
The house was unnaturally quiet, when Nick Stokes walked in through the connecting door from the garage. He knew his husband, Greg Sanders was already home, had probably been home several minutes longer than he had.

He thought from the more easy silence they had shared – while piecing the bomb back together – that Greg had forgiven him, but now he wasn't so sure.

They were by no means the perfect couple. They had their fair share of fights. Mostly little tiffs, but an occasional big blowout. Their argument had been the same old, same old, with Greg trying to get Nick to open up. Nick hadn't been sleeping well, and this had given him a short fuse, causing him to snap at Greg. Not wanting to be late for work, Greg had assured Nick in no uncertain terms that they would be talking later, before stalking out the door in a huff. At work, Greg hadn't spoken one word to Nick, not even in complaint of being stuck in the lab all night.

After kicking off his shoes by the door, Nick moved out of the kitchen and down the hallway to the bedroom. The light on his side of the bed was on, and Greg was curled up on his side, feigning sleep. Nick could tell Greg wasn't truly asleep, and hoped this meant the younger man still wanted to talk. If Greg had changed his mind, decided to just leave the Texan alone with his pent up feelings, then Nick knew they were in trouble.

Stripping quickly, Nick slipped under the covers and scooted over to Greg, so his chest was pressed against the scarred back of the man he loved. He felt Greg tense slightly, only easing when Nick murmured, "You're right, and I'm sorry!" in his ear. "Sometimes, I'm such an ass!"

Squirming around, Greg managed to roll himself so he was facing Nick. "I'm sorry, too," he spoke softly, reaching up to trail his fingertips over Nick's chest. Gazing into Nick's deep brown eyes, he continued, "I know you have a hard time expressing your feelings. I try to help as much as I can, but sometimes that just leads me to frustration."

Shuddering deliciously at the touch, Nick leaned closer to Greg, touching his lips gently to his lover's soft lips.

Lips parting in invitation, Greg moaned softly.

As their tongues began to twine together, Nick's hands ran over Greg's sides and back, as they rolled so Greg was straddling his thighs. When their hardening cocks brushed together, they both let out a cry of pleasure.

Before becoming completely lost in their make-up sex, Nick managed to say, "All I can promise is that I'll try to remember to share my feelings with you."

Brushing one hand over Nick's temple, the other supporting his weight over Nick, Greg said, "That's all I've ever asked for. Now make love to me!"

A/N: Okay, so this is a really short one. I've been battling an awful case of writer's block for the past couple of weeks. I have what I think is an awesome start to another story, but I just can't seem to get it to go anywhere, and haven't even felt like doing much writing. I did manage to get this bit out, as I don't want anyone thinking I've forgotten the boys, but I don't know when this block will pass.

It doesn't really help that I've been spending a LOT of time reading lately. Wish I could do both at the same time. :)