Disclaimer: Dick Wolf and NBC own Law and Order SVU. I only own this story idea and any characters that I create.


Chapter 20

Nine months later...

Olivia leaned back against Elliot's chest. "I can't wait,"

Elliot smiled against the top of her head brushing her hair that stuck sweat soaked to her forehead. He shook the cup beside him. "Me either, Liv. You need some more ice chips?"

Olivia shook her head as her next contraction hit. She breathed through it feeling Elliot's lips brush the top of her hair. Olivia leaned back again as the contraction subsided.

Elliot smiled rubbing her arm. "You are doing so great. They are coming quicker now. Is the epidural helping,"

"God yes,"Olivia said letting out a throaty laugh, a combination of sheer exhaustion and excitement.

The doctor poked her head into their labor and delivery room. "How are we doing Olivia?"

"Ready," Olivia answered quickly without any hesitation.

The nurse laughed at Olivia's response which hadn't changed since she had arrived.

The doctor smiled and chatted with the nurse before sitting down on the stool in front of the bed. "Let's see how ready you are Mrs. Stabler,"

Olivia grinned at the use of her new married name. She still got a rush hearing someone call her that.

Elliot put the ice chips down before rubbing both her arms up and down with his hands. "You ready Mrs. Stabler?" Elliot asked his voice filled with emotion.

"More than," Olivia said.

The physician looked up from her place on her stool in front of Olivia. "You ready to push, Olivia?"

Olivia nodded.

Elliot sitting directly behind her helped her get into position holding her, his hands gently squeezing her knees.

Olivia leaned forward and began pushing with Elliot behind her whispering words of encouragement. "You're doing so good, Liv,"

"The baby's head is crowning," The doctor said. "There is a lot of hair on this baby's head,"

Olivia laughed despite the pain. "That's a good thing,"

"No comments, Liv," Elliot growled.

Olivia's physician smirked.

"Okay the head is out. The shoulders are next and I am going to need one more big push," The doctor said smiling.

"You got this, Liv," Elliot whispered.

Olivia placed her hands on top of Elliot's that were resting on her knees and gave one final shove gritting her teeth together in concentration. Seconds later the doctor handed the baby to the nurse and a loud cry filled the room.

Olivia slumped back against Elliot. Her legs visibly trembled. Her eyes filled with tears of happiness.

The nurse crossed the room quickly carrying their baby. She placed the baby directly into Olivia's arms. Elliot' arms rested directly beneath her so that when the nurse placed the baby into Olivia's arms both of them were holding the baby.

"Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl," The nurse said softly.

Olivia was mesmerized any pain she had experienced was long forgotten as she stared down at her baby. "She is perfect El,"

Elliot's own eyes were filled with tears of joy as he watched Olivia cradle their daughter unwinding her blanket inspecting her tiny fingers and toes. "She is perfect just like her mom," Elliot whispered.

Olivia leaned back turning her head to capture Elliot's lips. Olivia sighed into his mouth. "I love you,"

"I love you too both of you," Elliot said.

The doctor smiled at them. "Olivia, I need to do some stitches. You tore when her shoulders passed. I will take care of that then we can get you upstairs. Are you feeling okay?"

Olivia nodded.

"Liv, you sure?" Elliot asked.

Olivia smiled at the obvious concern in Elliot's voice. "I am perfect, so perfect, so happy,"

Elliot brushed the top of her head with his lips. "I know,"

Nine more months...

Elliot opened the door quietly. He slipped inside hoping Olivia had gotten some rest today. Elliot dropped his keys and jacket on the foyer table making his way down the hall of their apartment to the living room. He passed by the kitchen smelling the fragrant aroma of tomatoes and cheese signaling Olivia's lasagna. He smiled deciding to check on Olivia and the kids before any taste testing which he was sure to catch hell for anyway. He found Olivia curled up on the sofa one arm wrapped around a sleeping Eli and the other clutching the baby monitor by her head. Both Olivia and Eli were lightly snoring almost in sync making Elliot fight the urge to laugh. He almost tripped over the toys strewn in front of the sofa as he grabbed the blanket behind the couch to cover them.

Elliot went a little further down the hall to the baby's room. He peaked his head in and immediately heard the soft rhythm of his daughter's steady breathing. He walked over to the crib smiling as she smiled back up at him. Elliot leaned against the crib drinking in the sight of his beautiful daughter cooing and gazing up at him with the most beautiful brown almond shaped eyes just like her mother. Elliot reached down into the crib scooping her up and making his way to the rocker.

"Do you have any idea, how much daddy missed you today?" Elliot asked.

His daughter stared back at him her eyes locked on his as if she were listening to every word. Her tiny eyebrow furrowed in an expression that matched Elliot's own when he was concentrating hard.

"I missed you and your momma so much Elle," Elliot said.

"We missed you too," Olivia whispered from the door where she leaned against the frame watching Elliot talk to Elle.

Elliot smiled and crooked a finger and Olivia's direction beckoning her to join them.

Olivia walked over smiling.

"Eli still asleep?" Elliot asked quietly.

"Out like a light," Olivia confirmed. "I didn't have the heart to wake him. We went everywhere today,"

Elliot slipped his arm around Olivia as she slipped onto his lap in the rocker while he held Elle against his chest with the other arm.

Olivia swung her legs over Elliot's knees letting her head rest on his chest as she rubbed their daughter's back. "Work was bad?"

"Nah," Elliot said. "Truth is I barely remember it when I walk in this door. Its funny I used to not be able to do that but I don't seem to have any trouble with it these days,"

Olivia smiled. "That's good El,"

Elliot nodded. "I miss you there,"

Olivia smiled. "I miss being there. Did you tell Don?"

Elliot nodded. "Yeah, he gets it. Its a good opportunity that gets me day hours and I can be with you and the kids,"

Olivia placed a soft kiss on Elle's head. "I know it is hard for them. Me quitting and then you,"

"Yeah," Elliot said. "But they are happy for us,"

"Did you ever think we would be here? Together? Happy?" Olivia said.

Elliot shifted in the chair adjusting them so he could look her in the eyes. "I have always loved you. First as my partner then as my best friend and now as my wife. We were always together, will always be together, and I have been always been happy as long as I was with you Olivia. This," he gestured between them. "This was always going to happen,"

A/N: I was going to be super ambitious and post two updates tonight but I am working on more updates as we speak. It would help if I got some feed back on which story to update next, Fate, Season 14, Resurrection, or Monster? Hope everyone enjoyed this story! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my stories!