Disclaimer: Harry Potter is not mine

Summary: After the deaths of Harry's parents, it seems like nobody is left who cares about the orphaned baby. Remus Lupin has to make sure his best friend's son is safe, but how far will a werewolf be allowed to go to help raise a baby, especially with Harry's muggle relatives?

For the cub

Chapter 1- An unwelcome visitor

The Dursleys of Number 4 Privet Drive were always proud to point out their spoiled son Dudley, but were ashamed to admit they were responsible for the welfare of their infant nephew. They preferred to deny that little Harry even existed. So when they were invited to visit a neighbors for tea and bring Dudley along, Harry was left alone on a cot in the cupboard under the stairs. Nobody had given him a bottle that day or the night before, and his diaper had only been changed so none of the Dursleys would have to smell it. Neither of the two adult Dursleys had worried about anything happening to Harry. In fact they were more worried about what Harry would do to the house, which was why they had locked the cupboard.

It was a far cry from the life Harry had formerly known. There was a time when he'd been loved, with parents who were only too glad to be with him. But now Lily and James Potter were dead, and the friend they had appointed as Harry's guardian in the event of their deaths was in locked away in Azkaban. Fortunately the Potters had one friend left who was there to look out for Harry. Once the Dursleys had left, Remus approached the house. He aimed his wand at the doorknob.


The door unlocked and Remus stepped uncertainly into the house. He was wondering where Harry's room was, but then he heard crying from under the stairs. Surely nobody would lock a helpless baby in a cupboard would they? He opened the cupboard door, and his heart clenched at the thought that his best friend's son was being treated like an animal. The baby clothes Harry was wearing were far too large for him, hand me downs from Dudley, and the blanket that covered him was so worn it was of no real use. There was no pillow under his head, and only the fact that the cot sagged badly in the middle kept the baby from rolling out and hurting himself. No wonder the baby was crying, but he stopped as soon as he saw Remus. The wizard didn't know if Harry recognized him or not, but it looked as if he did.

"Hey there Pronglet," the wizard said, using James' pet name for the baby. His throat tightened. "Remember me?"

"Moony!" Harry chirped happily, reaching up to the man he had seen visit his parents so often. Remus lovingly picked up the baby, easily feeling his ribs through the oversized clothes. When was the last time anybody fed the poor little guy a decent meal? Harry couldn't have been fed very often, but Remus intended to remedy that situation right away.

"Accio bottle."

A bottle flew to Remus, and he quickly filled it and then heated it with a blue flame he conjured in his hand. Testing it on his wrist to be sure the milk wasn't too hot, he fed Harry, who drained it like he hadn't been fed in days. As Harry drank Remus thought "I have to get him out of here. He can't go on like this." He was sure it was only his parent's strong will in him that had helped Harry survive this kind of life over the past month. But even as he thought it he knew the Ministry would never allow a werewolf to adopt a baby. And Dumbledore had his reasons for wanting Harry there, especially for the blood protection. Too many of Voldemort's supporters never went to Azkaban for Harry to be completely safe, and even though the evil wizard hadn't been seen since the night Harry's parents died, people were still terrified he could come back. It would be far too dangerous to take Harry. Remus would never have left him alone, but Harry's parents hadn't either. Well, if he couldn't take Harry with him, he'd just have to come to Harry as often as possible. The Dursleys wouldn't like it, but he'd find a way to convince them. He had to.

When he'd finished the bottle, Harry looked at Remus and asked "Home Moony?"

The wizard held the baby closer. "I'm so sorry Harry. You can't go home anymore. This is where you live now."

Of course Harry couldn't understand all of it, but he had the basic idea. He bit his lip, but didn't cry. Such a brave little guy, Remus thought to himself. How could Petunia treat him that way? Her own sister's son? Lily had been one of the kindest witches Remus had ever met. She hadn't let his illness bother her, and was one of only a handful of people who treated him like a normal person. How could two sisters be so completely opposite?

Remus let Harry toddle around a bit, giving him the chance to play and stretch his legs. Harry was obviously delighted, and went all over the house. Finally he found the broom, but seemed disappointed with it. Remus knew why. Harry's favorite toy had been a broom, and he'd love flying on it. This broom didn't fly. Even at such a young age Harry seemed born to play Quidditch. Remus debated himself for a moment and decided finally that it couldn't hurt to give the baby a treat and let him fly a little around the room. It wouldn't be a good idea to put a flying charm on it. He remembered once when Harry had broken a vase while flying. It had been an ugly vase nobody was sorry to see gone, but if Harry could break that he could break other things, and his parent had had to watch him extremely carefully. Remus didn't want the Dursleys coming home to a wrecked house. But if the broom were levitated Remus could control where and how high it went.

"Ok Harry. Hold on tight."

Harry giggled.

"You know what's coming don't you?"

Remus put a small sticking charm on the broom so Harry wouldn't fall off, and then pointed his wand at it and said "Wingadium Leviosa."

The broom rose gently and steadily until it was a little more than a foot into the air, and Harry laughed with delight. Then Remus started what looked like drawing in the air with his wand, and the broom followed the wand's motion. The baby circled the room, criss crossed it in different patterns, and swooped and rose again, gurgling happily the entire time. He probably hadn't known anything close to happiness in the month since Lilly and James had died, and the wizard hoped he could come often enough to remind Harry what happiness was, that there was still someone in the world who cared about him. Remus couldn't help thinking how much Harry was like James, who had been one of the best Quidditch players at Hogwarts and had loved flying. Once Harry was tired, Remus found a rocking chair and settled himself in it, rocking Harry until the little boy was sound asleep. He felt himself dozing a bit when the Dursleys came home.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my house!" Vernon Dursley bellowed.

At the sound of the shouting, Harry woke up and started crying again. Remus tried rocking him to put him back to sleep or at least relax him again, and while he was doing that he noticed the Dursleys staring at his tattered, shabby looking clothes. They probably thought he was some tramp off the street and therefore unworthy to be in their home. As if their hatred of anything magic didn't make things hard enough. Well, Remus didn't have any good opinion of them either, and wasn't about to let the fact that they wee judging him by his clothes bother him.

"My name is Remus," he said quietly, but before he could explain why he was there Harry's crying got louder. "Shhh, it's Ok Harry," he added, rubbing the crying infant's back and humming a bit of a wizarding lullaby.

"Are you aware breaking and entering is illegal?" Vernon was not getting any quieter.

"Are you aware so is child neglect?" Remus said, fighting to remaining calm. Vernon didn't say anything. "I was a friend of Harry's parents. I came to make sure he's happy and taken care of."

'Well you can see he's fine. Now get out."

If Remus hadn't been naturally a gentle and peaceful man, he'd have been tempted to show the Dursleys a few jinxes. He was sure James would have if he could see his son treated this way. But no, Remus had always been the good boy of the Marauders, and kept his retaliation verbal.

"Fine? Is that what you call locking a baby in a cupboard? I notice your own son has an extra room just for his toys. And if Harry's fine, why is he so thin and has to wear hand me downs while your son is almost twice the size of a normal baby and has everything new? If Harry's fine, why don't you treat your own son the same way?"

That little speech was the last straw for Vernon.

"Get out of my house!"

Remus knew he couldn't let himself be kept away from Harry.

"If I go and I'm not allowed back, Harry's coming with me." Of course he couldn't really take Harry, but he could hopefully bluff his way into being able to keep coming there.

"Fine. Take the little brat."

"But when he's gone, so is the protection for your home. I'm sure Dumbledore explained in the letter about the protection Harry has. Do you really want to loose that?"

Petunia paled. Since her sister had been a witch she knew something of the dark magic that existed while Vernon, who seemed to think Remus was lying about the protection, did not. She only knew a little of what Lily had fought against, but it was enough to have her frightened. The wizard was at the door, Harry in his arms, when Petunia hurried to grab him. So Vernon couldn't hear she whispered. "Please. Leave Harry here. You can see him whenever Vernon goes to work during the week. Tommorow's Monday. You can wait that long. I'll make sure he's fed. Just don't take him."

"A wise choice. But he'd better be taken care of."

Remus reluctantly took Harry back to the cupboard. As soon as Harry realized Remus was leaving he got frantic, clutching at him with tiny fists.

"Moony no go. No bye bye. No."

Remus had a lump in his throat. He hated leaving Harry with these people, even if it would only be for the night, but knew that's what would have to be. Then Harry said something that tore at his heartstrings even more.

"Mummy Daddy bye bye."

Did Harry think Remus would be leaving forever, the way Lily and James had?

"It's OK Harry. I'll be back tomorrow." He tried to keep his voice cheerful and cooing the way most people would when talking to a baby, but his voice was close to breaking. He and Harry were all that each other had left of the life they had once known. Before he left he had an idea, and silently transfigured a pillow for Harry and put a cheering charm on it. He whispered a spell and the blanket over Harry thickened. If he did any more than that he knew the Dursleys would only take away whatever he gave Harry and give it to Dudley, but at least Harry would be more comfortable, and until the cheering charm wore off, a little happier. Maybe he could have sweet dream where he could have his parents back, at least for a few hours.