My name is Canada. And my population density: 3.3 inhabitants per square kilometer (8.5 /sq mi), and it's among the lowest in the world. And that is why everyone pretends that I don't exist.

Luckily I am one of the world's wealthiest nations, which puts all the other countries to shame. Although people often confuse with with America, I see no resemblance whatsoever.

I have cold climates that scare away southerners and my moose randomly attack people...buts that's okay...because I am Canada.

And even though we don't have baseball, we have this awesome sport called Hockey.

Because running around on ice with sticks is way cooler than running around on dirt with a bat.

And unlike the other 28 nations who have red, white, and blue flags, my flag is only red and white.

And it has a leaf on it...a LEAF...ahahaha...ha...ha...

I also happen to have beautiful scenery...much more beautiful than America's.


And even though our prices are awfully expensive, we will pill your medical bills if you ever get attacked by one of our moose.

Just remember, visit Canada...not The United States...Canada.

Because our moose love you.