A/N: Ahh, it's the last one! Thanks for all the reviews/comments/etc. Love you all :)

How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You
Prompt 17 – Sweet

"Hey, I'm home" Sam called out as he walked into Addison's house "How are you feeling?"

"Like my head's been ran over by a truck" she grumbled.

"Well I'm here to take care of you now"

"Ugh, this isn't fair, why is it always me that gets sick?" Addison sniffled as she lay back on her sofa under 2 blankets, scrunched up tissues surrounding her and the floor.

"I don't know babe" Sam said with a soft laugh as he leaned over the back to stroke her cheek gently "Do you want some soup?"

"No" she mumbled before sneezing 3 times and then groaning.

"How about some tea? Ginger, honey and lemon?" he asked.

"Sure" she mumbled tiredly, a couple of minutes later Sam returned with the tea, he sat on the sofa by her legs and helped her sit up to sip it.

"Thank you" she said with a small smile "For taking care of me"

"It's my job Addie" he smiled "But y'know if I catch this from you, you've gotta take care of me too"

"Promise" she said with a quiet laugh, she put the cup down on the coffee table and turned herself to lay her head on Sam's lap so he could run his fingers through her hair.

"Your burning up babe" he said softly "What can I do?"

"Just this" she yawned, snuggling into him "Love you" she mumbled tiredly.

"Love you too" he said softly, he continued to stroke her hair until she fell asleep, he sat with her until he knew she was in a deep sleep and then carefully stood, replacing his lap with a pillow, he reached down and kissed her forehead before going into the kitchen and preparing enough chicken and brown rice soup to last for a week.

The End!