Hello there dear reader! If you're new here, you needn't worry about this little announcement, so feel free skip on ahead and get into the story. For those of you who have been here for a while, I've just got a couple of things that are in need of addressing:

1. My most sincerest of apologies for leaving this story unattended for so long and deepest gratitude for all of you that have shown me support: starting university this year took a lot of inspiration and energy out of me, and both my writing and drawing has suffered because of it, and I'd just like to thank everyone who hung out for this story despite my neglect. I hope I can make it up to you guys!

2. I've been editing. A lot. I've recently gone back through all of my chapters and made multiple changes, from basic grammar errors to altering entire sections for the sake of flow and proper continuity, so it may be worth checking them out. Changes made will be listed with the original author notes in each chapter.

3. I've gone back through each chapter and fixed up the formatting to keep this story as neat and tidy as possible! Line breaks now represent changes in character groups (for example from Link and Zelda to Meadow and Spyro), whilst a line of tildes (~~~~~) is simply a shift in time.

Well, that's all from me for now! Read on, enjoy, and if you'd like to give me a little feedback feel free to review! I'd love to hear what you all think!


"Hmm, how peculiar."

The ancient turquoise beast stood before an old and worn book, which levitated ominously before him; its ruffled pages open at what appeared to be some sort of complex diagram with notes scrawled in almost every available space on the page. The strange creature continued to muse over his notes, his head slowly tilting to the left. It had been a while since he had tried to decipher the diagram's true meaning, forcing him to constantly refer back to his own notes, and in some cases trying to understand exactly what he had been dithering on about at the time before advancing in his thoughts. He soon found himself thinking in cycles. Slightly frustrated, the creature jerked his head in the direction of a dusty old bookshelf, causing the book to glide obediently into its assigned place among the masses of books.

"I don't know if I'll ever be able to truly grasp that symbol's elusive meaning," the ancient scholar signed, his deep voice reverberating through his cavern like home. "I suppose it's no more than a trivial matter these days." Releasing yet another sigh, he slowly made his way towards the entrance of his stone sanctuary, muttering a small incantation in his wake. The stone doors sluggishly shifted to the side, allowing him to pass through them into the outside world.

The strange creature took in long, deep breaths of the cool crisp air, allowing the smell of sea-salt to fill his nostrils. He continued to do this for several minutes, allowing the fresh air to clear the clouded mess that had become his mind. Once satisfied, he spread out his wings, preparing for flight, examining them as he did so. They were considerably lighter in colour compared to the rest of his body, and the edges were beginning to resemble an old, torn piece of fabric. "One quick flight couldn't hurt," the creature mused aloud. With a few quick steps to gather speed and a single flap of his leathery wings, he was airborne for the first time in what felt like years.

There wasn't really a sky over the White Isle. Well, not directly over it at least, since the isle was quite literally lying on the bottom of the ocean. It was a curious sight, seeing the surface of the water above the isle, rather than alongside it where it was supposed to be. The creature flew up to the barrier that kept the water from cascading down onto his home, his dark blue cape flowing behind him. He gingerly stretched out a paw; each finger tipped with a razor sharp talon, and allowed it to skim across the water beside him. He looked down upon his island home, and thought of how unimaginative the name 'White Isle' was. Sure, the place was made up of a strange, white-coloured stone, and was covered in ice in a few sparse spots, giving its white appearance and name. Despite how fitting it was, he still found it bland all the same. The flight was uneventful, which was probably a good thing since an unexpected visitor to the isle could only be bad news; experience had taught him thus.

After a bit of a rough landing, he decided to return to his studies and gaze into his vision pool. As the ancient beast lumbered back inside, an anxious feeling washed over him. He already knew that the dark armies of this world had been defeated, their only activity since was a string of revolts and uprisings, some of which were still being fought. The fate of this world was safe for now, but that didn't ease his worries. After all, his concerns weren't related to this world, rather one that he had accidentally stumbled across while allowing his mind to wander instead of focusing on his vision pool; contradicting the whole point of the exercise. From what the pool had shown him, it appeared that this foreign land was beginning to lapse into his…

He had been watching over it ever since.

He motioned for a large green book to float over. It followed its master's orders without hesitation, and glided gracefully over to the turquoise beast. "I need to read over that prophecy," he muttered. "I need to make sure that what I've been seeing lately is supposed to be happening… I pray to the Ancestors…"

He flicked the untarnished pages of the book, only stopping once or twice to make sure he hadn't misread anything. He soon found himself staring at an elaborate image depicting two warriors locked in a fierce battle; the first one being a young man garbed in green, wielding a sword and shield, his blue eyes ablaze and a snarl of determination upon his face. The other was a much bigger man with flaming red hair and a skin tone that reminded the creature of a corpse, his sword held high with the fierce desire to destroy the young man who had dared cross his path. His face was contorted with pure malice, a look one thought that could only be seen within the eyes of Malefor…

Reluctantly, he pulled his eyes from the image and flicked a few pages back. The image showed what was to happen, and it wasn't exactly what he was he was looking for, albeit it was intriguing. He already knew the fate of the two warriors. Soon enough, he found himself staring at another image, this one differing greatly from the first. It depicted a young girl with long blonde hair and fair skin. Her elaborate gown was spotless and arranged neatly around her. She was sitting on a wooden bench in what appeared to be some sort of private garden, a lavish one at that, which bore a beautiful variety of flora of all shapes and sizes. The girl's eyes were closed, and held to her lips was an odd blue instrument. The scholar stared at the girl as she played her silent melody, wandering why this scene was so important. He brushed the thought aside, and proceeded to read the text beneath it:

"Unite within this domain sacred stones three,

Each in their place, thus creating the key.

Behind these doors remains a world unseen,

Only to be witnessed by a soul found clean.

Acquire the holy sound of light,

Remain resistant to the temptations of night."

Yet again, wrong page. He was getting closer though. He'd seen the picture and text before, but never really understood how the two were related. After minutes of searching, the creature found the passage he'd been looking for. He read over it several times, making sure he didn't miss anything. Much to his dismay, he couldn't find the answers he was searching for, and he dismissed the book. The turquoise beast made his way over to his vision pool, worry beginning to well up in his throat.

"What I've been seeing lately is completely out of line… these events… they've all been turning for the worst… the boy should've found her by now… someone… or something… is interfering." At that last thought, he snorted in mild disbelief. "Who on earth would want to cross paths with that horrid man, let alone work with him? Surely, nobody in their right mind would even consider such a thought… Well, with the exception of the bulblins of course…"

He finally made his way to the vision pool and sat down. He peered at its peculiar surface. It was like liquid silver, and it gave off a soft, ominous glow. Upon further inspection of the pool's surface, he saw numerous pictures flitter across the surface; a lush green valley, the two celestial bodies of this world, and a grand city…

The turquoise scholar focused his mind, and soon enough the previous pictures vanished and were replaced by a tense, yet worrisome scene. Two figures stood back-to-back in a vast temple, weapons drawn and stance tense. The room began to rumble as tendrils of darkness snaked their way towards the two, coiling and thrashing as they moved forward, closing in on the two and cutting off any means of escape. A loud booming voice began to echo throughout the hallowed hall, speaking of fools and shards of courage, power and wisdom. Fear welling up in his throat, the scholar lowered his face into to the pool's silver contents, allowing himself to watch the scene from a better perspective. His vision became clear and vivid, permitting him to see the ethereal crystalline fragments that were beginning to form around one of the figures…

Right before his very eyes, perhaps Hyrule's worst fears were being realized…

A/N: Alright... There's the prologue finished! Just to avoid confusion, it's based on the Ocarina of Time world, which I just kinda shoved the bulblins into along with the LoS world. Not much to say really... I just hope it's alright. Please review and tell me what you think!
Also, I don't own any of the Legend of Zelda or Spyro characters, worlds, concepts, etc.

- Minor grammar, formatting and phrasing corrections
- Altered description of the turquoise beast (no longer has a grey mane) to match his appearance at the time this takes place in the Spyro universe
- Changed "he should've awaken them by now" to "he should've found her by now"
- Completely changed the beast's vision from the chase scene to what it is know to make more sense in the story's continuity