A/N: Hey guys! Thank you to Herz von Silber, rockstar006, Lostliveso4eva, Electrical storm 1996, CitrineDiamondEyes, Pyreflyes Painter, and JayMar for either adding me to your author alert subscriptions, reviewing, or favoriting my last fanfiction! It really means a lot to know that you enjoyed it, especially as it was my first story. You all are part of the reason that I have a new story! I hope you like this one as much as my last one!

Disclaimer: Cassandra Clare owns The Infernal Devices.

Tessa and Jessamine walked around London often, but Tessa knew it was not for pleasure. Jessamine wanted to be anywhere but the Institute, and she had to have a companion when she went into the city.

She had complained loudly and for some time that she could not leave the Institute, for she was not willing to walk to where the best stores were situated. Ever since Thomas died, Charlotte had trouble finding a replacement.

They at last stumbled upon Jack Matthews. He was a lean but muscular, with smooth blonde hair and blue eyes. Like Thomas, he possessed the Sight, which was the biggest reason Charlotte hired him. Well-mannered and kind, Tessa liked him almost instantly. He was twenty-one, but the age didn't bother her.

Jack was driving them into the city that day, for a casual walk through Hyde Park. Tessa couldn't help remembering the first time she and Jessamine had ventured there, but she pushed it out of her mind. Seeing the green trees and grass reminded her of Central Park, and she was struck with another pang of realization at how much she missed New York and wished to go home.

Nevertheless, Tessa faked a smile and linked arms with Jessamine.

"It's a lovely day, don't you think?" Jessamine said brightly, in a rare mood of jubilance. She held her lacy parasol in her free arm.

Thinking it would it would do well if she contradicted her, Tessa said yes, she thought so too.

"This sort of climate is unusual for London," Jessamine noted. "I have to take advantage of it. I'm not going to stay in that church when the weather is as agreeable as this." And she continued to walk quickly, dragging Tessa along with her, who could not come up with a response other than "Mm."

After a while, they reached a fork in the road. There was a long stone bench where the two paths joined together, and they sat down for a rest. Tessa basked in the sun, reveling in the sunlight. It certainly has been warm, she thought lazily.

Beside her, Jessamine gave a little jerk. Tessa looked at her in surprise. Jessamine tilted her head slightly and Tessa followed the direction.

There was a man sitting to the right of her. Tessa was so shocked she nearly fell of the bench. The man was dressed in all black, and his hat was tipped so low Tessa couldn't make out his face entirely. She altered her gaze pointedly and shifted herself closer to Jessamine.

The strange man scooted with her. Tessa was now sandwiched between the man and Jessamine. A layer of foreboding lay over her like a blanket and there was a tingling in her legs. She got up.

"Jessamine, I believe we should go back. Jack will wonder where we have been."

Jessamine opened her mouth, but the voice that Tessa heard was not a feminine one. It came from behind her, from the man.

"Jack? Jack Matthews?"

Tessa faced the man sharply. She said, curtly, "Excuse us, sir." Jessamine also stood up, and the two began a very brisk walk back the path they had came from. Tessa went one step forward and felt a catch on her bustle.

The man had taken hold of her dress and was pulling her back. "Sir, please let go of me," Tessa said.

"Is it Jack Matthews?"

"I don't see how that is any of your concern," Jessamine snapped coldly. "Come on, Tessa." She gripped Tessa's arm tightly.

"Is it Jack Matthews?"

Tessa exchanged a glance with Jessamine, who gave her a burning look. It was time to admit. "Yes," Tessa muttered, hoping the man wouldn't hear. Then she raised her voice. "Now, please let—" She never got another word out. The man sprang from his stone seat and threw his hands around Tessa's neck and pushed her against a tree.

Jessamine let out a shriek and rushed forward, brandishing her parasol. But with one fluid motion, the man pulled out a long knife. It was at least a foot long and two inches wide, looking more like a small sword than anything. Jessamine took it in and faltered.

The man still had Tessa pinned. It was very hard to breathe. With both of her hands, she attempted to pry her captor's hands off of her, but to no avail. The pressure increased painfully.

"Leave her alone!" Jessamine shouted.

"I need her," the man said. "Don't make a mistake, ma'am. Take your little umbrella and run along home. You needn't worry. I won't harm you, nor will I pursue you. As for your friend…" The man laughed. "I'm afraid I can't say the same for her."

"I'm not going without her."

The man's eyes narrowed. "So…that's how it's going to drop…It's only too bad for you…" He turned and whistled. It was a loud one, loud and long, and eerily pitched.

Three more men approached from the various pathways. The original shook his head toward Tessa. "Take care of this one," he said. "She's the one we need; take her back to the safe house."

"What's the safe house?" Tessa choked out.

"Your new home," one of the men said. He approached towards Tessa, who began to struggle, frantic.

"Get away!" she screamed. "Get away!"

"Dispose of the other one," the first man said, pointing at Jessamine, who was still clutching her parasol. "We have no use for her."

"No!" Jessamine rushed forward and raised her weapon. Even Tessa could tell that it was hopeless. Jessamine couldn't take on three opponents all at the same time. The three converged on her and surrounded her. Tessa watched fearfully, a deep feeling in the pit of her stomach. Something had to be done to spare Jessamine.

"Wait!" Tessa let out a throaty plea. Everything froze. "Take me, but don't touch her," Tessa said. "I'll go quietly, please."

The man looked down at her, a considering expression on his face. "It will only take time if we engage in another battle," the man said. "Leave her. We've already got what we need."

The others backed away. Jessamine lowered her parasol slowly, dumbfounded.

"Go," the man said. "Tell no one of what happened."

"But…" Jessamine was wavering.

"Go!" the man growled.

Jessamine looked at Tessa, dumbfounded. "Tessa, I can't just leave! You don't know what will happen, and I don't know either!"

The men were growing restless. One of them took a step towards Jessamine. "Go," he repeated.

Jessamine recognized defeat. With one last backward glance at Tessa, she began a slow procession down the walk. Tessa knew that any chance of immediate release was now futile, but hopefully Jessamine would be able to get word to Charlotte about what happened.

The man let go of her. "Don't even try to run," he snarled. "I'll break your neck if you do."

"Who are you?" she asked.

"Wallin. If you repeat any information you hear in the next week, you can be assured that you'll never see daylight again." Two of Wallin's henchmen grabbed Tessa's arms and began to march further into the park.

"Where are we going?"

"To the safe house."

"What's going to happen there?"

"Nothing. At least, not right away."

A/N: Sorry if this is bad, it was harder to write this, I don't know why :/ Tell me what you think, and I'll continue. It's going to start out slow, but it'll pick up with later chapters, I promise.