Character Summary's

I know I haven't updated in nearly two years, I've been busy with Uni. I came across an old page of writing that I had written. I developed it and it came out as character summaries. Hope this inspires me to write the next chapter. But that won't happen to mid semester break in 5 and a half weeks. Hope you enjoy. Kim O'Neill.

Kimberley T'Pol Archer:

Only Daughter of Johnathon Archer and Erika Hernandez, she is one of the SURVIVOURS of the NX-02 Colombia, the other being her Mother. Her story isn't that straight forward, it twists through time and space. Kim was born on the 22nd of October 2155, on a planet on the outer ridge of the Beta Quadrate. The day she was born, a time traveller, known to her parents simply as Daniels, turned up. Her Mother didn't want her to be raised on Caeliar and asked Daniels to take Kimberley back to Earth to her Grandparents.

Daniels instead takes Kim back in time to 1993 where he replaces a dead newborn with her. Kim is raised by this baby's parents not knowing who she really is. In year 7 she begins to her an interest in her "Father's" favourite television show, Star Trek. Her Favourite series of the lot is Enterprise. Kim cannot get enough of it and reads the books that go along with the series. She also begins to fantasies that she is a member of the crew, going as far as daydreaming in class without the Teacher noticing.

After Starting High School, Kim becomes friends with Telina Roworth, who she calls Roworth. On her 16th Birthday, Daniels appears and explains to her that Enterprise is based on her family's life and the other series on other future events. Kimberley Soon arrived in the 31st Century and did a three month advanced Starfleet Course in 22nd Century Applications and Temporal Mechanic, which was really easy for her. She is then sent back in time to 2150, just before the Enterprise is launched and placed in Captain Archer's care. Kim is already a Starfleet Officer with the rank of Ensign but has not finished school.

Ensign Archer is assigned to the Enterprise as its Everything Officer. Her Godfather is her Dad's best friend, Commander Charles 'Trip' Tucker the 3rd, simply Uncle Trip to her. Her Godmother is a Vulcan and one of Kimberley's namesakes. Her Grandmother Kimberley Hernandez is the other. Kimberley has only met her mother once, at her own Graduation Ceremony in the 31st Century.

Johnathon Archer Kimberley's Father and the Captain of Earth's 1st Warp Five Starship, NX-01, Enterprise. His Father had hand in developing the engine. He has a bad attitude towards the Vulcans who kept holding up the NX Program as he Father never got to see Enterprise completed. Archer is surprised to find out he has a daughter and that she travelled through time but allows her to join him on the Enterprise.

Charles Tucker 3rd 'Trip' Kimberley's Godfather and Chief Engineer of the Enterprise. Treats Kim more as a little sister than his Goddaughter. Met the Captain while working on the NX Program. Trip is quite protective of his engine and is still trying to get Kim to reveal to him who her Godmother is.

T'Pol Sub-Commander T'Pol is assigned to the Enterprise on behalf of the Vulcans. She Becomes the Enterprise's Science Officer and 1st officer much to Commander Tucker's displeasure. At first Kim is the only one to really welcome her aboard, knowing one day she will become quite close with the rest of the crew.

Malcom Reed The Ship's Tactical, Security and Amory Officer comes from a proud British Naval Family. Lt Reed has a fear of water and cannot swim thus not following in his Father's footsteps. He goes way over the top when it comes to his job and is quite overprotective. He and Kim will become good friends even with a rank separating them. Reed's favourite food is Pineapple.

Hoshi Sato The Enterprise's Comm Officer is one of Earth's best Linguistics. To begin with she doesn't really like being on the ship or in space in general. She and Kim get along quite well and Hoshi is usually seen in the mess hall teaching Kim new languages.

Travis Mayweather Resident Space Boomer and Helmsman. Travis, Hoshi and Kim make up the Junior Senior Staff and are often seen together having Meals. Mayweather is a skilled Pilot and puts those skills to use on a daily basis.

Phlox Chief Medical Officer, a Denobulan and one of only two aliens aboard the Enterprise. He finds being on Enterprise a fascinating experience and loves learning about humans. He has his own mini zoo in Sick Bay.

Telina Roworth Kimberley's Best Friend from High School. Resident of the Early 21st Century. Roworth is aware of Kim's unique life unlike the rest of the class who believes that she is missing. Kim is allowed to visit Telina on her birthday each year and Telina is allowed to visit Kim in the future on her birthday.

Daniels Temporal Agent from the 31st Century who is responsible for Kim's predicament of being out of time. Also a major player in the Temporal Cold War.

Erika Hernandez Kimberley's Mother and Future Captain of the Colombia. The present version of Erika is a Starfleet Commander on the command track and has no idea that she will give birth to a daughter in five years. The future version of Erika is an Ambassador to the Federation from Caeliar and is mad at Daniels for taking her daughter through time. All of Starfleet is scared of her.

Cutler Nurse

Hess Delta-Shift Head Engineer