I do not own BLEACH or any of its characters

A/N- This is not a love story-This story is not for the faint of heart, will include coercion, reluctance and bukkake- so if you're not into that or whatever please look else just really, really over the top. Now I've warned you, ok?

AU/some OCC - when a huge summer storm hits Karakura town, the students of Kaji No Dansei Boys Academy, that are spending the summer on campus finally get to live out their fantasies with the female staff, which includes the new teacher Rukia Kuchiki. Multiple pairings Featuring IchixRuki, YoruxKisu, UryuxOri, RukixRenji RukixGrim, TatsuxGrim, YoruxBya and many more

A/N 9.2011-So you may be noticing a theme if you read any of my stories. This next bit won't be new to you- I love to write. I get excited about a story and I jump in head first, ready to get to the good parts; but like so many stories before it (HANDS ON, HOUSE OF GODLY GEARS, SAYURI ...) I realized that B.A. could not just be really good but great. So here, we are again, another rewrite. (Deep down I must love the work)But I think you'll like it better. I sure do.

Erotic Education- Vol. 3 Bukkake Academy



Shunsui Kyouraku sighed heavily, the long relaxed kind of sigh which one normally makes after waking from a restful sleep. Which was appropriate, as he was laying on the roof of Kaji no Dansei* Academy, directly over the gym and he had in fact just woken from a very sound sleep.

He ran his hands of his thick dark brown hair making sure no hair was out of place in the somewhat conspicuous long pony tail. The bright pink string that kept his hair tied was in contrast to the expensive high end gray suit he wore. With a scratch of is chin, bristling his wispy 5 o'clock shadow and a languid stretch, he resolved himself to go.

"Hmm. I'd better get moving before Nanao comes looking for me."

"Too late." The stern voice barely containing the heated anger coming from his personal Assistant Nanao Ise, her dark eyes flashing. She was leaning against a vent, her normally neatly quaffed dark brown hair was a bit out of place having to climb to the roof in her current attire. Her feet aching from being confined in the most treacherous platform heels Kyouraku made her wear, and though the weather was quite balmy, what with her standing around in a full maid's uniform; another requirement from her eccentric employer, was not very comfortable.

Without flinching Kyouraku reached for his fedora securing it atop his head before standing and brushing himself off. He looked at his dark beautiful bespectacled assistant as his eyes continued staring at her black heels before scanning slowly up the white stockings that covered her long legs. She was very sexy in her quaint and elaborate maid uniform. The bodice of Nanao's dress cupped her breasts just right, leaving the pale firm mounds delectably visible. He loved brunettes and out of all the brunettes he loved, Nanao Ise was at the top of his list.

"Soo, what's on tap?" he said coolly, walking to her and looking down lustily at Nanao's heaving chest.

"You idiot." Nanao said kicking the towering principle in his shin.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow." Kyouraku hopped around on one leg rubbing his attacked limb. "Now my Nanao-chan, don't act like that. This job is stressful and I need time to get away."

"You need to run this school!" she scolded, her hands on her hips.

Kyouraku had grown up in a wealthy family, in which he never saw or really never knew, because from the time he could walk he was shipped off to boarding school. He didn't mind in the least, except that aside from the studies, it left very little room for romantic extracurricular activities.

Either the teachers and staff were all male or, what little female staff there were, was well over the age of consent and were worried about their great-grandchildren as opposed to helping an eager youth learn the ways of love.

He vowed when he got out of school to create his own school. And though education would be at the fore front for the male minds he would mold, he would also give them all that he never had. Beautiful young female teachers to ogle and chase.

Nothing gets a young man to class like a great pair of legs and big breasts, he would say.

And thus Kaji No Dansei Academy was created some 20 years ago. The school itself reminiscent of the Palace of Versailles sat on several hundred acres at the base of the Karakura mountains. It was connected to the city by one bridge that crossed the Karakura River at its narrowest point.

The school was a sight to see. Kyouraku spared no expense in having it built and had all the amentias that he loved, inspiration coming from the various schools he had gone to, to be transplanted and recreated here. Dormitories fit for celebrities connected to the building. A state of the art gym and swimming faculty. Computers for each of the 500 boys that attended the school plus the staff. 24 hour maid and cooking services for the growing boys.

It was something out of a dream, and parents paid well to get their boys enrolled into this school. It had a stellar academic reputation. Once there, the boys begged to return year after year, until they were turned away after graduation. Many of the students were legacy's following in their father's footsteps. Kyouraku felt he was building relationships with fathers and sons through common interests of beautiful women.

The staff was 98% female, from teachers to kitchen staff. The boarding school had maids that cleaned rooms and served meals. They, including Nanao, were required to wear maid uniforms. Kyouraku had tried also to enforce, especially on Nanao, the phrase, "Yes, master," when answering any of the male students or himself. But she quickly let him know with a chop to his throat, that such a thing would not fly.

The female teaching staff did not have to wear the maid uniforms but it was expected of them to look as nice as possible and keep themselves in shape.

Many a female organization tried to stop Kaji No Dansei Academy's practices but since it was fully disclosed, to the applicants what was expected of them and they signed a contract and were paid very well for their teaching skills that too didn't go any further than idle chatter.

"You've missed several important conference calls and the board meeting was pushed back to next week because no one could find you."

"You knew where I was."

"Yes, and was I supposed to tell them everything, that the founder and principal is asleep somewhere on the grounds?"

Kyouraku smiled, as if nothing was wrong. Nanao Ise was the only one who could talk to him like that. She was just frustrated at taking the reins. But he liked when she was in charge. He had often invited her to join him in his afternoon machinations but she always said no. But he always kept his hopes that someday she would.

"You need to call Ukitake-san back, also I sent flowers to Momo Hinamori."

"Hmm, good." Kyouraku was serious for a moment. It was unfortunate that the poor girl spooked so easily. She was obviously too delicate for this type of work. "What about her replacement?"

"Shihouin-san is picking her up from the train station today."

"What's her name again? And did she sign the contract?"

"Yes, I have it all here. And her name is, Rukia Kuchiki."

"Hmm, sounds quite exotic. Do you have a picture?"

"No." Nanao said coldly. "But I'm sure her brother-in-law, Kuchiki-sensei, does."

"Ohh." Kyouraku let the idea of initiating the new teacher fall dead at his feet. Nanao continued on to go over the things she would make sure he completed.

They both stopped their conversation when hearing a rumbling in the distance. Dark clouds were building up and heading in from several hundred miles away.

"Hm, it's gonna be a big one when it hits."


to be continue


*Kaji no Dansei = forge men