little sore still."

"Oh, if you say so." He shrugged in reluctant acceptance. He certainly couldn't force her, but he had laid the offer on the table. Despite thinking it was in her best interest it was her choice to accept or decline and she made it. He had done all he could aside from throwing her over his shoulder and carrying her inside.

Somehow the mental image didn't seem like it would go over well.

Orihime blinked at Kon who was now meowing full force, deciding he had been ignored quite long enough, and pacing along the fence post impatiently. She reached out to pet him, rubbing his head and looking back at the man she adored more than anything. "Kurosake-kun?"


"I was um-" She paused at the distant dreamy shimmer in the honey depths. He appeared so lost in thought. She wandered what he was thinking of and looked up at the meadow to notice, with much dismay, that it was empty. Not even the Pinto and Bay were out. "Well I was wondering… What are you going to do with Zangetsu gone?"

He sighed ponderously, gnawing at his bottom lip and scowled, but didn't move. After a long drawn out pause he spoke. "I don't know…"

She frowned and retracted her hand from the purring cat. She hated herself right now. He was fine till she brought it up. She was responsible for that heart wrenching look on his face and she couldn't stand to see him upset because of her. Her gaze tapered to the side and she watched people going about their happy lives.


Ichigo looked at her to show he was listening, but didn't speak.

"I'm sorry if I only made things worse." He watched her eyes lower to stare at the ground, a sad glint shimmered within the brown irises as her mind conjured question after question she refused to ask. "I –"

I want to know, who was she?

I want to know, why her?

I want to know, what happened between you two?

"I just, I wanted to help."

I wanted to know, were you there to protect her?

I wanted to know, why not me?

"Help?" He couldn't stop the seething tone that managed to accompany the word. Bringing up the one topic that he had tried to avoid for several days now certainly was not any way to help him. His brows knit together despite the hinderance of the bandage still adorned on his forehead and his eyes narrowed dangerously. If she hadn't been looking away he was quite confident in the fact that he would appear menacing enough to scare her.

She scares too easily.

Wincing at his voice she instantly chirped out an impatient yes. "You seem so upset." Still staring at the ground she scuffed her shoe in the dirt and fingered a loose thread on the canary yellow sundress. She felt like a pathetic coward. She just couldn't meet his eyes, eyes that she could feel burrowing a hole into her very being. "You know you could talk to me, if you want to."

Relaxing a bit at the offer he dug his heels into the ground. His legs bent up he rested his elbow on his knee and his head in his hand. He may be able to understand that she was making an attempt to be friendly and he could appreciate it, that didn't mean he had to acknowledge her right now let alone quench her insatiable need to understand what happened that night. "Yeah, I know… I think you're going to be late."

She gasped loudly, "Oh, I should go." She meant to walk away but stopped, attempting to give him a friendly smile as she bid him farewell. "Bye Kurosake-kun."

He didn't reply as he stood up and leaned over the fence, staring out into the empty pasture. The empty pasture he had avoided for days. The one that made his heart sink deeper into his chest with unmistakable longing while the bitch snake in his stomach entwined his intestines and squeezed mercilessly. Its atrocious hissing of depraved taunts reverberating within him.


That's what you are.

Weak, pathetic, spineless.

Hiss, hiss, hiss…

He clutched his hands and ripped the bandage off his forehead. The gash was healing rapidly but was still tender and red, specked with dried blood that had clotted over. He stared at the emptiness that emulated his soul. Nothing left.

No dignity…

No horse…

No Rukia…

In his mind Ichigo sometimes liked to compare her to the alabaster mare that seemed born just to complete her. They were both wild and untamable, protective and gentle. She was reckless and stubborn, refusing to submit to anyone. She was vibrant, free, and ran rampant wherever she wanted whenever she wanted.

There was a vague thought that this was largely his attraction to the girl.

She was dangerous, yes, but not immortal. If she could protect her 'family' then who would protect her?

He wanted to protect her.

You can't.

He wanted to be the strong one.

You're not.

He wanted to make her submit and prove to the world that it could be done, but only by him, because he knew at heart if he managed to succeed it would only be because she chose him. Much like her horse had chosen her.

He wanted her, quite simply, because he could not have her. Her amethyst eyes that sparkled like rare jewels were always daring, challenging him to tame her, and this, sadly, he could not.

Because she had not chosen to let him.

She never will.

Not that he hadn't tried in all the time they had spent together, but his life was not what she was accustomed to. His life was not full of excitement or that unique adrenaline rush one could only experience when death was constantly pursuing, whispering sultry honeyed words of saccharine promises as it was left to wallow behind in the dust knowing they would meet again.

He stared off into the distance, watching the trees billow in the wind with a sense of marvel and disappointment, fists tightening in rage at his scolding subconscious.

Yes, his life was much too boring for someone as spirited as her.

Renji stared at her for long while taking mental notes of her rapidly declining condition. Beads of sweat dripped down her now flushed cheeks and forehead, her knuckles a sickly pale white from the intense grip on the metal railing. She was swaying dizzily, having trouble staying upright as she sucked in deep gulps of air. "Felling any better?"

"Ugh," She groaned and grasped the railing in a vice grip as the ferry unceremoniously pitched to the left. A large wave of salty blue water crashing into them as she heaved over the side overwhelmingly nauseous and silently begging for land to appear on the horizon. "Do I look any better to you?" She was being exceptionally snippy today, she knew, but what a stupid question. Was she better?

Hell no!

She scoffed at his perplexed face, "moron."

He chuckled then as he slouched back against the rail, exhibiting a person as relaxed as anyone could possibly be. If she had the strength to be testy then she would be fine and he needn't worry. "Just checking."

She sneered, annoyed and so very jealous. How dare he have the nerve to look so damn comfortable when she was a frantic quivering mess. The wound in her shoulder was singing a dreadful tune of agony and had been since she had left the doctor's house. He had fixed her up decent enough and the bandages she made absolute certain to change daily to keep chance of infection at its minimum but without painkillers a sharp piercing continuously assaulted her body till she was reeling over the side of the boat, emptying her stomach contents for the third time that morning. She prayed the pain would refrain from rearing up so adamantly and simmer enough for the sickness to subside because this was definitely throwing off the wrong sort of signals to the meddlesome onlookers.

While standing on the dock days earlier a large crowd of people waiting on the ferry had enjoyed the pleasure of watching this very spectacle with repulsed and apprehensive stares. One woman in particular had gone out of her way to push through the crowd in order to say hello to the two criminals and attempt to pry information on her condition, which both refused to divulge for obvious reasons.

Rukia assumed she was just trying to be friendly or at least she was just a nosy gossip hound, but that was until the woman pieced together a fabricated story that suited her liking and declared the exciting announcement to an entire cluster of people that she was feeling a bit 'under the weather'. Which, wouldn't have been quite so bad if she hadn't then had the audacity to congratulate her and her 'husband' on the soon to be baby.

Women paraded by cooing Oh's and Awe's while Rukia could only gape, mouth hanging open in complete mortification, violet crystals wide in shock as Renji smiled brightly, looking rather full of himself as he thanked her and even went on to discuss their unborn baby's name. She instantly elbowed him in the ribcage for even considering to play along with such ridiculous nonsense let alone finding it humorous and he sputtered, clutching at the sore spot as the honey haired woman with the ridiculously flamboyant peacock feathered hat gasped and covered her mouth with her hand at suck violent appalling behavior that no lady should ever display.

Renji had winced out the word 'hormones' and playfully reached around to touch her belly making her smack his hand and the woman giggle with a nod as she pulled a fan from her fox fur purse. She smiled and slithered away with 'hopes to see them aboard' and Rukia clutched her husband's hand still fixed on her stomach tenderly till the woman was gone. Seconds later a multicolor of wide eyes were staring at them as Renji hollered up a storm and Rukia bent his fingers back almost to the point of shattering the fragile bones inside.

Unfortunately they had seen that horrid witch again on several occasions and each time Renji gave her a wave as he strode toward Rukia making sure to be right at her side, acting out a sophistical display of a devoted husband and an utmost gentleman. The woman would always beam at him before strolling away with a group of sophisticated overdressed women. Had she not assumed the captivating red head was married and his pretty little wife expecting Rukia was positive Renji would be being stalked into marrying the wretched hag.

When she finally straightened herself she pulled out a handkerchief and swiped it over her mouth, "I don't get it."

"Get what?" Renji blinked at her and stalked over when she pushed herself away from her only source of support. He caught her eyeing the bench across the way as she staggered forward with purpose. Torn between clutching her arm and letting her alone he walked tensely beside her ready to reach out and grab her at a moments notice.

She hadn't taken more than two steps today without his assistance and he was on edge. He felt like a father watching his child take her first steps, only those first steps happened to be right next to a table and God forbid she fall and bash her skull against it. Only the table in this case was the railing and she'd do more than just smack her head, she'd tumble the fuck over, and that scared him enough to trail at her side like a puppy.

"Why we had to leave. I have responsibilities. I shouldn't be running away with my tail between my legs." She scoffed at the very implication of being considered a coward, because that's all Kuchiki Byakuya would consider her upon hearing of her leaving, and took a moment to regain her footing.

The rocking of the ship was thoroughly unhelpful.

"Calm down," he chided. She knew damn well why they were here and if he weren't the nice guy and compassionate friend he was he'd shove her right in her bad shoulder as a reminder. "You're not running away. You're healing, which is your first responsibility."

"I could heal at camp," she argued as she continued on her journey across the deck. Floorboards creaked in placed were the wood had become worn and loose and her eyes narrowed at the offending squeak.

He shook his head in disagreement and a little astonishment, but not much. "Fuck you are stubborn."

"Yeah, and what the hell's that supposed to mean?" She was offended now and glaring deadly at him.

He found this amusing and decided to play with her a little while longer. "Stubborn. You know, headstrong, unyielding, cantankerous even."

She growled and he knew if she wasn't so preoccupied on balancing, walking, and keeping what little breakfast that remained in her stomach, if there even was any at this point, she certainly would have stuck him. "No you idiot. I meant what do you mean I'm stubborn?"

"Call me crazy I just think it's a much better plan that you rest up away from Byakuya." He pointed it out with flawless logic and reached out when she stumbled. His fingers laced around her arm feeling the roughly worn silvery cotton of her shirt. A deep copper stain lingered on the shoulder and if he pried at the fabric he could find the bullet hole that lingered in front. One of the second things on his to do list was going to involve getting her some new clothes. She had already abandoned her coat seeing as how it was one sleeve short of complete after her visit to the doctor.

Her eyes rolled, still determined as she continued in attempting to fight her point. "Well it's not like I was planning to ask him for a sleepover Renji."

He sighed. "Just – humor me, ok?"

"Fine, but as soon as I feel better I want to go back." Shrugging out of his warm caress she shifted to sit down in the varnished seat. She stared out at the ocean. Endless, vast, enticing. She heart suddenly swelled with nostalgia as she realized without doubt that she missed certain people. "No ifs, ands, or buts, got it?"

"But of course." He play bowed before her like a servant to a master before smirking and slumping down beside her.

"God, I'm starting to wish I brought Shuhei instead of you."

"What?" He roared in outrage, brown eyes fixed on her like she had lost her mind and he was about to have her fitted for a straightjacket. "Now I'm insulted! How dare you say such a thing to me!"

"Well you're being annoying!" She must have shouted that since a couple of love birds walking about admiring the sunrise over the ocean waters turned to ogle her. She scowled at them while Renji on the other hand played the nice guy and waved with a shrug and a "Pregnant, what are you gonna do?"

The young girl cast a bewitching smile as she leaned into her significant other and trotted over to stand at Rukia's feet, "Congratulations! You must be so excited."

"I'm not –"

"Oh yeah we're excited all right." Renji chimed in before she spoiled their cover and draped his arm around her shoulders protectively. He stroked her upper arm, weary of her injury as he continued prattling on. "My wife here was just begging to see the sunrise and to get a little fresh air. Forgive us if she was talking too loudly. You know those hormones make her think she's talking when really she's shouting."

The woman giggled, blushing as she covered her mouth and motioned to her boy-toy across the way. Rukia growled and slumped farther down in her seat arms crossed over her chest as a menacing twinkle lit her eyes mischievously. She smirked when she heard Renji gulp and begin retracting his arm slowly. She chuckled and snatched it back with a fake smile while the woman chatted with her now present lover about this gentleman's wife's condition and how she hoped one day he would be making excuses for her condition.

"Oh, Renji, darling," she pouted so horribly cute as her tone soared to a sugary flavor of sadness, an octave just below one of full blown wailing as she looked at him, an evil glint emanating in the twinkling violet. He scrunched back nearly wincing as discomfort and weariness slivered up and down his spinal column.

He was in big trouble now.

"Are you saying I shout too much?" Her lip quivered and all eyes were on her. The brunette female even leaned in to touch her arm in reassurance and comfort as she babbled something about how 'he didn't mean it' or 'this was all her fault for prying.'

"Cause all I ever want is to make my beloved husband happy." A tear trickled from the corner of her eye and the red head watched it's decent down her cheek as he wracked his brain wondering how she could fake cry so easily, and so effectively as well. "Don't you love me anymore? Don't you want our baby?"

Renji smiled his cheeks tinting red when he noticed their company watching his every move. "Of course I do, sweetheart," His eyes silently imploring for mercy as he spoke reassuringly while biting out angry commands under the masquerade of pleas the best he could without drawing any suspicious attention. "Please, stop crying."

Mercy was too much to ask for apparently. They locked eyes and she fought the smirk that desperately twitched at the corner of her mouth. She knew what he was trying to do and they both knew she knew but she wasn't nearly done tormenting him. All he could do was watch in horror as fresh salty tears streamed down her face and her breath huffed in a sob. "Why are you so mad at me?"

"Uh-hum," The tall male cleared his throat and clutched his girl's hand as he began leading her away. "My dear I think we should leave this nice couple alone now." Rukia listened intently as their footstep faded and eventually grew quiet while Renji stared after the couple till they were gone.

Once alone he shot up from the bench and pointed an accusing finger at her as he hissed through his teeth. "That was dirty play. You're lucky you're injured."

Rukia shrank back and sniffled, reaching up to finger beneath her eyes and wipe away the evidence of her profitable acting. "But sweetheart, why must you be so terribly mean to me and our love child?"

"Stop it!" He seethed, not willing to take the chance of shouting at her and drawing any more commotion to them. Just his luck he'd have to endure a gaggle of women rushing to the aid of the pregnant doe eyed female while she bawled and made his existence even more miserable. "Now that I consider it I wish you did bring someone else!"

"You're the one that went along with such a stupid idea." She remarked victoriously. After all none of it would have happened if he hadn't insisted on trying to tease her first. She was merely repaying the favor. "Plus I recall a moment ago you denouncing me for wanting to bring someone else along."

"Well yeah, but you didn't have to complain about being stuck with me. As far as I see it its better you deal with annoying than someone constantly trying to fuck you, which need I remind you, is what Shuhei would be trying to do right now." He bit out. It wasn't like he hated the man by any means. Actually he had probably been his first friend, after Rukia of course, but he just hated the way he persisted after her.

There was a long pause as she stared at him blankly. She knew Shuhei and what he was like but even he wasn't that horrible. He had been more than helpful when she had returned and appeared far more irritable and concerned that lusty and prurient. "I hardly doubt even he would be so uncouth as to make passes at me while I'm injured."

"Please, it's just a good thing he's not a doctor. Otherwise he'd have the cure for everything." He laughed at his own joke while Rukia's features shifted into one of repulsion.

"How crude Renji."

"Crude but fact," he pointed out. Her head shook and she whipped it to the side to hide the tiny smirk and a light faint chuckle. Suddenly she was starting to feel a little better.

They had sat beside one another for hours just watching the sunlight glint off the reflective surface of the ocean and feeling the soothing dip and sway of the waves. When land finally made its appearance in the distance Rukia had smiled and pointed at it like a child in a candy store. She was now more than ready to get off the boat. She wanted to be able to walk around on her own again and go places. Being stuck on a boat for over a week was just torture for someone that was used to traveling long distances and going riding a majority of the day. But now she was resigned to constantly sitting around and bored out of her mind.

They docked around late afternoon. The sun was blazingly hot and the air was remarkably humid. They stepped off the ferry and Renji left her waiting near a pile of crates while he talked to a man unloading cargo about bringing their horses to the Livery down the road. He slipped the man some coins and came wandering back over to her, taking her arm and leading her away in search of a place to stay.

They wandered down the familiar road pointing out the new places that weren't there the last time they had took residence in the town. A few new restaurants, a brand new bank, newly refurbished shops, and a majority more residential areas. While they wandered around people shuffled around them. Town occupants were buzzing about greeting relatives and friends that had just arrived from the boat.

An amazingly loud ruckus began behind them as a man tugged the bridle of a rather large horse that simply refused to comply. He attempted to yank it onto the dock as it put up a fight, refusing to step onto the suspended wood till another man smacked its hindquarters. It reared up, kicking its front legs out defensively. When its hooves smacked the wood its body jerked, its rear hurled into the air and its back legs jutted out. The metal horseshoes clanging loudly against the steel side of the boat.

Rukia glanced over her shoulder and stared at the little bits of the commotion viewable through the sea of people. Ebony strands of the horse's mane and tail billowed wildly in the air as it reared and bucked repeatedly. A harbor worker yelped when the horse turned about and knocked him clean off the pier and into the water below.

Noticing her lack of attention and failure to keep pace beside him Renji stopped, halting her in the process as he followed her line of sight to the crazed animal going berserk down the way. "What?"

"That horse…" She replied, gaze focused in an intense calculating sort of way.

"What about it?"

She shifted and he could feel her eyes on him. "It looks oddly familiar, doesn't it?"

He shrugged. "Not really." And in all honesty it really didn't. He'd seen hundreds of horses, especially black ones, why should this one be of any significance?

"Huh, I could swear I've seen it before." She was insistent as she watched the mammal throw a fit as it was lead step by agonizing step forwards. It was an impedingly slow process and some poor soul was kicked in the midsection.

Renji winced as the man went down, smacking the dock hard. "It probably just reminds you of one you've seen."

After a long moment she signed, nodded, and turned away. "Yeah, probably."

"Come on," he encouraged, nudging her in the side. "There should be a place to stay up this way."

Toshiro Hitsugaya stood at the edge of the desk. The lavishness of the office hadn't gone unnoticed as he glanced around before finally settling his turquoise gems lingering on the stoic man sitting across him. The silvery spiked stands of his hair swayed when a gust of wind swept through the window, bringing a fresh sweet smelling aura into the stuffy room.

As an aspiring government agent and already head of the Seireitei police force Toshiro was renowned for his amazing potential and uncanny talent considering his youth. He was skilled with a gun and could track criminals as easily as a hunter would a dear. For these reasons he was not surprised to be called in to see head honcho himself, especially after things had gone so horribly wrong last week. The first thing the short youth had expected when he gallivanted into the room was a stern lecture about preparation and a curt dismissal, hell even being fired was an expectation, but the opulent man had surprised him greatly and Toshiro Hitsugaya was not one to be surprised easily.

"Why does this girl interest you so much?"

The Kuchiki noble narrowed his eyes, brows furrowing at being questioned by an underling. Irrelevant of their status it was blatant, rude, and intolerable. "That is of no concern to you nor is it your job."

"Understood." He relented quickly as though suddenly remembering his place, or being reminded of it, considering the sneer that threatened the suited man's cold grays. "Will that be all then?"

"Have you any information on this girl's past?"

"Very little. There's hardly anything in her file previous to her criminal life." He admitted, his fingers clutched the manila folder at his side. All information inside was completely confidential and he had been determined to keep it that way on his way coming over. "She was a nobody."

Byakuya studied the shorter man with an intense gaze, his lips barely pulling down in a frown that would extract any attention. "Every minimal detail is essential. I want to hear everything in your possession."

The shorter male stood there, gazing intently ahead at his superior with almost identical seriousness. He hoisted his arm and dropped the folder on the newly polished desktop. "Then I suppose I should start when she was born in Inuzuri…"

A week of sitting in a dingy hotel was doing little to quell the lassitude bubbling up in the petite outlaw. Renji rarely allowed her to venture out without putting up a fight about reopening the wound on her shoulder, which at this point was no longer an issue since it had faded to nothing more that a minuscule gash, and when she was permitted to dwindle about the town he was usually right on her heels.

When had the respect of privacy and personal space soared out the window like a caged bird being given freedom for the first time?

The man insisted on tending to her ever whim till she was stable and strong enough to do things herself, because if she didn't rest enough to his liking he did everything in his power to keep her in bed to catch up on the elusive sleep. He was treating her like a fragile porcelain doll that one would display on a shelf. Its only purpose was to sit and appear beautiful, never to be taken down for fear of shattering the exceptionally exquisite piece.

She gritted her teeth as she yanked the blanket off her body, swinging her legs over the bed to stand up and pace the room. Renji was gone, but not far enough away that he wouldn't notice if she were to sneak out. Still she dressed into the new clothing that he had brought back to her, a creamy shirt and a black duster to replace her old one. She had absolutely refused to swap her pants or her boots so he hadn't bothered finding anything new in that department, but it was still an appreciative gesture.

Sitting on the edge of the bed she yanked her boots on one foot at a time lacing them up meticulously before double knotting the laces.

Renji walked in at the last minute before she could make her great escape only to find her all dressed up. He scrutinized her and set a plate of food down next to her on the bed. "Going someplace?"

She huffed already sensing the displeasure in his voice. "I'm bored. I want to get out of here."

She watched his mouth open and shut a few times as he fidgeted. He was someplace between fighting her and relenting. He wasn't going to be able to stop her forever and her growing impatience recently told him that she was perfectly adequate to handle herself once more, but still, he worried.

A sigh escaped him as he nodded. She looked on him, purple depths bewildered but relatively joyful. She jumped to her feet, her boots clanking against the wood floor as she grinned up at him. It was her silent way of thanking him for not making things difficult.

"But," he pointed to the untouched plate residing upon the disheveled bed. Blankets and sheets were all pushed over to one side, falling off and littering the flooring. "You have to eat first."

Her shoulders slumped in defeat and reached over to pick up the plate and sauntered over to the chair in the corner. Grabbing it by its back she drug it noisily across the floor till she was sitting perched by the window. Renji left her to eat in silence as he gathered a towel and other essentials for bathing.

Rukia placed a bit of pork in her mouth. Chewing slowly as she savored the delicious piece of meat she gazed outside noticing a quantity of people were making their way down the street towards the corral. Brows knitted in confusion as a crowed gathered along the gate. Children were standing on the railing watching something exciting happen apparently because several individuals in the large mass were cheering.

Mostly the men actually and they were waving paper money around. Squinting her eyes she popped another slice of food into her mouth. They may have been auctioning off some horses or perhaps betting on something. "Renji?"

Her male companion draped his ivory towel over the side of the bathtub and peeked around the corner. "Yeah?"

Lifting her eating utensils she tapped on the glass of the window, signifying him to come closer and look outside. "What's going on down at the corral? Do you know?"

He strode over and placed his hand on the wall next to the window pane. Leaning closer his brown eyes flickered down the road watching the men waving their money around, children's faces lighting up in excitement, and woman covering their eyes and shrieking in mortification.

Renji frowned, "I wouldn't know."

Rukia set the plate aside. "Let's find out then."

"You haven't finished eating," he pointed out. His hand went to reach for the plate and she smacked it down playfully.

"I can finish when we get back," she smirked, crossing her arms across her chest stubbornly. She was going to get her way this time. "We'll just walk over, take a quick peak, and come right back."

Pushing away from the wall he gave her a blank stare before turning away, "let me get my coat."

A victorious grin painted her lips as her partner yanked on his coat and they began their descent outside towards the corral.

Once in the street the entire scene came to life. The intensity of the cheering rang in their ears and the horrible sound of hooves pounding relentlessly in the dirt while the animal screeched, crying repeatedly in outraged horror.

Rukia and Renji shuffled through the crowd, pushing their way to the front to watch the massive stallion pivot its muscular body. Jerking its hips and rearing wildly as the rider desperately held on. The livid onyx coat was dirty and extinguished to a charcoal. Dried mud clung to the hooves and legs, clods of dirt and tiny pebbles imbedded in the horseshoes.

The animal bucked, kicking its legs till the rider slipped from the saddle and fell face first into the arena. The horse whinnied in distress as it galloped along the fence, turning and dashing away when a man jumped over in front of it.

It had worked itself up into such a frenzy it was bolting at the fence, kicking at the people, and nearly trampling the injured man still laying, writhing helplessly in the dirt.

Rukia stared at the poor horse as a lasso looped its neck and tightened above its broad shoulders. The whole spectacle was revolting and as a few males tugged on the rope till the horse fell over onto its lean side, her whole being shook with rage at such cruelty.

The stallion was hurtled to the dirt, his legs kicking out in attempt to right itself. His immense body was built but just a little skinny for the size of him. His ribs were outlined but not yet prominent and Rukia sneered at the poor condition. Thoroughly irate she glanced up to see Renji frowning as he stared on dumbfounded by just what to do.

Rukia looked back in time to see a man grab the horse by the bit and hold him still as another dare devil clambered onto the ample back. The black head jerked upwards trying to be set free and the man released only when the rider gave the go ahead.

Just like before the stallion was tossing his body, jumping into the air, and galloping from end of the corral to the other. She watched the horse grow tired but continue the rampant thrashing until this rider as well was thrown off. Instead of bolting away the stallion huffed mightily and trotted away, stopping at the far end in exhaustion. A white froth was beginning to slip from the snout with a need for water.

The barbaric men didn't seem to care as they waltzed in holding coils of rope. The horse neighed when it was caught around the neck again but this time he didn't put up enough of a fight for them to consider jerking him into the dirt again. It wasn't until the weight on the saddle shifted with yet another challenger and the lasso removed that the stallion went berserk yet again.

Rukia gritted her teeth, wishing she had brought her gun with her.

Such disgusting people.

Her richly colored eyes widened and a gasp slithered through her parted supple lips. "Renji," she tugged at the black sleeve of his coat and pointed to the large beast of a horse hurling its body fervently in the center of the ring. "That's Zangetsu."

Renji stared down at her as his eyes shown with disbelief. "Are you sure?"

She growled, "Of course I'm sure!" She was shouting and nearly crying at the same time. Unshed tears were pooling in her eyes from all the hatred and anguish blending together. "You have to do something."

He bit his lip, his line of sight flickering between her and the horse. He sighed, "I can't Rukia."

She blanched and simply stared at him in stoic hysteria. Her hand shook at her side and before he knew it her eyes had narrowed and she slapped him hard in the face. His cheek burned and was probably red. "If you won't I will."

When she began pushing people out of the way he seized her arm and yanked her back to him. She struggled against the firm hold as he began dragging her out of the swarm of people, all to fixated on this barbaric display they considered entertainment to notice the struggling shrieking woman.

They were standing the center of the street, her fingers prying at his as he tightened his hold on her. "We'll get him later Rukia."

She stilled for a moment. "Why not now?"

"Those people aren't going to let us get anywhere with that horse. This won't keep up much longer and when it's over we'll get him and get out of here."

After a moment of consideration she nodded in acceptance and he let go. "You promise?" She chocked out.

Renji only nodded and Rukia flung herself at him, curling her arms around his waist and he felt the warm wetness of tears bleeding through his shirt.

Rukia shifted in the street waited patiently for Renji to come out from the store. If they were going to take Zangetsu they were certainly going to need some supplies and the 'show' had been over for a few hours now. It was dark and a majority of inhabitants were sitting down to dinner by now.

Renji walked out with armful of equipment and handed some off to Rukia who readily accepted it and instantly started towards the Livery. Renji was fast on her heels as they maneuvered through the street, ignoring anyone that happened to look at them.

When they arrived the man working there came out to greet them. Renji settled the items he had just bought by the barn doors and walked inside with the man signaling Rukia to linger behind for now.

She stood in the darkness watching the silhouettes of both men talking and Renji handing the man some money. When he finally emerged he seemed worried and this made her panic. A questioning look made him walk over to her. "They already left. Stableman says they are headed east to the next town."

"Well then we're going." She declared, shoving the packages into his arms and stomping off to meet the man leading their horses out the door. She took Shirayuki's bridle and thanked the man. The mare nuzzled her chin and sniffed at her hair, content to see her again.

Rukia stroked her face and led her out farther into the open in order to mount the saddle. Renji sighed, walked over, and took his own horse. He packed up their things into saddle bags and secured them to the paint stallion. Rukia sat upon her majestic mare as she waited.

He finally slipped into his saddle and the two trotted beside one another on their way out of town.

"We should just go back to Japan." He twisted to look at her and for a moment he figured she was going to ignore him.

Her eyes were dead set and determined as she looked ahead. "Renji, I'm not going anywhere without that horse."

"Why? Why do you feel the need to do this?" He questioned her not quite understanding her thought process, not that he ever had.

"I tricked him, I deceived him, and I abandoned him." To him it sounded a lot more like a confession for a priest than an explanation. A twinge of guilt embraced every word. "Isn't it obvious, Renji? I owe him this much."

He nodded, "Then," he paused and smiled as he squeezed his horse's girth till his pace increased. Rukia gasped as Renji began galloping ahead of her and she urged her mare to catch up as he called over his shoulder. "Let's get this horse!"

She smiled as she caught up, reaching out she smacked him gently on the shoulder. He laughed at the gesture and so did she. They were finally back in the saddle, finally back to normal, and finally having fun.

Ganju hunched down before the campfire, poking a stick at it with an intoxicated cheeky grin plastered on his face. Around him his teammates were working hard stuffing the last bits of relevant items into packs and crates. Izuru was struggling to fold a nearby tent into a moderate size and Ganju unexpectedly found himself kicked over by an increasingly furious Shuhei.

"Get off your ass and help get everything together!" He threatened, his tone dangerously low and intimidating. At least it would have been to a sober man and Ganju was anything but that at the moment.

"Who died and made you fuckin leader?" He shouted and he sat up rubbing his hip. He had landed on a rock and it dug into his hipbone that was now throbbing dully with discomfort.

"No one," his eyes narrowed as his anger boiled over. He grabbed Ganju around the neck in a chokehold, squeezing the pale throat till the drunken man not only sobered up to a functional state, but gagged and babbled brokenly. "I'm appointing myself until Rukia and Renji return." Having had enough Shuhei tossed him aside like an unwanted doll and abruptly turned his back on him. "Now pack your shit and let's move."

The formerly chocking man wheezed and rubbed the soar flesh as he stood up glaring at the back of a black spiky head. "What the hell? If we're appointing ourselves then I say I'm leader."

A deep rumble started up as a chuckle broke forth from Shuhei's mouth. He glanced over his shoulder, a cocky mocking smirk on his lips. "Fuck no! I'd shoot myself in the face before I take orders from you."

"Oh yeah? Well –"

"Ganju, pack your things. This place isn't safe anymore." Ashido cut him off, blinked at the outraged man and hoisted a bag onto his shoulder. He sauntered over and picking up a pale of water as he dumped it over the campfire, snuffing out the flames.

Ganju scoffed. Unsafe? Since when? No one had found them yet. "Who says?"

"I do." Shuhei prowled over like a feral tiger and elbowed him in the face, watching with much amusement as the burly man fell to his knees clutching his head. "Now move your ass or we'll leave you behind."

Izuru sighed at their incessant need to berate each other and continued packing up his things and hoisting them onto a wagon while attempting to ignore his fighting companions. Ashido walked over and helped him strap down a few crates as a multitude of hollers and bickering resounded behind them.

When the arguing finally quelled to nothing more than mumbled threats and obscenities Shuhei walked over with some of his own stuff. Loading it up with the others a crash sounded and the sound of a steel pipe clanging onto a hard surface. Ashido blinked while Shuhei felt his eye twitch as he turned slowly. Said hard surface had just happened to be Ganju's cranium and the steel pipe was a piece of his tent. "Can you believe that guy?"

"Well he's always wanted to be leader," Izuru pointed out placing a loaded box of fragile things down gently beside the left rear wheel. "Maybe you can give him something to do to make him feel important."

The three men looked over, watching Ganju clenching a fist and snarling down at the steel bar as if it were an enemy.

"… You know, something small." Izuru chimed in once more, lifting his fingers to indicate tiny as his crystalline blues watching the irate man pick up the bar and begin beating the buckskin canvas. Swearing and screaming he struck it over and over till the beam caught a piece of loose material and tore a rather large hole up the side and to the center of the top.

Ashido arched a brow in boredom and slight embarrassment for the man he called 'teammate', "Very small."

Author's Note: I would first like to give a special thanks to Hese Solstis for the review and character choice. I hope I did justice to Hitsugaya and he is to your liking. Also a special thanks to SluggerGirl18 and FacingLoveEmbracingMelody for the wonderful reviews and kind words. They were greatly appreciated.

Second I just want to thank those of you who took the time to read, favorite, and story alert this. Thank you very much.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas season!