Disclaimer: I don't own Maximum Ride.

A/N: Well, it's finally the last chapter. So sad, (sniffle)! Lol! But I seriously will miss writing this. So, since this is the last chapter, I want to know what you've thought of this entire thing! Tell me if you liked it, hated it, anything! NO HOLDING BACK! Oh yeah, I want to thank all of my reviewers, I read them all and enjoyed them, even the ones that weren't so good. Also, thanks to those who read it, even if you didn't review. I do take anonymous reviews, so if you don't want to do it on your account or just don't have one, still review! Anyways, I thoroughly enjoyed doing this story, so who knows, you may see another story of mine somewhere! :-)

Max's Point of View

Well, tonight was fun. We saw a good movie, had some good food, but all good things come to an end. That's okay considering it's time to see how Fang did.

When I open the door, I notice everything is as it should be. Strange, I swore Fang would have a hard time!

Suddenly, I was snapped out of my shock, by a small, croaking voice calling my name. My gosh, it was Fang, and he sounded horrible!

"Fang? Are you okay?" I walked over to where he was sprawled out on the couch. I hadn't even noticed him! That's not normal; I usually notice everything.

"Yeah, I'm okay. But I missed you."

I gave him a smile. "I missed you, too, but why didn't you tell me you were sick? I never would have left."

"If I had known, I would've said something. But lets not talk about that. Tell me about what's going on with everybody. I want to know how your night went."

"What are your symptoms? We'll talk later, but now I need to know what's wrong with you."

He sighed. "Stomach flu, probably. Charlie is sick too, but she's okay. She is sleeping right now," seeing me take a step toward her room, he quickly added, "so don't disturb her. I don't think I can take tucking her in a billion times again."

So he did have trouble! I was right! "I'll take your word for it. But you sound terrible!"

"I feel worse, if possible."

"I'm sorry. I really wish I could help." I feel horrible about leaving. Even though I couldn't have done anything to prevent it, I just feel like I should have known Charlie and he would get sick!

He gave a small smile. "It's not like it's your fault, so don't worry."

"Do I need to go get anything? Some medicine or something? Gatorade, ginger ale, anything?"

"I'm fine! Besides, you just got back," he changed to where he was sitting instead of laying, and motioned for me to sit. "Now come here and tell me about your night. Besides. If I change my mind and need something, you can go get it in the morning. Just wait a bit."

I sat and pulled his head in my lap, but he moved as soon as I did it.

"What?" I asked, a little hurt. Was I suddenly unattractive to him?

He seemed to realize he'd upset me, because he grabbed my hand and said, "I'm sorry, I don't want puke on you." How cute, he even seemed embarrassed.

I pulled him down again. "I don't care about that type of stuff. You know that."

"Okay, if you say so," he mumbled. I could tell he was glad I'd said that.

"Now I'll tell you about tonight. I know how you like to be in the gossip. Angel said Gazzy was doing pretty good in school. Good grades, handling the stress well." Going to college was kind of a struggle for Iggy, Fang, and me. The three of us are paying for Angel and Gazzy's apartment, food, things Angel needs, and the parts of school that Gazzy's scholarship doesn't cover. It's incredibly hard paying off loans, especially without parents. We don't want the younger ones to go through that.

"Yeah, I talked to him on the phone yesterday. He likes his classes and says the teachers are good. He's not having any trouble understanding the material."

"That's good. Gosh, remember how confused we were in the beginning of college?"

Fang laughed. "I sure do! We were so lost. No idea where we were going, trying to keep a cool head."

"Good times, but anyway, he and his girlfriend are doing good, too, no recent drama."

"Good, I want him to be happy."

"Yeah, and Angel's upset because she doesn't think she'll get a dance to homecoming!" I said with mock horror.

Once again, Fang laughed and said, "I'm sure she will. She can always take Gazzy if worse comes to worse."

Now it was my turn to laugh. "True. She says her friends thinks that he's cute. Nude's wedding plans are coming along great. She wants Charlie to be the flower girl."

"Charlie will love that, she'll get to dress up all pretty."

"She sure will. Sometimes I wish I were better about stuff like that, or at least understood it a little more."

"Don't wish that. You're absolutely perfect the way you are. If you were into all of that, you wouldn't be Maximum Ride!"

"You're so sweet." I took a deep breath. I need to tell him something, something big, but before I can, I'm interrupted by a loud cry of…

Fang's Point of View

"Shit!" Charlie yells. I jumped up, praying Max won't freak out. We both go to Charlie's room, where she'd thrown up in the trashcan. At least she didn't vomit on the floor this time.

Max sat on the bed beside her, comforting her. Once Charlie was calm, Max said, in a very stern voice, "You know not to say that."

I wanted to hear the rest, but I couldn't because I ran to the bathroom to vomit. Gosh, I hate being sick!

After about five minutes, something cool was pressed on my forehead. Max. She was rubbing my back in a comforting way while whispering something I couldn't make out. Finally, I finished puking my guts out. I leaned back to finally take a breath.

"You okay?" she asked from where she was sitting on the floor beside me.

"Yeah, thanks."

"Charlie knows not to curse now."

"Good," I said, cautiously. She should be angry with me right now. Like, REALLY angry!

"I need to tell you something." She looked really self-conscious as she drew in a deep breath.

"What is it? Tell me, it's okay."

"I don't know how you'll react."

"How did you react? I'm sure our opinions will be similar. They usually are."

"I thought it was great, but you may disagree."

"I'm sure it'll be fine."

She took a deep breath, and said, "I'm pregnant."

A slow smile crept on my lips. "That's amazing! When did you find out?" I can't believe that she thought I would be upset about having another child!

She laughed obviously pleased with my reaction. "Today, at my doctor's appointment. They found it in the blood test thins morning."

I hugged her. Chicken nuggets, peanut butter sandwiches, sickness, exhaustion and all, I decided right there that life couldn't get any better. "I love you, Max."

A/N: Okay, I'm sorry if it's a little rough, I meant to work on it more than I did yesterday, but I had to stay for the school softball game and I forgot about it until then. Hope you liked it!