Hi! I hope you guys like the new chapter. Sorry again for making you wait. I just graduated yesterday and I had exams a few weeks ago. And to top it all off,I'm taking care of my 8-year old brother while he's in the hospital right now because of a really high fever for the past 5 days. He's getting better so while he's asleep right now (and boy is it hard to get him to sleep considering his ADHD) and while my mom and big sister watch T.V.,I decided to update. I have a bad case of writers' block so I apologize if the chapter is a bit lame. So anyway,here it goes. Hope you like it!

Cammie POV

The guys all started to run after a big,burly girl (daughter of Ares maybe) came here,panting,saying something about a quest. We followed close behind them.

"Who was that girl?" Liz asked.

"That was Clarisse,a daughter of Ares." Alice informed us. I knew it. We finally reached a large blue house.

"Welcome to the Big House." Percy smiled as Nico ushered us in. A girl with fiery red hair was sitting on a chair,half unconscious, while Chiron tried to wake her up.

"Who's that?" I whispered to Annabeth. "Thats Rachel Elizabeth Dare,the Oracle. She can see the future and is the one who tells us about the prophecies and gives us quests."she whispered back.

"Rachel Dare? As in the daughter of the man who owns Dare Enterprises?" I whispered again. She nodded and looked back at Chiron and Rachel. Percy was shaking her softly. The gir-I mean Rachel,suddenly sat bolt upright. She shot Thalia a glare and I realized that Thalia must've shocked her.

"I'm up!" she groaned. I heard Bex chuckle softly behind me. I shot her a look and she stopped.

"Hey guys." Rachel smiled at them and turned around to see us,"Uhm,hi. Who are you?" Chiron stepped up and introduced us,"They're students from Gallagher Academy and Blackthorne Institute For Boys. They go to school with Percy,Annabeth,Alice,Nico and Thalia. We decided to tell them about the Olympian gods." Rachel nodded and smiled at us.

"So. Quest?" Nico said impatiently. Alice smacked him upside the head and he groaned. Rachel nodded,"I'm still a bit fuzzy on the details so go easy on me. Uh,lets see." She thought about it for a while and continued.

"5 half-bloods travel south following intuition,

United with 7 mortals to battle against a corporation.

Coming across a godly pair in the midst of rain,

Where they battle against a common bane."

We looked at her,our emotions a mixture of confusion,amusement and surprise. "Looks like we're hanging out with them for a while." Thalia muttered. Annabeth rolled her eyes and shoved her playfully.

"What are we battling exactly?" Liz asked nervously. They thought for a while when Percy stood up,"Probably monsters. But I'm not sure how a bunch of monsters can stay in a corporation exactly."

"What if its the COC?" Bex asked suddenly. "The what? You guys seem to hold a grudge against them." Thalia said. We explained how they were trying to kidnap me a bunch of times and how Ioseph Cavan was killed by Gillian Gallagher. They nodded slowly.

"You should probably pack." Rachel advised. We went back to get our backpacks in Percy and Alice's cabin where Alice jumped onto her bed.

"You're not gonna pack?" I asked her.

"We're done packing." Percy explained,"We just have our backpacks ready just in case of last minute stuff. And besides,this way she can sleep more. She's really cranky and hard to wake up when she doesn't get enough sleep. And with her stubbornness,it can get pretty ugly when she's cranky and/or cranky." Alice stuck her tongue out at him. This caused the rest of us to laugh.

"When do we leave exactly?"Jonas asked curiously.

Alice stood up and grabbed her bag from her bed,"Now." She and Percy headed outside and we all followed suit.

Alice POV

I nearly collided with Annabeth when I opened the door and she was just about to knock and come in. I stumbled forward with Percy catching me by my backpack.

"Sorry." Annabeth smiled apologetically. I nodded and smiled back.

Nico walked over with a grim look on his face,"Argus can't drive us. He has to go with some Aphrodite kids to L.A.,well he was actually more or less dragged but,uh,whatever! And I can't shadow travel since I'll pass out and we need all the nectar we need for the battle. So we only have the choice of walking."

"Well that stinks." Zach grumbled. We had no choice.

"This is going to be a long quest." Grant groaned. And Hades was he right.

Sorry about the short chapter and the quest part. It took me 2 whole hours to think of the words to put in. Hope you like it! I'll probably update next week so stay tuned!