A/N: Yes, yes, I am finally going to do it. I will write a gigantic story, and it will not be lame. I am going to write this story, and I will not stop and give up on it, not matter how many hateful reviews I get, I will not give up. I will be strongly editing this story, to make it its best, and reach its full potential.

I couldn't take it, could not take it. The news that my father was going to die was unbearable. Ever since we took him to the doctor and learned he had a killer heart disease, life was horrible. Some days he would be up and active, ready to train for any oncoming threat. Other days, he was tired all the time, weak and miserable, barely even talking, or even scarcely eating (which is strange, for my dad). Lately, it had been even worse, and the good days seemed light years away. He says he is fine, but we all know, we keep it bottled inside of us, we are going to lose our Goku. Son Goku, the saver of the planet, was dying, from the inside out.

I ran to the woods, into the trees, away from life. I wish I could leave this place, escape the horrors of the world. My father looked especially dull today, and I couldn't take it. I, Son Gohan, child of Goku, could not take it. I didn't even think my good old pet dinosaur friend Icarus would help. I needed someone I could actually talk to, someone that could respond, feel my pain. Not mom, she is doing worse than me. Piccolo and Krillin live too far away. Obviously not Vegeta, who in their right mind would ask him for comfort? Bulma is doing almost as bad as mom. Out of options, and out of time.

A blaze of orange light caught the corner of my eye. I heard a crackling sound coming for my left. Turning my head, I saw something that was not good, a forest fire. I leaped up, and flew towards the fire. I couldn't just leave the forest, letting it die. Besides, this forest is my home, and a bunch of animals' homes too. I spotted a river nearby. I fired a ki blast at the river, causing it to create a wave onto the fire. Luckily, the fire wasn't large, so after a few shots it had drained down.

I hovered above the forest, checking to see if any animals or people had gotten trapped in the fire. I didn't find any, so I few back down to the river. Cupping my hands, I scooped up the water and placed it in my mouth. I swallowed the delicious water, letting it fill my body. My thirst now quenched, I decided it was probably best if I head home. My mom was going to start worrying, also, I didn't want to miss anything. Just to be on the safe side, I flew home, because it wouldn't be too good if another forest fire started right on top of me.

A few days passed, and I decided to go fishing. I flew off towards the forest, which wasn't harmed much after the fire. I searched for the familiar river that my dad and I used to fish in all the time. I reached the good sized stream, and I started to take off my pants. It was then I sensed ki near my house. Curious, I decided to concentrate harder on the ki.

I sensed some familiar ki, two of which were very large, and one of them on the large, for a human. Vegeta, Piccolo, and Krillin, that's got to be who it is. It seems that Tien, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Bulma, and even Yajirobe, Puar, and Oolong are on their way to my house, and some of them were already there! A thought flashed through my mind. No, no it couldn't be, it just couldn't!

I felt around for my father's power. I began to get worried as I couldn't seem to find it. Wait, there it is! It was very faint, hardly there at all. I was still a small ways from my house, and if this really is going to be happening now, I wasn't going to make it!

"Gohan!" I heard my mother scream. "Gohan!"

Oh no, I thought, no, no, no! I began to leap in through the stream, going as fast as I could. I didn't focus on my dad's energy, it would only make me more worried. I rushed over stopping in front of the group.

I could hear Trunks crying in Bulma's arms, who had a very serious expression on her face. She was standing with the others, except Vegeta, who was sitting on a rock near the pond.

"Ah!" Oolong exclaimed. "Gohan!"

"He made it!" Puar shouted.

I zoomed over to the door and opened it. "Uh, father," I gasped. Master Roshi looked at me and sighed.

My mother gasped "Oh Gohan I'm sorry!" She cried. "I'm so sorry honey." She began to bawl. I looked at my father's figure on the bed, still, and silent.

"He's gone," Krillin stammered. "Goku's gone!"

"Kakarot, no" Vegeta choked out. A single tear dripped down my face, not ready to lose him.

"He can't be!" I shouted. I wouldn't let my father leave me. "He said he would make it through this!" I started bawling. "I won't let him leave me!"

"Gohan, sweetie, calm down," Bulma patted my back. "There is nothing we or the doctors could do"

"None of you care, no one feels the same way as me!" I yelled. "He was my daddy, and now he's gone!"

"Gohan!" My mother screamed. "Don't say that, we all cared about him very much!" She took out her frying pan and wacked me with it. "How do you think I feel, he was my husband, my Goku!" Then she just broke. She fell to her knees, sobbing into her hands. "Oh, Goku, why'd you have to do this to me?" She murmured. "Goku, oh Goku!" She continued repeating.

"Kakarot, how many times have I told you?" Vegeta questioned himself aloud. "I was going to be the one to defeat you, it was my job!"

"Vegeta," Bulma gasped. "How could you be so selfish, ChiChi and Gohan both just lost a family member, Goku just died for Kami's sake!"

"Hmph," Vegeta grunted.

"Don't you care that he died?" Bulma asked. Vegeta glared at her. "You don't, do you? You don't care about anyone but yourself, not Goku, not me, not even your own son, your flesh and blood!"

"I didn't ask for that brat!" Vegeta spat. "It's not my fault!"

"You want a bet?" Bulma challenged.

"This is ridiculous!" Vegeta exclaimed.

I can't believe it! Vegeta and Bulma are having a spat while I sit here, grieving for my father. "Would you two please just shut up!" I yelled. "Just shut up!" Everyone in the room stared at me in shock.

"Gohan, it's going to be ok," Krillin attempted to comfort me. "We can make it through this, just like last time he died."

"Not to interrupt, but Gohan was kind of preoccupied last time he died." Piccolo stated. "I wouldn't allow him to grieve"

"That doesn't help Krillin," I said. "Piccolo's right"

"Plus, this time, he can't get wished back with the dragon balls" Yamcha said. "Shenron can't wish back people more than once, and he can't if they die of a nature death."

"Not helping Yamcha," Piccolo grunted.

"Well I'm done here," Vegeta said. "No sense grieving over something that is already gone and isn't coming back."

"Vegeta's right guys" Piccolo responded. Everyone set their eyes on Piccolo. "We are wasting our time!"

"It's not as if we have anything better to do!" Krillin yelled.

"But it won't do us any good!"

"Piccolo, I know you cared, so you must be saying this because you don't want to cry!"

Piccolo glared at Krillin. I feared that we would be losing one more soul today, and they also wouldn't be coming back. "Guys, please, stop!" I screamed. "Please don't fight!" The room stayed so silent, it was eerie.

"We better head home" Bulma said after a while of silence. "It's getting late."

"Bye Bulma" I waved. "Bye Vegeta, maybe we will meet again, someday"

"As if that will ever happen," Vegeta sighed. "Kakarot was one of the only things keeping me on this miserable planet." Vegeta strode out the door, Bulma followed him close behind.

"Vegeta, wait for me, you know I can't fly!" I heard Bulma shriek. "You're going to have to carry me and Trunks!"

"Fine," Vegeta responded. As he flew off into the distance, I could still hear Trunks crying as they flew, and Bulma shrieking at him to "be careful" and "slow down!"

"We better getting going too," Tien said.

"Bye guys!" Chiaotzu said. "I hope we'll get to see you soon!"

"Bye guys," I responded. I knew that if I were ever to see them again, it would end up being in battle against some type of evil person, which probably wasn't going to happen since Goku died, he was the reason bad things happened to us.

Later, everyone else left, unknown to me and everyone else, would be reunited with each other in 6 months. I hoped that I could eventually see them again, without some evil guy attempting to take over the universe.

I walked over to my mom, who was silently sobbing in the kitchen. "Mom, I'm sorry for yelling," I apologized. "I just lost my temper."

"I know Gohan," She responded. "I'm sorry too."

"You have nothing to say sorry about" I answered.

"No, Gohan, I do. I'm sorry you didn't get to say anything to your father in his final moments. I am sorry that I was here to see him die, and you weren't. And I am sorry, that you lost your father."

"Mommy," I cried. "It's not your fault."

"But I'm the wife and I should take the blame."

"No, you shouldn't" I ran up to here and gave her a bear hug. I started crying. I buried my face into her stomach. "Mommy" I stammered.

"Come on baby, we can make it through this." She comforted. "Why don't you go up in your room and work on some school work? But you don't have to if you don't want to, you can do whatever you want."

"Alright mommy" I let go of her and wiped my tear. I walked to my room, sniffling as I went. When I got there, I just sat down on my bed. I stared off into the distant. "Daddy, I don't know if I can do this, if I can take care of mom and myself, all by myself." I knew that he would be watching, listening in the Other World.

The sun was sinking in the sky, starting to hide under the mountaintops. Mom brought up dinner. Her eyes were red and puffy, I guess she had been crying, too. I ate my dinner with less, finesse, then normal, I just wasn't into eating today, I was too busy crying, and sitting there.

After I finished eating, I stared out my window, and into the sky, watching the sun sink. I just sat there, doing absolutely nothing. Eventually, I got bored watching the sky turn dark and seeing stars appear into the sky. I stretched from my current position and walked over to my bed. When I reached it, I plopped down on it.

My mom would be coming in to say good night soon, so I better get ready. I stripped down my pant and shirt. I walked into my bathroom and brushed my teeth. I walked back down the hall to my room. I got in my bed. Sure enough, mom had walked in. She tucked me tight in my bed

"Good night Gohan," Mom sniffed. "I'll see you in the morning."

"Night mom," I responded. This is so weird, normally dad would be in here too. I sniffed, trying not to cry again.

"It's ok baby"

"I know, but it's so hard"

"I know, I know," she patted my back.

"Mom," I said. "I already miss him"

"I know. We all do."

She walked out of my room and turned off my light. I buried my head in my pillow. A single tear broke away from my eye.

A/N: Wow, I finished it, I actually finished the chapter. I'm so proud of myself! Anyways, you guys don't care about me, and you probably want to know what's coming up. There's going to be lots of action coming, and that's all I can say. I got the actual part where Goku died from the special "The History of Trunks", so please support the official release.