I do not own BLEACH or any of its characters

This is a requested fic by Deviant Hollow.

AU - Ichigo Kurosaki though still a moody punk, is a teacher at Karakura high school. Teaching hasn't softened his tough brooding demeanor. And He doesn't think twice about using his positions to put Rukia Kuchiki in her place.

Erotic Education Vol. 2 - Illicit Teacher


Ichigo Kurosaki opened his amber eyes slowly, the early light of morning filtering through the thick veil of lashes. The blaring alarm clock did little to rush him up and out of his empty king size bed. He sat up slowly within the blue sheets. The huge bed was one of the few amenities he had given himself when he moved into the tiny apartment.

It had been a bitch getting the damn thing in the room and now that it was there it was just about all that he could have in there. He didn't care though. He felt the benefits would out weigh everything else once he got someone to share it with. And he did have someone in mind.

He drug his hand quickly back and forth through his wild spiky orange hair and took a deep breath. The sun was barely peaking over the horizon when he looked out the window to his right.

"Another day." he sighed before throwing the sheets off his body while swinging his legs off the bed and standing. He winced pulling at the boxer briefs that were holding his stiff cock prisoner.

"Shit." he huffed as he striped down and began walking to his bathroom. His tall, lean and muscled body ached with the remnants of last nights drinking.

"It's the same every morning, you'd think by now I'd know better." he said in regards to his stiff cock. He had decided, some time ago, to start sleeping nude but had stayed up drinking with his friends and didn't finish undressing once he let them out.

He shuffled to his bathroom starting his morning routine.


Rukia was riding high. She was going to do it. She and her boyfriend, the insanely handsome Shuuhei Hisagi, were going to spend their first night together after he won the Karakura-cho track meet.

She shuddered, rolling in her bed, pinching her nipple.

He would be her first, and she his. She had kept him waiting for the whole year that they had been dating but it was getting harder and harder to pull away from him when they were making out. They had talked a few nights before and had come to the decision that they wanted to take that next step together.

She had made him swear not to tell his friends, but she was sure that didn't last when his best friend, Ashido Kano, approached her and asked if she was excited about their big night. She couldn't hold it against Shuu-kun seeing how right after she got home from their date she had told her friends Tatsuki and Orihime.

As long as it didn't get around school she didn't mind. Every time she saw him, especially the way he was when running in his trainers on their way to school, would get her so turned on. A raw sexy athletic guy, he was so strong and handsome and he loved her. All 4'8'' of her toughness. He made her feel soft and protected, though she'd never tell him that.

She shuddered again.

"Oh.. ooooohh. Oh. Shuu-kun. Shuu-kun." Rukia's heavy leaded eyes glanced over at her clock as her fingers glided over her slick flesh. It was getting late which meant she would have to finish soon or she'd be late to school. She looked back at her ceiling while her half-naked body remain tangled in the sheets of her bed. She had just awoken from a very sensual dream before the alarm had snatched her away and didn't allow her to get to the end. So she was making her own happy ending. Shuuhei's spiky dark hair, his sensual mouth. The way he smelled after he worked out. She imagined herself in his arms, under him as he moved in and out of her.

"Ohhh... ahhh... Ahhh, Shuuuu-kuun"


Rukia sat up with a start. He never called her that. In fact she hadn't been called that since she was in elementary school. She shook it off before leaning back down and closing her eyes, trying to get back in the mood.

"You feel so good, Kuchiki-san."

Rukia eyes snapped open when the face of her homeroom teacher, Ichigo Kurosaki, replaced that of Shuuhei.

"Wh- why him?" She said frustrated and afraid to close her eyes again. That man, she couldn't really call him a man he was only a few years older than her. But he was always staring at her, brushing against her. It brought up intense uncomfortable feelings.


She was on her knees, big blue eyes staring up at him, scowling menacingly. He grabbed her head, digging his fingers into the thick jet black hair. She grimaced in pain but her tongue continued to swirl deliciously around his cock as her head continued to bob back and forth on his long thick cock.

"Open your eyes," he said roughly, bucking into her mouth slightly to get her attention. Her cock-muffled response was followed by those same blue eyes wide and angry as they stared up at him as his shaft slid in and out lushly from her mouth. The suction of her mouth causing her face to contort erotically.

His hips began to move on their own as he leaned down taking her small breast in his hand and tweaking her nipple roughly.

He felt his balls tighten. Her lips felt so good, her tongue was like a snake as it caressed and stroked him. Her small hands were on his hips trying to stop his thick cock from its oral assault but that would not stop him.

Ichigo began to moan, his hips rolling sensuously while corkscrewing into her mouth.

"I'm gonna cum…," He said, feeling that delicious tightness in his balls, his body going stiff.

"Oh, Rukia. Rukia, swallow it. Swallow it all."

She shook her head pulling back trying to escape but it was too late. His cock burst with a flood of hot thick semen.

"Swallow it all...NNHHGGGGGNNNNN... Fuuuuuuccckkkk!" he groaned, his lean muscles pulsing with pleasure. His eyes squinted tight in almost painful delight as she swallowed hungrily and continued lapping and sucking at his throbbing cock.

His legs trembled. His senses coming back to him. He felt the hot shower water slowly cooling, as his orgasm ebbed.

In his mind, she was still on her knees swallowing down his hot sticky essence. His hands continued to slowly stroke the deflating appendage. He smiled wickedly. He'd give her that and so much more. So much more. His slumping cock stood erect immediately imagining it.

This was his morning routine; taking her in any way he chose.

That bitch. The image of a sobbing spiky haired boy flitted through his memory. He'd make her pay for what she did to him. And there was no way he would let anyone else have her.

He stroked himself lightly, but the increasingly cool water of the shower had him turning off the water and stepping out.

Minutes later he was dressed. He took a lone apple from his refrigerator and bit into it. While keeping a hold of it with his teeth, he picked up his bag checking it for the days lessons.

He looked in the mirror fidgeting with his tie. That's one of the things that he hated about his job. The suit and tie. Even when he was just a student he didn't wear the tie but now Principle Ochi demanded it. Luckily, he already talked her out of having to wear the stupid jacket.

His father was so happy that he had taken the teaching job, when it was still a mystery to Ichigo how and why Principle Ochi had even given him the job. And when he turned out to be quite good at it, it was more mind-boggling.

He straightened the restrictive tie and headed out.

"Ah, good morning, Kurosaki-san."

Ichigo turned with a start to the smiling face of his landlord of Ryoute O Hiroge* Apartments, Kisuke Urahara. He was fanning himself (even though it was already quite pleasant outside) and smiling broadly.

"Off to work, I see."

"Ah, yeah." Ichigo said to the notoriously close-talker, as he shadowed him.

"Well, I just stopped by to let you know we have a new tenant." His grin widened lecherously. "Her name is Yoruichi Shihouin... a real beauty." He said the name in a lewd whisper, his eyes gleaming. "She'll be moving in two doors down. I offered the apartment on the first floor, next to mine.. but she wanted the one empty one up here."

"Wonder why…," Ichigo mumbled to himself as he locked his apartment door.

"Well, she'll be moving in today and I'm planning a little get together, so please stop by if you like."

"Thanks." Ichigo nodded as Kisuke made his way to Ichigo's neighbor's apartment knocking, then listening at the door. The female tenant Shao Lin snatched open the door.

"I told you to stay away from my door you pervert!" The angry dark-haired girl, in a towel and dripping wet, shouted punching the blonde lecher, causing him to fall over the balcony and into an open trash bin below.

"There's a party tonight at my place for the new tenant!" he shouted up. "Please feel free and stop by!"

The girls door slammed and Ichigo shook his head incredulously and headed to work.

He lived in Ryoute O Hiroge* Apartments. It only had 12 apartments on two floors, not including the one slightly larger apartment that Kisuke stayed in which was attached to the office. It was right on the outskirts of a nice edition of house. It was clean, new and a complete mad house, but the rent was cheap.

Word was that Urahara won the building in a dice game. Urahara ran the place more like it was a dorm, rather than apartments. Considering the other now 9 tenants(all beautiful females, one of those being a fellow teacher at Karakura high school, Rangiku Matsumoto) Ichigo was surprised he got the place at all.

Urahara always had great booze and would find any reason to party, so that was always great. Plus it was within walking distance to his job.

"Yoo-hoo, Kurosaki-san."

Ichigo cringed a little hearing the syrupy sweet voice of Rangiku Matsumoto. He turned seeing the large breasted strawberry blond bounding towards him. She was tall and curvy. And the skirt she was wearing was much too short and buttons on her white shirt were not buttoned far enough. Her milky white breasts were almost spilling from her shirt leaving Ichigo amazed they didn't just fly out. The jacket she wore was a joke because there was no way she could have gotten it closed even if she needed to.

Ichigo took all this in but his face was still and expressionless. She was beautiful but not his type.

"Lets walk to school together."

"Fine." He said plainly his voice deep and smooth like velvet. He normally was well on his way to work before Matsumoto was even up and out of bed.

"It's so early in the morning,"


"That's one thing I hate about teaching, such early hours."

Ichigo rolled his eyes which Rangiku didn't even notice during her whining and pouting. Rangiku was notorious for being late to class more so than her students and they just lived a ten minute walk away.

"Are you going to Urahara's party tonight for the new tenant?"

"I don't know yet."

"We should totally go. I need to see what this new girl looks like."

Shouting from behind him cut into Rangiku's pouting and moaning.

"GO! GO! GOOOOO!" she shouted through her megaphone as she stood on the back spokes of Tatsuki's bike following Shuuhei sprinting during his early morning workout. They did this every morning. Helped him with his training on their way to school.

Rukia loved being there for him, cheering him on. The intense look on his face gave her goose bumps. Her tiny white bikini panties were already wet between her legs.


Ichigo's face burned, his jaw clenched as the rhythmic chant got louder and louder. Bystanders on the sidewalk either shouted or gasped before stepping out of their way.

Her. Ichigo stopped in his tracks looking behind him.

"Mmm? What is it, Kurosaki-san?"

Rangiku turned to look at Ichigo then at the approaching students led by Shuuhei Hisagi, the school track star, running like his life depended on it. Followed by Tatsuki Arisawa peddling furiously on her bike and her. Rukia Kuchiki, standing on the back pegs of the bike shouting out through a megaphone and cheering Shuuhei on.

First Shuuhei flew by the two teachers.

"Ooh!" Rangiku said, her hair ruffled by the gust of wind that followed Shuuhei. He was followed closely by the two girls on the bike.

Ichigo's eyes locked on the shouting girl, who was focused on her running boyfriend. Her bright shining face with her short raven colored hair blowing, slender pale legs that he imagined stroking. Her skirt ruffling in the wind and revealing her small white bikini panties that were covering her small round butt, which in turn, made Ichigo's mouth water.

"Teenagers today, so loud." Rangiku said starting to walk again. "Not that I'm that much older than she is, but at least I've matured a little. The Kuchiki girl is just shameless…Hmm?" Rangiku said stopping again.

"Kurosaki-san, are you okay?"


to be continued..