Hey you guys! I just want to thank you for all the awesome response that I have been getting from this story! It is awesome! I have decided that this will be the final chapter of the story. Thanks for all of your support throughout this process! You guys are awesome!

XOXO Roxanne.


Epilogue: About six months later.

"Happy Birthday dear, Aspen! Happy birthday to you!" A hearty round of applause was given after the celebratory song was finished.

Carefully, Neal took Aspen's tiny hand in his, and guided her to cut the cake. He gave her a small piece of blue sheet cake, and set it on a small yellow plate.

Neal's apartment had been transformed into a place to celebrate Aspen's birthday. The apartment, as courteously decorated by Elle, had been given blue streamers and white balloons that had written "Congrats! You're one!" on them.

Neal started to pick up the fork to feed Aspen, but was stopped by Elle.

"Neal, let me get that for you. You finish cutting the cake." Elizabeth said, dragging one of Neal's chairs to where Aspen's high chair sat, at the end of the table.

Aspen, though, seemed to have other plans. She picked up her piece of cake, and dropped it onto the lap of her pale blue sundress. At first she seemed surprised, her bright blue eyes looked up towards Neal in fear, wondering what he would do. The baby girl then clapped her hands, and gave a little baby giggle. Neal and the rest of the party soon joined in.

Once Aspen was cleaned, and the cake had been eaten, Peter took the little one-year-old girl into his arms, and declared it time to open up her gifts.

Mozzie had given the baby a picture book about going to the moon.

"It is a fake landing of course, but for her, I guess I will make an exception." Mozzie said, bouncing the little girl on his knee, giving an awkward smile.

June had given the little girl sundresses of various colours that she had hand-sewn.

"Byron and I had always wanted a little girl. Now I have someone to sew for again." June clapped her hands together and sighed happily.

Elle and Peter gave her a pink fluffy bunny, which Aspen took, and hugged immediately, earning a chorus of "awws" from the party members.

Peter, though, handed Neal a brightly wrapped package.

"Peter? What's this?" He said looking confused.

Peter smiled mischievously. "Just open it. It won't explode, or bite. I promise."

Still, Neal opened it with caution. He smiled and shook his head as he figured out what it was. He held up the gift.

"It's an FBI… thing." Neal said, forgetting the name of the garment.

"Onezie." Elle prompted.

Neal held it up. It was light grey with the FBI crest on the front in a bright blue. He gave a laugh. His little girl laughed too.

Baby Aspen was passed from person to person, as the party made small talk, the night wearing on.

As it was getting late, Neal heard a small knock at the door. Surprised that anyone would come at such a late hour. He opened it.

"Alex?" He said, his voice obviously surprised.

She gave a tentative smile. "Hey, Neal. Can I come in?"

"Yeah. Of course." He replied, gesturing to the room. "We are celebrating Aspen's birthday."

"I know. That's why I am here." She walked over and picked up her little girl, greeting the others.

Neal watched her for a while, seeing how different she acted when she was with Aspen, around the other party people. She seemed happier, laughing and talking a little more.

After a little while longer, the party began to unravel, and people began to leave. Mozzie left first, saying that he had to work during the night. June followed him out. Elle gave Neal a kiss on the cheek, and Peter gave him a man hug.

"She's just like you, Neal." He whispered in his ear.

He smiled at the older man. "Not yet."

Soon, only Alex lingered. The two poured themselves a glass of wine, and sat down on the couch. It was quite late, and Aspen was yawning. So Neal changed her into some pajamas, and laid her down in her crib. Watching as the baby's eyes slid close, Neal picked up Alex's hand.

"So you came back." He stated. His eyes sparkled, and a smile hinted at the corners of his mouth.

"Missed her too much." She replied, returning the smile, her eyes focused on the wineglass. She swirled it around in her hand.

"I missed you, Alex. And it got me thinking…" Alex interrupted him.

"Neal, I want to be a part of your family." She blurted out.

"Really?" Neal asked sounding surprised.

"Being here tonight, made me realize how much I miss it. My grandfather was my last living relative. After he died, I felt alone. And then Aspen came along, and well… I guess my life changed… if you ignore the cliché."

Neal gave a small laugh. He stared down into his wine glass, as if it had the answers to all his questions. He looked up again. "I want to be with you, Alex."

He pointedly ignored the tear that slid down Alex's cheek, knowing that calling her on it would have serious consequences. He pulled something out of his pocket.

"I want to be with you, Alex." He repeated. He held up an origami flower ring that he had carefully constructed. "I want you to be here with me, and Aspen. We need you here."

Alex smiled, "I am moving back into New York in a couple of months."

He held out the paper ring. "Oh, I'm sure June has an extra room." He grinned.

Smiling, she took the creation from Neal, and slipped it onto her ring finger.

Neal leaned in to kiss her.



It was pretty cheesy, I know. But how'd you like it? Just drop me a review. LOVE YOU ALL, THANKS AGAIN!

PS: June may have actually had a little girl. But, hey, that's why they call it fiction!