Yay! A new chapter! I had told a few people I would get this up on Sunday and I managed to keep my word! Haha! I got 9 reviews on the last chapter so I decided to go ahead and put this up and give shout outs to those 9 people, so without further ado:
First up is MikaZuki Blood-AngelofDarkness. She was the first to review my new chapter! Thank you for your constructive criticism again. I tried my hardest to take into consideration your comments! I hope it shows! If you like Naruto as well as KWMS, you should check out her story "Are we Trying To Get Ourselves Killed!" .net/s/5596839/1/Are_We_Trying_To_Get_Ourselves_Killed
Next Up was Otaku911 (Or Fan-Chan as I like to call her!) You should check out her story "Into her Silent World" Such an adorable story! .net/s/6717631/1/Into_Her_Silent_World
Next was ashinat crimson flames. Check out her story "Just The Two of Us" For more adorable Takumisa moments! .net/s/6094589/3/Just_the_two_of_us
Next was Tatsukixox. Check out her adorable collection of Maid-Sama one shots "Notes from the Student Council Room" .net/s/6178459/1/Notes_from_the_Student_Council_Room
Next was Ofe, who sadly doesn't write stories but always leaves the sweetest comments!
Next was Nicole Gruebel . If you're as big of a Phantom of the Opera fan as I am, check out her story "Blind Mask" .net/s/2237375/1/Blind_Mask
Next up was .Writers- Any Naruto fans would enjoy their story "Pink Haired Maiden" .net/s/5287204/1/Pink_Haired_Maiden
Next up was Leaam96. You should check out her new story "A Painful Departure." Go comment on it so she updates quickly! *Hint hint* :D .net/s/6816640/1/A_Painful_Departure
Finally was Liana Nightrays! Check out her story "Precious Moments Before Dawn" for tons of Takumisa fluffiness! .net/s/6787874/1/Precious_Moments_Before_Dawn
Well there you have it! Hopefully, you should be able to just click on the links to go to the stories. If not, just copy and paste them into your browser. :D Also wanted to give a quick thanks to everyone who alerted and favorite myself and/or this story! Now onto the story!
Chapter 5
Misaki stood outside of Usui's apartment. She raised her free hand to knock, her other hand clutching the bento she had been forced to make, plus one for herself. She hesitated, afraid of what that blond haired pervert inside would do to her; however, that wasn't the only reason…
-begin flash back-
Misaki had come home from her date with Usui . She changed out of the clothes she had picked out with Sakura and Shizuko and into pajamas, ate her dinner and finished her homework. She waited until she heard her mother and sister go to bed before she went downstairs to work on the bento. Misaki sighed as she trudged unwillingly into the kitchen. It was bad enough the pervert got her to go on a date, but now she had to spend time with him again. Not only that, she had to make him a bento! As she had no choice in the matter (She dreaded what he would do to her if she simply decided to not make the bento.) she thought about what she would make. She decided to stick to something simple, like rice balls. She had gotten some practice since her disastrous first attempt making them for the boys in the sports club and could make a fairly decent rice ball, if she said so herself. She set to work, being quiet as possible so she wouldn't wake her mom and Suzuna. The first one didn't come out quite right but after that she got the hang out it. Not perfect, but not horrible. She also decided to cut up a few veggies to put with the rice balls. She worked on cutting up the veggies when all of the sudden, a thought occurred to her and she dropped the knife she was holding onto the counter. She had a flash back of all the moments Usui had helped her, teased her, told her he loved her, hugged her, kissed her. A blush rose to her cheeks, her heart began to race, and she felt butterflies in the pit of her stomach.
"I like him. I like him don't I. No…it's not possible. How could I like that pervert? But he's not always a pervert. Sometimes, he's incredibly sweet and gentle. How could I just realize that now? He always makes me messed up. But at the same time, he's the only person, not to mention the only man, that I trust besides Mom and Suzuna. He's never given me a reason to not trust him." She thought.
Misaki sighed and finished up her work. She'd deal with this realization later. She had to finish her work. She packed up the bentos, cleaned up and then crawled into bed.
-End of Flashback -
She sighed and knocked on his door. Almost immediately, a blond hair, green eyed figure appeared. Usui smirked down at her.
"Come on in Prez." Usui said, a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth.
"O-okay" Misaki said as she entered.
"Have a seat and I'll get us something to drink. What do you want Misa-chan?"
"Wa-water is fine." Misaki said
Usui nodded and went into the kitchen. Misaki heard him getting the glasses out and filling them with ice and water. She fidgeted nervously in her seat. He returned a moment later with two glasses of ice water.
"Here you go Misa-chan. So what did you make us?" He said with a smirk while handing her one of the glasses of water.
"I made rice balls and cut up some raw veggies." Misaki said.
Misaki handed him one of the bentos and Usui said his thanks before beginning to eat. Misaki watched him apprehensively out of the corner of her eye. She noticed he was looking over at her while he was eating so she busied herself with eating her bento to avoid his eye. They finished their meal in somewhat awkward silence, at least on Misaki's part.
"Prez's cooking has improved." Usui said, sounding surprised.
"Sh-shut up alien! Why do you sound surprised?" Misaki demanded.
The only response she got out of him was a chuckle. He had turned back to his meal, so she did the same thing. After they finished, Usui cleaned up and brought Misaki a piece of the left over cake that Satsuki gave him to take home the last time he worked at the café. It was absolutely delicious, as per usual for Usui's desserts; However, Misaki couldn't enjoy it as much as normal with something nagging at the back of her mind. Her thoughts had begun to drift towards the realization she had the night before. Misaki could feel the heat begin to creep up her face and hoped fervently that it didn't actually register on her face. She knew that the overly perceptive alien would be sure to comment. Before too long, she felt a pair of eyes staring at her intently.
"Misa-chan, what's wrong?" Usui asked.
"Crap! Well…I guess I'll just ignore him and keep eating my cake" Misaki thought, hoping against hope that he would press her for details again.
She still felt his eyes on her, only serving to make her go redder still. However, she ignored him when he asked again. She finished the last bite of her cake and turned to him.
"I'll take your plate if you're done. You cleaned up after lunch so it's only fair." She rambled off quickly, not meeting the emerald eyes boring into her.
"Damn, why am I so nervous! Calm down Misaki Stupid Alien for making me so messed up!"Misaki thought savagely.
She stood up from the couch to go bring her plate into the kitchen. She needed some space from Usui for a minute in order to collect herself. However, Usui was not about the allow that. As soon as she took one step away, she felt a hand close tightly around her wrist. She knew it would be futile to struggle; Usui always won against her when it came to strength. Despite that, she had to try.
"Idiot Usui, let go of me." She ordered, her head turned in the opposite direction.
"Not until Prez tells me what's wrong." Usui responded.
"Let go." She said simply.
"No can do, Ayuzawa." Usui said.
Next thing she knew, Misaki was being pulled toward Usui and onto his lap. She dropped the plate in her hand onto the floor in her shock. She felt a pair of arms wrap around her; however, she didn't dare turn to look at their owner.
"Let go of me, you pervert!" Misaki yelled, struggling with all her might.
"All you have to do is tell me what's wrong and I'll let go." Usui said. He had taken advantage of their position and buried his head in her neck.
" Stupid outer space alien, making me fall in love with you!" Misaki shouted in frustration, while still struggling.
A moment later, when what she said registered, she went completely stiff.
"Oh damn, oh damn, oh damn! Did I say that out loud?" Misaki thought.
She finally decided to chance a glance at Usui. She was surprised to see him wide-eyed and frozen as well. All of the sudden she saw a grin begin to spread across Usui's face. It was the happiest smile she had ever seen him wear.
"Ayuzawa loves me?" He asked.
"Well, I guess the cats out of the bag now. I do" She said while sighing, her face going bright red as it always does at moments like this. However, she decided to give into the moment and curled into Usui and rested her head against his chest.
She felt him kiss the top of her head and then a hand was placed under her chin to make her look at him.
"I love you too, Ayuzawa." Usui said.
He leaned in and before she knew what happened he leaned in and kissed her. She was shocked at first, as was usual when he kissed her unexpectedly, but eventually gave in as he usually made her do.
When they broke apart, Usui gave her another heart breaking smile and said,
"Come on, Misa-chan. Let's clean this up."
"Okay, alien." Was the only response Misaki could give.
She heard him chuckle at her response, causing her to go even redder. However, she was glad to know that he had accepted her feelings now that she had finally admitted them.
And there you go! The story is finished! I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know what you think! Now, I know a lot you wanted me to continue this story, but sadly it is done. Never fear, for I am not leaving the wonderful world of KWMS fanfics! I am going to be starting a new story soon. I had mentioned this to a few people and didn't want to ruin the surprise but my new story is going to be…
*insert drum roll here*
An alphabet fic! Yup 26 one shots full of fluffy Takumisa goodness! Be looking forward to that! Send in suggestions for A words with your reviews! I will give you credit if I choose your word! :D