I don't own anything but this little idea. That's pretty much about it. Oh and the song I used is Fields of Innocence by Evanscence which I obviously don't own either. Surprise, surprise.

You couldn't ecactly say that it was a bad day but Lester was never one to sugercoat things. Even if, like today, most people would say that all in all everything went well he was too aware of the one thing that didn't to simply ignore it. Yes since Connor and Abby were back their 'missions' went by smoother than before. They knew what they were dealing with and how to deal with it faster than before and they worked well as a team thus their little meeting with another dinosaur went quite well. Still... Lester sighed and turned to look through his wall at the team, his eyes wandering from member to member until they settled upon the one that worried him. What made it worse was that it was the one who normally needed none of his extra attention but he had known that it would come to this sooner or later. Actually he was rather suprised that it had taken this long for the young captain to become his trouble of the day or by the looks of him most likely the week. While the team had scared the creature back in the anomaly pretty fast it was Matt who had brought it to Lester's attention that they had trouble sealing the anomaly. And not the kind of trouble one would suspect, rather it had been Becker who had stood in front of the anomaly unmoving and in a dream-like state. While Lester had not answered to any of Matt's ideas of why the soldier was troubled he had one of his own. True, Abby and Connor had returned and had brought certain calmness back to Becker, one he had been missing since he came back, but their return had marked the time of their departure one year previous. Something one migth think to be only significant for the scientific purpose, Matt and even Jess certainly did, Lester though knew his team better than people suspected. He cared after all so for him it was no stretch to imagine the real problem which had been known as Sarah Page and which had died one month after the departure of Danny, Abby and Connor. It was a date that would come up within the next week.

Closing his eyes for a moment Lester decided to return to work. No need to continue a thoughtprocess that wouldn't help him in any way. Still he decided to visit Sarahs grave after his shift ended. If only to check whether he was right.

At the end of his day he did indeed visit the grave of Sarah. What he saw there was only more or less a suprise for him. Lesters eyes caught the familiar frame of the Captain departing the graveyard almost as soon as Lester got out of the car. The younger man was oblivious to his presence though, something rare for him. Another sigh escaped his lips when he saw the flowers Becker had placed at the grave. White Callas surrounding one deep red rose. An obvious token of affection as much as a sign that Becker was far from being over her death and not only because he felt guilty because of it. Lester shook his head. There really wasn't much he could do but hope that Becker would not do something immensly stupid. With a last look at the grave and the flowers Lester turned around. There was no reason to linger here anymore for he had gotten all the information needed. Still he wished that he hadn't. No sarcasm could wipe away the truth and this truth was almost as bothersome as the fact that Burton had told him to keep his team in line. Something that was a task none could accomplish. This truth though, it would bring even more trouble for Lester could see how it would affect the whole team. There would be more than one broken heart by the end of this week.

Driving in the car Lester heard a song that provoced a wry smile to cross his features. Indeed it was painfully fitting for Becker and possibly the whole situation.

Where has my heart gone
An uneven trade for the real world
oh I...
I want to go back to
Believing in everything and knowing nothing at all
I still remember the sun
Always warm on my back
Somehow it seems colder now