It has been two days since the incident with Red, and Twitchy was tired and unruly as the morning sun crept over the mountains that surrounded the town. Torch was gone when Twitchy stumbled to the table, not really caring where her house mate had gone, Twitchy grabbed a bowl of cereal and sat down to watch the news.

Twitchy glanced at the news host, a newbie she didn't recognize. He was black and fuzzy but around his mouth, wrists and feet were all yellow. He wore a black square rimmed, and had a chin spike piercing. He wore a grey sweater with black stripes on the sleeves, which were rolled up to his elbows. He also wore a brown cargo vest that had many bulging pockets, and a black wrist band on his left wrist. He also wore a pair of black jeans and black canvas shoes. On his arm was a black leather satchel, and he had a camera that dangled from around his neck. He seemed to look a bit annoyed.

"Hello Tree Town, I am Cuz, this town's NEW reporter! I am so happy to be here." Twitchy raised her eyebrow at the thick sarcastic voice of his, her town wasn't that bad.

"I'm here researching, the, uhh, what am I studying here again, Starr?" A light brown paw moves across the screen.

"Your studying the Werewolf sightings" A higher pitched voice says from off screen, Cuz glared angrily at the off screen cameraman.

"What? You mean I got stuck with this case? Damn my boss! I wanted to cover the competitors for Dark Days in Mall history, who got that case instead?" He asked angrily. There was a pause from the cameraman, then some shifting pages.

"Uh, let's see, hmm, It's that one guy you hate so much." The high pitch voice said again. Cuz snorted.

"Darn my rival from Channel 13, Boulder City news, DARN YOU!" he said that in an announcer voice. The cameraman chuckled slightly. Cuz stood back up, and grabbed the microphone.

"Anyway, I am Cuz and I will be interviewing the witnesses, so please call if you have any reports." Sighing, Cuz told the camera man to shut the camera off. The chinchilla put the camera down. Starr was a light brown chinchilla with a light yellow stomach and a tan triangle in between his eyes. He wished he could go back to his store and sell more pottery, not being a cameraman for this guy, Cuz.

Starr glanced down at the camera in his paws and noticed an etch in the side. The words spelled out 'FAN-TASTIC' Starr looked up suddenly as a shadow made the letters disappeared. Cuz stood there, holding out one of his fuzzy, yellow paws. Starr passed him the camera.

"Okay Starr, I can take this over for now, you can head back to your store now." He said, waving a paw in the air. Starr Grinned and grabbed his clay covered apron on the curb.

"I'll catch up with ya later, okay?" He called to Cuz, who was already half way down the street. Cuz turned to blankly look at him.

"Don't worry about it, just keep working!" He waved at the brown chinchilla. Starr's ears dropped slightly. But perked up again, that meant he didn't have to work for this sarcastic bee anymore.

"Alrighty then! I'll see ya around!" Starr said, running into his store. Cuz frowned at the chinchilla and walked back the other way.

Twitchy was walking down the street, walking her dog, Buck, a gray and white husky mix. She was focused on the news report from earlier, the bee, Cuz maybe, wasn't sure that the werewolf was real, and now, Twitchy was thinking the same.

"Twitchy! Hey Twitchy! We have another half dead one, he was lying out in the woods! And we got two more dead!" Twitchy turned to see Reuger beckoning her into the hospital that she had just passed. She tied Buck to a pole and rushed inside, she wasn't a doctor, but she could still help.

Clove was standing over a familiar figure, Diego. His arm was missing, but a cooler sat next to a table. He was curled into a fetal position, teeth clenched as he shivered. Most of his quills we're missing, but the few that we're still there had the same type of fur that Hunter and Areo had given her.

"Did the werewolf do this?" Twitchy asked, keeping her distance from the scene. Clove nodded her head.

"I think we can reattach his arm, so he can keep his job." Clove turned to Giggles who stood a little way off, "We need to put him under, I need to reattach this arm before it's too late!" Giggles nodded, and ran off to find the anesthesiologist.

"Who are the dead?" Twitchy asked, Clove looked up at her, then pointed at two tables, each with a form under a white cloth, blood stained both clothes. Twitchy saw a sleeping figure on a bench, it was Pastel. She knew something was wrong, Pastel, like most bats, slept upside down, and the other problem was that Blacki was nowhere to be seen. Twitchy walked over to Pastel and shook her gently.

"Pastel? Where's Blacki?" she asked quietly. Pastel's single eye teared up and she pointed at one of the forms. Twitchy stood up and lifted the cloth silently. She felt the entire room train their eyes on her. Under the cloth lay Blacki. Both his eyes closed. He almost appeared to be sleeping, but she knew he wasn't.

The other figure got chuckles from around the room, it was Disco bear. Twitchy dropped the cloth down disdainfully.

"Good, he deserved to die." She said, nose in the air. Seconds later, Clove, Giggles and Diego rushed into a room and the room filled with guest was quiet again.

"So, umm, this is a little weird, who wants pizza?" that was the sky blue and red wolf, West. He seemed to look a little uncomfortable, not really knowing any one here. Rose, who stood a few feet away from Twitchy, raised her hands.

"I would love some pizza! I patrolled all night and now I'm hungry!" She said, grinning around the room.

"Pizza would be nice, Anyone else?" Reuger said, crossing his arms and twitching his tail.

"As long as there's beans and cornbread!" Torch said, chuckling as a few of his old army friends gagged, sick and tired of the years spent eating the stuff. The rest of the group agreed to pizza and they all headed toward the pizzeria.

Twitchy walked in first and jumped the counter, and disappeared into the kitchen. She returned moment's later, arm in arm with Russell. Twitchy wore an apron, ready to cook, while Russell wore his usual.

"What ye want?" Russell asked, Everyone looked up at the menu and ordered a few pizzas. Nodding, Russell and Twitchy walked back into the kitchen.

"So, Torch, you jealous?" Reuger said, elbowing Torch in the side. Torch glared at Reuger.

"No way! Twitchy and Russell are a great couple, but I'm thinkin bout asking Lammy out." Torch stated plainly. Reuger raised an eyebrow.

"Then ask her." He grinned.

"I'll ask Lammy when it's the right time!" He snapped.

"Ask me what?" Torch froze suddenly, his quills bristling slightly. Turning slowly, he gazed into the eyes of his crush. The light purple and white lamb smiled shyly at him. Torch loosened his tie a little, and smiled weakly at her.

"So, what we're you going to ask me, Torch?" Lammy said quietly. Torch looked around and saw Twitchy grinning at him, a look in her eyes. Reuger poked him in the side.

"I.. uh… wa.. wanted to know… if.. you uh… wanted to… um… go see a movie with…me?" he said, taking on the family stutter. Lammy grinned and threw her arms around the Gray and red porcupine.

"I thought you would never ask!" She said happily. Torch blushed slightly.

"Here! Let's eat!" Twitchy laughed, placing the pizza on the table. The group turned angry and attacked the pizza like the animals they we're.

"Hey Twitchy, isn't that Stache?" Torch said, looking out the window. Twitchy glanced out and saw her cat walking across the street.

Stache was a gray and white Maine coon with a little black 'mustache' on his lip. Stache's long fluffy tail waved back and forth as he paraded across the street. His green brown eye's glanced back and forth, until he glanced at the pizzerias window and spotted her looking at him. He stalked through the door and jumped on the table, glaring at her.

"Stache? What are you doing here?" She asked, eyes narrowing. Stache glared at her, his own eyes narrowing.

"You never fed me this morning!" He hissed. The group recoiled from the talking cat. Twitchy glared at the cat.

"Remember, no talking in public!" she snapped at the cat. Stache gave Twitchy a death look, snatched her pizza off her plate, and trotted back out the door.

"Well, that was weird" Rose said, rolling her eyes.

The couple sat on the bench, secluded in the shadows, avoiding the light. The white cat and the blue wolf. They kissed every so often, and leaned close to each other.

"Today was great, West" the white cat, Rose, said quietly. The wolf grinned at her, pointed teeth glinting in the low light.

"Other than Twitchy's cat killing everyone?" He chuckled.

"Yeah, other than that!" Rose laughed. Her gray eyes glittered as they met West's eyes. The leaned back on the bench and looked up at the sky.

"Hey! You two! You're supposed to be on patrol like the rest of us!" Reuger came storming out of the bushes, tail bristled. West glared at him.

"Dude, we're only taking a break!" he snapped. Reuger glared at him more.

"Taking a break when you arrived only a half an hour ago!" he snapped. West grinned at him.

"Don't spray Reu, we'll get back to work." West said, he grabbed Rose's paw and they went down the road. Reuger shook his head and continued walking in the opposite direction.

There was the sudden sound of crashing through foliage and breaking branches. Reuger flashed his gun out of the holster and pointed it toward the sound. He saw a flash of gray fur and put his finger on the trigger. He was unprepared for the fox to come crashing through the bushes.

"Stop standing there like a fool!" that was the cat who followed the fox out of the trees. Reuger felt his tail get grabbed by the fox and yanked under a light.

"What's going on here?" Reuger snapped after the fox let go of his tail. The cat glared up at him.

"We saved your life!" he hissed. The fox nodded solemnly.

"What did you save me from? And who are you two?" Reuger said angrily. The cat stood up strait.

"I'm DJ, this is Anton." He said pointing at the fox, "We met that first day, there was that huge crowd, remember?" Reuger thought for a moment, and remembered seeing the two at the little get together.

"Yeah, I remember." He said, giving the two a weird look, "Anyway, what's out here..." at that moment, the beast leapt out of the bushes. Reuger jumped back in fear, releasing a massive burst of skunk spray. DJ and Anton covered their faces with their sleeves, but the wind was blowing away from them, and toward the beast.

Snarling the wolf creature clawed at its face, giving itself long gashes across its muzzle. Its gray fur was soon plastered to its face while it cried in pain.

"Reuger! KILL IT!" Anton snapped, not one for anger like this. Reuger jumped out of his daze, and looked at the gray domesticated fox, whose tail was bristled up. Reuger looked back at the wolf, and fired off his gun. The wolf threw its head back and shrieked. Blood splattered the trio. The wolf looked at the group, face bloody and contorted, a huge chunk of flesh missing from the side of its head.

"Keep shooting!" DJ snapped, there was more rifle fire, but not from Reuger's gun, from off in the shadows. The wolf and the Trio turned to see what it was. West was standing next to Rose, gun's flashing as they repeatedly shot the wolf. But it didn't seem to matter, the wolf didn't feel the bullets biting into its body. It approached the couple.

"West! Rose! Get into the light! It doesn't like the lamp light!" DJ yelled out to the fox and cat.

"What?" Rose called back, unable to here the cat over the firing guns. DJ looked around panicked. He turned to Reuger.

"What are we gonna do?" Reuger looked panicked, he had no idea what to do either. But it was too late, the wolf had reached the couple and was tearing West away from Rose. They all heard the screams of pain as the wolf dragged the smaller wolf into the trees. The screams we're cut off suddenly.

Rose suddenly was in the circle of light, sobbing right at the edge. DJ looked horrified. Reuger fired off once or twice into the trees where the wolf and West had disappeared at, but nothing happened.

"Why didn't you help us kill it?" Rose suddenly turned around, eyes shooting daggers at Reuger. Reuger looked blankly at her.

"Because, I think I know who it is" he said quietly.