Heroes vs. the Brotherhood
The two groups stared each other down, heroes to one side, nothing short of simple "villains" opposing them. This was more than the typical go into a dungeon and kick ass with the weapon you happened to find conveniently placed there. This is what they were pulled together to do, take these guys out. This had to be the first and final fight.
Link immediately freed Princess Zelda with the Master Sword. He found that every time he sung it he could release a blue wave of energy; a sword beam if you will. Right away, Zelda ripped her dress so she could move freely and summoned her rapier. She fired a "Din's Fire" spell right at Ganondorf hitting him square in the groin; payback for cutting her hand. Link couldn't hold back any longer, "I love you" he finally confessed embracing and giving her the kiss she'd been waiting forever for.
Ganondorf shook his head, "There you happy people, waiting 25 years and you finally get what they never show you on screen" he said recovering.
"Who and what are you talking about this whole time; they're 19 and 20 and who were all those guys you were insulting in your rant a minute ago?" Bob questioned.
On the other hand Kyle was a little annoyed, "Gods, we better stop them now, they've been waiting years for this; I don't think they'll stop" he said. As he prepared to show the King he knew was watching how upstanding of an officer he was, a ridiculously huge club slammed right in front of him. It was from the General making it clear, it was time to fight.
Lucas lay on top of a boulder with a grass blade in his mouth looking to the sky that showed all Hyrule the battle inside the chamber. True it appeared he didn't care, but in reality he was deducing every possible scenario. "About time idiot apprentice" he complimented.
His gaze then focused on the General, he looked right at the image thinking he knew him, "Hmm, Tatsuo, if that really is you old friend, know I never once blamed you. None of us did…though I guess you won't kill them" he deduced at the General's identity.
However, instantly he shot up. He had sensed something, a presence he had not felt in forever. "This feeling, it can't be! Why would he…" Lucas struggled to believe. "This does NOT bond well"
Outside the Pyramid, King Daphnes face palmed himself with General Faust by his side. Elle reminded him that it was only a matter of time. "Everyone, Majesty, Colonel Viktor has found an entrance way we can exploit, at the very least we can get myself and the other colonels up there to back them up" Samson reported. "Also, Viktor requests we don't mutilate the enemies too much as he wants to, as he put, "Make something out of them", unquote" Samson added.
"Enough, out of my way, no one tries to beat Kyle instead me!" Elle yelled unsheathing her rapier and charging to Viktor's location. She was not surprised the Goblins they were fighting moments ago let the "Ice Queen" pass. In truth, no one knew what side they were on at the moment. Upon reaching Viktor, who surprisingly was still in his lab coat…covered with blood…HYLIAN blood mixed in as well, she and Samson realized something horrible in the broadcasted image, Cain revealed how bad both sides were manipulated by him.
Viktor chuckled at the sight, "Interesting" he murmured allowing lightning magic to pulse around his scalpels. "So HE killed Hans and gave me my job" he chuckled. Abigail and Hina simply shook their heads as they followed the colonels.
Cain had requiped the Bloody Mace in his left hand; it was clear he did so just to mock Link and all of Hyrule. "So YOU started all this and pinned the blame on GanonDORK! My Xangese Eyes proved the witness you set up was brainwashed with fear!" Shin yelled pointing at Cain who remained silent restoring the mace. "As for you Ni-sama what are you doing here?" Shin asked looking to his oldest brother Shishio. He then remember Lucas's warning that one in every chosen trio was evil; it didn't take him long to accept that Shishio was the evil of his trio.
Shishio didn't even bother with an answer, he swiftly darted at his brother and the two clashed. "TO KILL YOU BROTHER!" he yelled using his Daishō blades to clash with the Naginta blade. The two were moving a lot as Shin used his acrobatics to his advantages to confuse and anger his brother. Shin had to rely on quick hits over truly strong strikes. He didn't have time to use his seal tags against his brother. In truth, he really didn't have the heart to hurt his brother despite his cruelty.
Over at another end, Kyle dueled The Stallord since The General appeared to remain silent. Kyle was at a bad disadvantage with a Stalof yet alone the Stalof leader. Stalof could only be hurt by cold steel, magic, even powerful magic like Zelda's and Kyle Flame Rune Blade were useless against him. It was a good thing Kyle wasn't a Colonel solely for his flame abilities; he was parrying Stallord's scythe perfectly waiting for openings to exploit.
"Not bad pretty boy, but do you expect this?" Stallord yelled as his scythe handled became a chain! He changed the rules of the game completely as he swung his transformed scythe around making sure Kyle could not get close.
Just as things looked bad, a blade hit the Stallord in his skull causing his scythe to come back together. Kyle looked up to his Elle had saved him, "No one kills you until I get you back for what you did Kyle" she declared.
Kyle chuckled, "Still haven't forgiven me for promoting you have you?" he said as the two attacked the Stallord. Still he appeared to have the upper hand surprisingly. He waved his hand and the dead Goblin guards of Ganondorf rose up as Stalof warriors under his control. "You know, you're in luck, even if he kills me he'll just bring me back for you" Kyle teased.
Battle was joined between Samson and the General as well. Both stared each other down until the General threw down the Kanabō and battled Samson hand to hand, muscle to muscle.
However these fights were nothing compared to the heroes' battles. Sieg stared down his former master Zauber as Abigail appeared to race to his aid. Zauber was surprised to see his former pupil as well, more he was more surprised to see a lowly non-Magi by his side; really he taught him better than that. Abigail could no longer hold back though, she screamed so loud, every battle ceased for a moment to listen.
Amazingly, Zauber just looked at her confusingly trying to remember, "Look girl, I don't have time to think over all the irksome gnats I killed over the years okay?" downplaying the young girl's emotional begging.
Abigail wouldn't let it end though, "Years ago, you used my mother to kill the queen of this nation, her name was Mana. Ring any bells?"
It was that statement that perked the Scarlet Warlock's memories. "Oh yes, I remember that stuck up bitch. You see girl, mommy thought she was real smart long ago and decided to barter with me. I wanted to learn how to use natural mana and she refused me unless I gave her something in return. Naturally for some hick thing to be bartering with me offended me, but I needed her aid so I gave in" he explained.
"What did she ask of you?" Abigail demanded; she was clearly trying to understand why Zauber who knew nothing about their nation, or cared would so such things to them. "TELL ME!"
Begrudgingly, Zauber continued, "Being a witch she wanted a powerful warlock to father her child, so I gave her the child she wanted. But the jokes was on her, a perfect Magi like myself can't possibly be able to mate with some lowly animal" he shockingly revealed. "Still the fact that I had to commit nothing less than bestiality irked me so when Leader ordered me to off this queen or whatever I had her do it to take the blame. Sure showed her" he revealed.
The truth was devastating; Zauber was Abigail's father explaining her half-Magi status. When Zauber realized this as well, he was appalled; appalled that Magi could actually mate with "monkeys". Sieg's anger was uncontrollable now; he charged Zauber and Zauber charged him. Both of them were burning with powerful mana hoping to end it now. However, surprisingly, Shin blocked both from hurting each other! "WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING!" he yelled.
As soon as he snapped sense into them, Zauber shattered revealing a distraught angry Abigail and the Abigail that was sobbing on the floor shattered into nothing; it was all an illusion made to cause Sieg and Abigail to fight each other! Zauber was truly high above them watching. He was able to deduce the "lizard-eyed people" had eyes that could counter illusions, even his powerful ones. However, this meant he was allowed to go buck wild with his powerful spells. Gleefully, he unleashed a volley of powerful fireballs onto the battlefield.
Sieg grabbed the shaken Abigail and dodged everything; soon he made a dome of wind and kept Abigail in there to protect her despite her protests. "There once was a time when I cared only about what he did to ME only" Sieg confessed to her showing that finally, Sieg had come to accept the others' pain. Instantly he created spells himself and battled his master, both Rune Eyes burning with vengeance.
On the other side of the battlefield, Link and Zelda were preparing for battle against Cain and Lilith. Lilith was making REALLY suggestive undertones towards Link which made Princess Zelda VERY angry with her. Lilith's bladed whip was more than a match Zelda's rapier and Bow. "Stay away from my man! It's hard enough keeping Malon away from him" Zelda complained. She turned her complaining off when Lilith cut Zelda in multiple areas. She was very precise in her attacks; she ripped up Zelda's dress and cut her in areas where it wouldn't stop bleeding for some time.
"Oh I'm not done yet" Lilith suggested. She then reached suggestively between her freakin' cleavage and pulled out another whip!
Link was stunned seeing this, "Was that second whip wrapped around her…"
"…Yes" Zelda answered before he finished. Link once again tried to say something but Zelda knew what he was going to say like a good soul mate. "Yes, that is possible, don't underestimate breasts Link, they can take a beating and ask for more" she amazingly and honestly said causing all men to look at her and women to just nod in approval.
Everyone battled respected battles but everything has stopped by Link and Cain's battle. The amount of Blue and Red Sword Beams flying around was causing everyone to run together into groups and protecting each other. The clash was tremendous; it was as if the two swords wanted to tear the battlefield apart just to draw blood.
The break was for the best too, Shin and Sieg were looking worse for wear while Zelda was struggling to stay awake from blood loss. Her tattered outfit wasn't helping her out either as Abigail started closing her wounds and gave Zelda her star decorated robe.
Link and Cain were tearing each other apart too; literally, they most likely lost nearly a good pint of blood. Ganondorf took advantage of the situation and used his Triforce of Power to turn into Ganon and charge the two. Zelda, though exhausted, transformed into Sheik and caused Ganon to hit the wall head first. She realized Ganon still had Puck captive. Instantly, with the last of her strength, she fired a senbon at the chains and broke them freeing the fairy. Instead of helping as he promised, he flew through Titania's Mirror.
"So he left us?" Shin asked
"What a douche" Sieg declared.
With this the fighting continued, Zauber unleashed a volley of spells on all combatants while Shishio released a bunch of seal tags to cause further damage. It was clear; the heroes were losing this battle. Ganondorf was still unconscious on the ground while Zelda could barely stand. Sieg and Shin still had some fight left in them but protecting all the others was going to be near impossible. Link and Cain on the other hand were still at the ready as Ganondorf pried himself off the concrete cursing them both.
The Brotherhood was preparing their final charge as Cain and Link clashed. However, their blades were stopped by Lucas himself who summoned himself with the twin swords. "Okay, boys shake off your dicks the pissing contest is over" he sternly said throwing both back standing in between the two groups.
"Who the hell is this guy?" Stallord yelled as Zauber shot Lucas with a blast. Instantly Lucas revealed the two wrist blades he had morphed to a shield that absorbed mana and fired back at the Scarlet Warlock. "Oh, HE'S the badass" Stallord answered his own question.
Lucas summoned a multitude of floating blades that hovered around the other Elites except Cain and the General who stayed still seeing Lucas. "You think this'll stop me?" Zauber yelled until multiple blue mana seals hovered around the swords as well giving added offense. "This power, it could only be…" Zauber said as he looked up to see Lord Magus Merlus himself float down much to his horror and Sieg's happiness.
The two elder heroes looked at each other, "Suppose you felt his presence too eh old friend…still swing sticks though huh?" Merlus joked to Lucas. "And as for you Tatsuo…" Merlus began and shook his head sadly. "…you should have just talked to us about your guilt" he ended as The General stood silently.
Naming The General shocked the Elites who had surrendered and the Xangese especially. "Tatsuo, THE Tatsuo? The very inspiration for Xangese Dragon Samurai, the White Susanoo himself?" Shin said allowed. Shishio even commented that the legends of Tatsuo stretched back centuries giving a clue on how old the two elder heroes and General were.
"End this now, and tell your master Lucas called him out" Lucas announced. Cain glared at the master. All the Elites were ready to make a move to keep battling, the air was thick with intense readiness, every second felt like an eternity.
In a flash of lightning and power slamming the ground, a young man nowhere near his thirties appeared out of nowhere and held his hand up. As if they were under some kind of magic spell, all the Brotherhood Elites stopped their prepared assault on their hero counterparts. They themselves seemed to be confused as to why they stopped; Link could see they did not recognize the man before them. It wasn't until the General and Cain bowed before him they realized what was going on, "Master" Cain said.
In the room, all heroes looked at the powerful man before them, he was of slightly above average height like them at about 5'11" and stared at them with regal dark clothing and crimson cloak. He had dark hair was slicked back and his eyes appeared almost soulless. He stared horribly at the heroes as he stepped forward brandishing a cleaver like blade. He and Lucas stared each other down; "Caius, so it is you" Lucas said giving the Brotherhood Leader a name.
Caius looked at Lucas, Merlus, The General, and back to Lucas. He gave a slight smile, "My friends" he said slowly shocking all in attendance. "Four out of Seven together, you have no idea how happy this makes me" he ended never removing him amazingly strong stern smile.
To be Continued in: "Six out of Seven"
Preview: Caius reveals his plan to his old friends and puts the first phase of it into action resulting in horrifying conclusions. However, it is only the beginning as the History of the Seven is revealed