AN: GUUUEEESSS WHAT! I AM FINALLY OUT OF SCHOOL AND I HAVE FINISHED MY SUMMER READING!... but I have an online class in July, I didn't fail anything but I am taking Communications Applications to get my speech credit. Anyway here is chapter 6 and thank you Mistyrious One for reviewing, it reminded me finish this chapter.

Chapter 6

After Eames and Cobb's argument about how low Eames is, they both tried to get back to work. Unfortunately they couldn't help but look at the door every few seconds waiting for Ari to return or Arthur to come in. Eames was the first to notice the door creak open to revealing Ariadne. She went straight to her desk without talking.

Eames started to move around in his chair to see if he could catch sight of whatever she was doing, "Which was probably a present for Arthur." he thought. He continued to move around until Cobb gave him an exaggerated look telling him "What are you doing, stop it." Eames gave Cobb a look as if he was hurt. Cobb just rolled his eyes at him and tried to get back to work, but the bet was on his mind.

Ariadne was oblivious to the two making faces. She looked at the box in front of her, and couldn't stop thinking of all the possible endings to her idea of talking to Arthur. Ari started to freak out from all she thought about were the bad possible endings. She considered the idea to drop it and run, but she had too much pride so she stayed seated. She looked at the clock and it was already 9:45 a.m. Arthur always comes in around six. "How can be almost four hours late?" she and probably the others were thinking. She continued her thinking, while in his flat Arthur was pacing frantically.

"Shit!" Arthur screamed as he continued to pace.

He thought back to early this morning when he first arrived at the warehouse. He was about to go in, the box in hand, but then he started to get scared of Ariadne's reaction to him spilling his feelings. Like what if she didn't feel the same way, or what if she laughs at him. The later is probably won't happen, but the first is a very good possibility. Arthur sighed and looked at the box. He stopped his pacing and walked over to it. He softly opened it and looked at the necklace which was lying on top of the scarf. He smiled and closed it while grabbing his keys.

He once again arrived at the warehouse. Arthur just stood in front looking at the door. He knew it was a bad idea; someone could see him and might want to know what was happening inside. He put the box in his jacket pocket and went to open the door. He opened the door to Cobb and Eames watching like a hawk.

Ariadne really didn't notice him since she and Yusuf were the only two actually working. Then she heard her name so like most people she perked up and looked up. She ended up coming face to face with well his chest since she was in a chair and he was standing.

"Ariadne?" Arthur repeated.

"Yes, do you need something? I just finished you level for the dream if you wanted to see it?" Ariadne said to him trying to act as if today wasn't different than any other day.

Arthur opened his mouth to talk again, but looked around noticing Cobb and Eames glancing at them. So instead he said in need of privacy, "How about you show me my level in a dream since you said it was done."

Ariadne pretended not to notice how he looked around and just nodded her head as a reply. She looked down at her model for a few seconds as Arthur went over to the PASIV to get it ready. Ari swiftly moved next to him and grabbed a needle. Arthur pushed the button in the center and both relaxed as sleep took over.

They opened their eyes to a large beach house. It had a wonderful view Arthur noticed has he let her show him the level since he might as well kill two birds with one stone. They finished quickly and since he put extra time than normal he had lots of time to talk to her. They were on the porch of the beach house when he first started talking. The thing was neither Ari nor Arthur knew who started was first, but Ariadne ended up pined against the railing with Arthur ravishing her neck. They kissed for what felt like eternity for them, but they didn't mind. When they broke apart they both were gasping for breath.

"Wow, how did that happen?" Ariadne asked.

"I really don't know, but I am happy it did." Arthur and Ari both shared a smile at that.

"Well Ari, I have reservations at Le Grand VĂ©four, would you join me?" Arthur smirked at Ariadne as she laughed.

"Of course I would." Then an idea popped in her head, "Hey after the dream ends do you just want to get out of here?"

"Yes that sounds nice, but just wondering is there a reason for wanting to leave?" Arthur questioned.

"Eames and Cobb." Ari answered simply.

"Have they been staring at you like they are hawks and you are the prey too?" Arthur was getting suspicious.

"Yeah they have, they are weird." Ari said with an awkward laugh.

With that the dream collapsed. They opened their eyes and each went to their desk to get their things. Ariadne and Arthur were walking out the door when Eames called out to them.

"Whatcha doing?" he said while giving them a funny look.

Ari laughed and just said, "Leaving"

She pulled Arthur out with her, leaving behind very confused teammates. They went to Ariadne's apartment since she would have to change for the date. While they were there they talked and eventually ended up trying to figure out what was with Eames and Cobb. They couldn't think of anything besides a bet, which was Arthur's idea.

At noon Ariadne made them grilled salmon. It was delicious, and both were laughing over lunch. When Arthur walked into the kitchen he started laughing so hard. The kitchen was totally mess. Arthur helped Ariadne clean up and then both jumped on the couch. Ariadne was just sitting in Arthur's lap both content and looking forward to the date.

Back at the warehouse Eames was clearly confused and wanted to know if he won the bet. Cobb and Yusuf just kept laughing at him which made him angrier than he already was.

"Eames calm down we can ask them tomorrow let them have a lovely night and one of us will benefit from it tomorrow." Cobb told him since he got out of his seat and was in the middle of opening the door. Little did they know Ariadne and Arthur didn't have the answer they sought.

AN: Hey so here it is, I think there will only be one or two more chapters left. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. And I know part of it was rushed I might go back and fix it later.