Confessing Love at the Right Time

Summary: Arthur decides to confess his feelings to Ariadne on Valentine's Day. While Cobb and Eames make a bet to who will confess first, so will Arthur get to tell Ari first, or will Ari beat him to it?

I don't know Inception, but I own the idea of this story.

Arthur is wandering around the mall strip trying to think what would be the perfect gift to give Ari when he tells her how he feels. He has been meaning to tell her many times, but decided since Valentine's Day was so close, it would just make it perfect on a day people celebrate their love for one another. So there he is in a slick black Armani three piece suit walking around looking into every store thinking of what Ariadne would consider the perfect gift.

Arthur remembered when he asked Eames of all people what he thought Ari would want. Eames of course said, "Darling, just put a bloody bow on your head and get on your knee and tell her how you feel." Arthur realizing he asked Eames for advice ignored the idea. So next he went to Cobb, his advice didn't help much either. Cobb told Arthur, "What is the first thing you think of when I say Ariadne, wait, I mean what is the first thing that you can buy for her when I say her name." Arthur actually thought of an answer, it was a scarf, Ariadne's trade mark. Every day you would see her wearing a different scarf. Each scarf was unique, and significant to Ariadne.

So the first thing he did when he got to the mall strip was buy a scarf. The scarf was silk, and it was a mix of gold and blue. On the scarf it had little flowery designs that were on the two ends. The gold was on one side and the opposite was the blue with the design. He got the cashier to wrap it and was on his way looking for the main present.

He was wandering for hours now and Valentine's Day is tomorrow. He sighed loudly, ignoring the looks the women there were giving him. In his mind the only girl for him was Ari. He continued on his way, mean while Eames decides to make this Valentine's Day interesting for him and Cobb.

"Cobb," Eames calls from his seat, "how about we make a bet?"

"What kind of bet?" was Cobb's reply.

"Well I was thinking I would bet my share from the Fischer job that Ariadne makes the first move on Valentine's Day, and you get my share if Arthur makes the first move." Eames stated with a smirk.

"Deal," Cobb said a little too confidently.

Both men stood up and shook hands. Yusuf just laughed quietly in his corner of the warehouse. He was wondering where Ariadne was.

Ariadne was actually debating with herself if she should confront Arthur about her feelings or wait to see if he will do anything. At the end of that night she starts to lean toward waiting and seeing what happens and if he doesn't do anything she will just have to get over it, so when they work together it won't be awkward.

AN: Hey looks like I am starting another story since I get three days off of school due to the weather, so anyway this is going to be a multi-chapter story since I think this idea deserves to be more than just a one-shot. I just want to say in advance it might take a while for the next update, but after that it should be fine. Also if you have any idea as what the second present for Ari should be put it in your review. Before I forget you can go to my profile to a link to the scarf.