Combination Locket

Notes: I got hooked on KHR two weeks ago and I love it to death. The manga sometimes confuses me and sometimes laugh out loud at how...ridiculous some of it is. I do love the characters though, namely Hibari and Chrome. I know I must be 'odd-girl' out since male/male seems to be the fandom of choice for this series, but I can't help but find Hibari/Chrome more appealing.

Anyway, this will be a short collection of one shots and drabbles based around that ship. I will be writing both current time line, TYL, and possibly a little beyond that. Also expect various ratings, but I'll keep everything here T and under. If I write any possible lemons for this couple they will be separate entries from this.

Disclaimer: I do not own rights to Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Same goes for the characters. Just borrowing them for a little while.

Title: Ten Years

Rating: K

Setting: Present Time- after Future arc

Warning: Chibi cuteness and minor OOC-ness

The sudden plume of smoke made Tsuna's eyes water. He had just turned the corner to catch I-Pin and Lambo in order to herd them out of his school's courtyard before they got hurt...or got caught by a teacher. Clearing his throat with a cough, Tsuna glanced around.

Assuming it was the ten-year bazooka that went off, since Lambo tended to use a supposedly 'last resort' weapon at the drop of a hat; Tsuna had expected to see an older Lambo and maybe even I-pin in her ramen delivery uniform.

After a quick glance, he saw that five year old Lambo was stuck in a bush, struggling and crying. I-Pin had been knocked to the ground by the force of the blast, but she too was unharmed and her present age.

"Maybe it wasn't that bazooka" Tsuna wondered aloud. But, what had been fired then? Nothing seemed damaged.


Tsuna looked around. Over his shoulder. Then up. For a moment he wondered if it was Reborn, probably in some strange costume again and only around to make his life even more complicated. The teen thought he was right when something kicked his shin.

"Ouch! What the...Reborn why did you..." he looked down to find not Reborn staring up at him, but a tiny leader of the Disciplinary Committee.

"H-Hibari-san?" Tsuna asked, squatting down to get a better look at the five year old. Big mistake on his part, because Hibari didn't like him being so close and punched Tsuna in the face.

The teen rocked back on his heels, clutching a hand to his nose. "Owwww!'re Hibari alright. Why are you so small..."

Little Hibari gave him a glare that made Tsuna quickly rethink what he was about to say, "So...young?"

"How do you know my name?"

"Because you're... Ouch!"

"I didn't give you permission to talk" little Hibari snapped after striking Tsuna across the face again.

'This guy...was that violent even as a kid? How did his parents put up with him?' Tsuna wondered. He also found it strange that Hibari was dressed in a buttoned up white shirt with a jacket hanging off his shoulders and dark pants, not so much as a wrinkle on his clothes. Apparently discipline, violence, and a sharp wardrobe has always been a part of Hibari's life.

"What's going on?" a timid voice spoke up. Tsuna blinked back tears of pain. He blinked again when he saw another small child. A girl this time, wearing a purple sundress. She had short violet hair and two large expressive eyes of the same color, the right eye missing the eye patch of her present self.

"You got hit by the gun too, Chrome?" Tsuna asked. The girl blinked, "Chrome? My name is Nagi. Who are you?"

"I'm..." Tsuna paused. This was very strange. He could almost excuse this as the ten year bazooka malfunctioning since Gokudera had gone through something similar. Only, Gokudera at least remembered that he was older only moments before and knew everyone around him.

Chrome and Hibari did not.

Lambo and I-Pin came running up to Tsuna and the new 'children' Guardians. "Wow, you're short!" Lambo yelled, getting in Hibari's face, "Ha! You're shorter than me...umph!" he grunted as Hibari elbowed him in the nose.

I-Pin yammered in a mixture of Japanese and Chinese, sinking into a fighting stance. Sure Lambo annoyed her, but she wouldn't stand by while some strange kid beat up her friend.

"Hey, hey stop it! No fighting!" Tsuna exclaimed as he picked up I-Pin, since she was safer to hold than the mini-Hibari.

However, after he had broken up one fight, Tsuna feared something worse was going to happen when Chrome, or rather Nagi; hesitantly approached Hibari from behind.

"Um...e-excuse me" she started.

The five year old boy turned suddenly, the tiny coat on his shoulders flaring out, "What is it?" he ground out.

'Crap. I need to separate them before this gets bad.' Tsuna thought. He tried to insert his leg between them, what with his hands busy holding a struggling I-Pin. This earned him another kick in the shin.

Tsuna winced, looking on as Hibari jumped over his leg and walked closer to Nagi.

"What?" Hibari asked again.

The girl floundered for a moment. Then she bowed and pleaded with the boy, "P-please stop hurting people!"

Tsuna's eyes widened as he saw Hibari raise a hand to the girl's bowed head. 'He's going to hit her too!' Tsuna thought. He dropped I-Pin in an effort to stop it. It was too late though.

Hibari raised his hand above Nagi's head, then swiftly brought it down. To pat her hair. For a moment, no one moved, save for mini-Hibari who seemed to be fascinated with Nagi's soft hair.

Finally, he spoke. "You're cute, like a fluffy purple bunny. I will call you, Hibunny."

"B-but, my name isn't Bunny. It's Nagi."

Hibari frowned. Again, Tsuna feared he'd hit the girl. Then, the child nodded, "Very well. Hinagi then."

"What?" Tsuna asked. His question was rendered irrelevant though, because in the next second another plume of smoke. Once it cleared out, Hibari and Chrome had returned as themselves of this time.

"Um..." Chrome looked around, "what just happened?"

Hibari didn't provide any answers, instead he turned to Chrome. The hostile air around him had returned, "I won't tell you again. Unless you're a student here, you shouldn't be on campus."

Tsuna's jaw dropped, 'This coming from the guy who graduated last year, yet still won't go to high school.'

Chrome nodded, "Understood" she answered. Chrome then turned to Tsuna, "I'm sorry if me being here caused any trouble."

'Trouble? That's an understatement.' Tsuna thought. Aloud though he laughed it off, "No it's fine. I didn't even know you were here until I saw you and Hibari-san."

"You have five seconds to leave, Mist Guardian. One."

Chrome didn't wait for 'two'. She quickly ran towards the gate of the school yard. Once she was gone, Hibari left in the opposite direction.

Now that he was alone with Lambo and I-Pin, Tsuna breathed a sigh of relief. That could have turned ugly.

Still, he wondered; why Chrome was at his school in the first place. Also, young Hibari's behavior to her was very bizarre.

Although he was curious as to why, Tsuna wasn't about to ask Hibari about it. For one thing, he didn't think Hibari would remember. Secondly, Tsuna valued his life more than satisfying his curiosity.

Later that afternoon, Lambo was taking a nap on Tsuna's bed. The exasperated teen moved the boy to a guest futon situated on in the corner of his room. Before Tsuna could sit down though, he saw a piece of paper that must have been stuck to Lambo's curly hair.

He skimmed the contents and looked at the signature at the bottom, signed by the head of the Bovino family.

"My apologizes Tenth Vongola for any trouble the ammo mix up might have caused. My staff got the ammunition for the ten year bazooka mixed up with shells from a another experimental project. Enclosed in the crate are some gifts as compensation..."

Tsuna paused in reading the letter. "Wait a minute. They're making more crazy time machine guns!"

Notes: My apologizes if I drifted too far into OOC territory. My only excuse is that I'm new to the series and still working out characterizations of everyone. Anyway, thanks for reading. I hope to do