Hey guys!

My best friend and I just got our final year jerseys. She got Padfoot on the back and I got Prongs. Of course, in our first lesson she said something and I said "Are you serious?" and she of course said "No, I'm Sally*". So, in celebration and anticipation of a Sirius-ly punny year, I wrote this little thing. Originally a 100 word drabble, it got too long, so here it is. It is a bit confusing, but seriously, I intended it that way =P. Basically Sirius starts and then James answers, and it goes on like that, with alternate ones speaking. Good luck keeping up!

*Names have been changed in the interests in privacy. Sirius did not want his girlfriend mentioned by name.

"I'm gay."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, I'm Sirius."

"Oh. Really?"

"Yes, I'm entirely serious."


"'Oh' what?"

"'Oh' you're serious."

"Yes, I am. Are you?"

"No!...So are you really serious?"

"Yes, you know that. I've been Sirius around you for the past 6 years, and you haven't noticed? Merlin, Prongs. Open your eyes."


"Not just you, Prongs. Wormy and Moony too."

"I never noticed how sexual our nicknames were before now."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, I am."

"No, you're James."

"Now I'm confused."

"Clearly, if you think you're Sirius."

"You're the one who's 'serious'."

"Yes, I am."

"Ok, wait. Are you gay?"

"No, I'm Sirius."

"Oh, I get it. 'Serious' in this context means gay, doesn't it?"

"Are you being serious? Or are you joking now?"

"You're the one who just told me you're 'serious'. As if your friend of 6 years would joke about something like this!"

"I thought you knew I was Sirius! I've never been anything else!"

"No, no, I'm totally cool with it! That's…great. Seriously."

"Sirius Black, James. Not Sirius Lee. Do you want to go to the hospital wing?"

"Do you? It might help to talk about being 'serious' with a trained professional."

"I don't need to talk about it! I am Sirius!"

"Ok, ok…um…are you 'serious' with anyone?"

"Yes. You, Wormy and Moony. Frequently."

"Merlin's Pants!"

"Come off it, Prongs. I'm being Sirius with you right now!"


"What's the matter? You look a bit pale."

"Let me get this straight. I mean…not straight. Gay, if you'd rather get it gay…that sounds wrong. I don't know…I…I…"

"Spit it out, Prongs."

"Are you…gay?"

"No! I was joking!"


"Did you think I was serious?"

"You are Sirius!"

"No, I'm not!"

"Who are you then?"


Oh Merlin…

So, did you like it? R&R =D