Hey everyone I hope you like this chapter.
"We took him to a gay bar (I have nothing against gay people!) they're having a lock in! We told them that he was in denial!" I yelled laughing.
"He'll be back in 5 second." Said, Alice, we all ran to the front door to wait for him. Just as Alice said Edward walked in the door just seconds after we got there. We all suppressed laughter as we saw him he was wearing a pink shirt dark blue skinny jean with pink shoes and pig sun glasses.
"Edward what is with the pink shirt?" Emmett asked his voice wavering with his laugh.
"Hey!" Edward yelled whipping his sun glasses of.
"This," He said pointing at his shirt with a pink manicured hand. "is coral! Pink was sooooo 2 minutes ago." With that we all fell to the floor laughing except for Ashley who gave a loud shriek and ran to Edward and ran her hand through is hair causing Edward to give a loud rather girl shriek and ran to the mirror hanging on the wall and trying to fix his hair.
"N-e-v-e-r touch the hair woman!" Emmett stopped laughing and made a serious look on his face. He got up and walked over to Edward as he lifted a hand to mess up Edward's hair and jumped back before lifting one leg and karate chopping the air in front of him. Emmett fell back on his back laughing harder than ever.
"Come on eddiekins I'm going to de-gay you." Ashley said before taking Edwards hand and leading him up the stairs.
Sorry it took so long I have had writers block on this story.