Spencer was just getting up to go get more coffee when his phone rang. He grabbed it. "Reid."

"Uncle Spencer, I got a letter from CalTech! I want you to be here when I open it - can you come?" There was no greeting, but Spencer didn't need one. He recognized his godson's voice, and the excitement in it.

"Of course! Your parents alright with it?" Will and JJ would never turn him away, but it was only polite to ask before showing up.

"Yeah, I asked Dad before I called. See you soon, Uncle." With no more farewell than there had been a greeting, Henry hung up.

Spencer hung up his own phone and decided to skip the coffee. He ran up the steps to the Unit Chief's office and poked his head in. Morgan had taken over a few years before, and he looked up as Reid entered. "Hey, what's up?"

"Can I take off early? Henry got his letter from CalTech, he wants me to be there."

Morgan nodded. "Sure, Reid. Keep your phone on just in case, but I don't think the team's going anywhere tonight. Say hi to JJ and Will for me."

Spencer nodded. "I will, thanks." He grabbed his satchel and shoved the case file he had been working on into one of the drawers. He'd come in early the next day and finish it up, but it took almost forty-five minutes to drive to Will and JJ's house, and Henry was not the most patient of teenagers. For that matter, Spencer wasn't feeling especially patient himself.

His fingers tapped impatiently on the steering wheel the whole way. As he pulled up in front the house, Henry ran out, waving an envelope. Spencer managed to unbuckle himself and get out of the car in time to field his godson's wild hug. "Hey, Henry!"

"CalTech, Uncle! Just like you!"

"He got his Yale letter last week, and barely blinked," Will drawled, approaching them. "But as soon as he saw the address on this envelope he was clamoring to call you." He shook Spencer's hand with a smile. "How've you been, Spencer?"

"Fine, thanks. You?"

"My son's going off to a mighty fine school somewhere," Will said with a grin, looping his arm around Henry's shoulders and squeezing slightly. "I've never been better."

"Come on, Uncle, I want to open it," Henry said, tugging Spencer towards the house.

Spencer didn't give him much resistance, just holding back long enough to close and lock his car's door before he let himself be dragged up to the house. "If that's not an acceptance letter, you're going to be very embarrassed," he teased, not having any real doubts about his godson's ability to get into CalTech.

Henry just grinned as he showed Spencer to a seat in the living room. "No, then I need you here to make a bunch of calls to everyone important there and get me in that way. But it's too thick to be a rejection. I think." He perched himself on the edge of the couch next to Spencer, bouncing impatiently until Will came in and sat down too.

Henry took a deep breath, looking from his father to his godfather, then ripped open the envelope and pulled out the first letter. "Dear Henry LaMontagne," he read. "We are pleased to welcome you- Yes!" He tossed the letter and envelope onto the coffee table and threw his arms around Spencer. "I got in, Uncle!"

"I knew you would," Spencer said, returning the hug wholeheartedly.