So I realize that this is crap. But it was my inspiration so nyeahhh.
His Wings
Get upstairs, you little whore!" My father screams from the bottom of the stairs as I run up the landing, throwing open my bedroom door. I fall onto my mattress.
I start to cry, tightening myself into a ball on my bed. I nursed my newly formed bruises. Tears dripped on my arm, mixing with my blood.
"Mother help me" I whisper, my hand clutching the necklace around my neck. I pull my knees completely up to my chest. I hear my father slam the front door and his car engine ignite, and fade into the night. I am halfway asleep when I swear I hear a husky whisper by my ear.
"Utsukushii." They murmur, before I frown, and fall into deep sleep.
The morning sunlight floods through my eyelids as I open my eyes, and stare at the ceiling, my arm throbbing dully. I manage to get up, wimpering as I stare into my bathroom mirror at the sight before me.
My pink hair was disheveled, and messy, and my eyes are red and blotchy. Purple and black bruises covered my body, my blood splattered on my white shirt. From below, I could hear my father slamming doors, throwning things around, and making loud noises in the kitchen. I close my eyes and think of my mother.
I always loved how she looked like a goddess, the way her darker pink hair blew in the wind as she sat in her garden, next to me. Her beautiful green/blue eyes glittering in the midday sunlight.
"Mother?" I asked her, picking one of her white roses, tentatively, to prevent from getting pricked from the thorns.
"Yes, my angel?" She put down her digging tools, and looked at me, rubbing her hands on her jeans.
"Why does father never talk to me unless your around?" My ten-year old self spun the rose round in my index finger and thumb, snapping off the thorny end, and placing the flower into her hair. She smiled, her thirty year old face forming a small wrinkle. She plucks the rose from her hair, and places it in mine. I giggle.
"It's not like he aims to, baby, he just... has a lot going on at work, he's very stressed." She pokes my nose, going back to her gardening. I fiddle with my newly pierced ears, looking at the sun. I squint and giggle slightly at what I may look like doing this.
"But he looks at me as if I'm not even there." I murmur.
She turns to me again.
"He really doesn't know how to treat a special little girl like you, ne Sakura?" She kisses my forehead, her hands going to her necklace. It is a silver chain with a dainty angel on it. The angels wings are also silver, the feathers laced with gold.
"Do you love him?" My fingers run through the blades of grass I'm sitting in. I look down, wondering why I am asking this, when I know the answer.
"He wasn't my first true love, but I've loved him since we met." She smiles sadly, her hand still fiddling with her angel necklace. I stare at it, curiously.
"Did father give you that?" She sees me looking at it, and unclasps it from her neck, dangling it by the chain. The angel shines in the daylight.
She shakes her head.
"My deepest love did. He was an angel", At this my eyes widen, "a lovely one. His name was Fugaku." She laughs at my widened pupils and open mouth.
"You knew a real angel?" I've always been fascinated with them, reading any book I could get my hands on about them.
"Yes, you may not believe me, but maybe one day, you will meet your own angel too." She shifts her knees towards me, and puts the necklace around my neck.
"There. I want you to have it. If anything happens to you, your guardian angel will be here for you." She touches my cheek, hugging my frail body.
And the irony that she died the next month of heart failure.
But that was almost seven years ago.
My appearance still haunts me, as I stare into my green eyes. My hand goes to my necklace, the angel necklace, and I close my eyes, imagining her hugging me again. New tears form in my eyes, and I trace my other arm, stopping at a deep wound. I clutch the piece of glass sticking out of it, and pull it out slowly, a scream forming in my throat.
"SAKURA." My father yells from downstairs. I my eyes flutter and look towards my open door.
"Yes, father?" I hear him snort, and glass clink. He's been drinking again, I think, wincing.
"Get your ass down here, you useless little bitch, and make my breakfast." I grind my teeth slightly at his names for me.
"Yes...give me one moment, please." I hear him mutter a curse, as I move towards my bathroom cabinet, and grab some bandages, wrapping my arm tightly. I maneuver myself out of my bloody stained shirt, and find a white button down, to go with a fresh pair of jeans. I brush my hair and teeth, and walk down the stairs quickly to avoid any other yelling.
I see him laying on our couch, the tv on, a beer can to his lips.
"What would you like for breakfast?" My hand clutches the stair rail, as he grunts shifting on the couch. He doesn't answer.
"Are eggs okay? We ran out of mix to make pancakes, I'll have to pick up some groceries on the way home."
"Just hurry up." He glares at me, my bandaged arm specificly, a frown forming on his aged face. He rakes his graying blonde hair.
I nod, and pull down my sleeves slightly, and go to the fridge in the kitchen, pulling out a carton of eggs. It seems like hours for the eggs to cook. I sigh, pulling out a plate and glass. I hand him his plate of sunny side ups and a orange juice. He yanks it from me, repositioning himself in front of the television. I clean up the messy kitchen, and walk back upstairs grabbing my messanger bag, and shoes. I pick up my wallet on my dresser and phone, turning it on, putting it in my back pocket. I pass my father as I go to exit the house.
"So, I'll be back a bit later after school, I have to stop by the library and the grocery store. Would you like anything else while I'm out?" He slams the plate on the coffee table, grabbing his beer again.
"No." He looks away, guzzling the alchahol. I nod and open the door, closing it behind me.
For as long as I can remember since my mother died, my father has blamed me. At first he just stopped talking to me, but as I got older, it got worse. He started to hit me, call me names, and scream at me. No one knows about what he does. Not even Naruto or Hinata, my best friends. But thats because their in love. I don't want to ruin their lives with mine. After school, I turn the corner towards the library, opening the door to the smell of ink and coffee.
I order a latte from the small cafe in the library, and move to my favorite section. Fantasy.
I still love angels. I've read all the books about them I can think of. I sip my latte, and my eyes dart to a new copy on the shelf.
His Wings.
I smile, grabbing the book, holding it to my chest. I squeal and move towards the counter, placing my latte and the book in front of the librarian. My hands move to my bag over my shoulder for my wallet.
"Hello Sakura, back so soon? How did you like Touched by Angels?" Shizune, the librarian smiles at me, taking my library card from my hand gently.
"I loved it, I hope angels really do exist." I pout, replacing my card back into my purse after she scans it. As I am doing this, I drop a quarter, that falls to the floor.
"Damn." I mutter. A pale hand catches it, placing it in my hand.
"Thank you-" I stare into dark obsidian orbs. I stare at the guys face, blushing slightly at his handsomeness. His eyes dart to my necklace, at my collarbone.
"Utsukushii necklace, miss." I smile at him, shocked slightly. My hand goes out to hug the stranger before me, with one arm. He awkwardly returns it. I smile kindly, and my hand on his back brushes something bumpy under his dark leather jacket. I ignore it, and pull away standing up.
He smiles lightly, standing up too, walking out of the library. I feel as if I have heard that voice or the word before. I am shocked at the japanese word he uttered, my hand moving to where his eyes were. I turn back to Shizune. She winks, handing me my latte and book. I put the book and my wallet away, and smile, taking my latte.
"Have a nice day, Shizune." She smiles nodding as I exit the library. I walk towards the grocery store, my eyes adjusting to the newly darkness. I pull out my phone checking the time. I see it is almost six. I curse, running towards the store quicker.
I kick open the door, my hands full of bags. I dump my shoes and school bag on the stairs and walk into the kitchen.
I put the groceries on the table and turn towards my father who has his arms crossed, holding another beer.
"Where the hell have you been?" He yells close to my face, and I can smell faintly cigarettes and vodka on his breath.
I wince slightly.
"I-I, sorry I got held up at school, and then I couldn't find a book at the library and-" His hand slaps my cheek, making me fall to the floor, my leg hitting the chair.
"Its not about you!" He screams, kicking me in my already bruised abdomen. I cry out, clutching the area in pain. He kicks me again, this time it hits my upper neck, and I hear my skull crack.
I'm on the verge of conciousness. He punches my face, my eye starts to swell up, and darken instantly.
"Its all your fault she died! But guess what? There's no one in between you and I now, you little slut! You were a mistake, you hear me? A MISTAKE!" He pulls me up by my shirt, flinging me onto the stairs.
"Get the hell out of my sight." He ignores the grocery bags, and grabs another cigarette, and beer, going back to the couch.
I get onto my knees ignoring my throbbing body, and crawl up the narrow stairs to my room. I manage to get the door shut, before I burst into tears, my head aching, and my body screaming in pain.
"Shh." I hear a voice behind me, melodically whisper into my ear. I manage to turn my head, to see a dark figure kneeling over me, his face sillouetted by the moonlight through my window. I move to scream for help, thinking he is an intruder.
He smirks playfully, placing a finger to his lips. He picks me up bridal style, and lays me on my bed, his eyes dancing. I manage to get a good look at him, and gasp.
"You-Your from the librar-" He strokes my bloody matted hair, still smirking.
His finger goes to his lips again, and he blinks twice. I stare at his features.
His black hair frames his face with sidebangs, edging to a spiky styled back. His pale face is like porcelain, almost the same color as my skin, and his obsdian eyes dance with emotions. I stare at the slight transfer of my blood onto his was clean white shirt. He closes his eyes for a second, before turning towards my door opening it. I gasp louder, as he turns his back to me.
I do not know if it is my injuries driving me to such hallucinations or if this is all a dream, and I am passed out, as soon as I had reached my room.
I cannot decide which, as I stare at his back, my eyes widening.
Between his shoulder blades are wings.
Angel wings.
Wings spanning down to his waist area, fluttering slightly.
Graceful looking white ones, with tiny streaks of gold in them. The feathers look so soft, I cannot help but reach out, wanting to be close enough to touch them.
He turns his head towards me, and smirks wider.
He walks out of my room, dissapearing from my sight. I cry out, wanting to see his face again.
"Don't go-" I choke out, just as I hear his beautiful laugh come from the hallway, and he appears in my doorway, his hands full of first aid items. He kicks my bedroom door shut behind him with his boot, and sits on my bed beside me. He takes out a bottle of rubbing alchohol and dabs some on a tissue applying it to my leg, which is bleeding from the contact with the chair. I start to scream, but his fingers trace my open lips. I blush slightly.
"Shh, Sakura, It will go away soon." I blink at him.
"H-how do you know my name?" I choke out, wincing as he bandages my leg gently. He grins, showing his perfect white teeth.
"Not now, you need to relax and rest. Tomorrow is Saturday, you can sleep in." He murmurs and his hands trail to my rib cage. I whimper from the pain. He wraps a bandage around it lightly, and he touches my pain filled skull.
"It's fractured and bruised. It deifnately broke some skin and cracked a bit of bone." He gets up, going towards the bathroom. I stare at his wings, still in shock. I see the bathroom light flicker on and hear the water running. He comes back in with a wash cloth, and a towel. He kneels beside my bed, because he is a bit less than a foot taller than me, and my bed is low.
He dabs my face and eye and moves to sit by my head on the mattress. He lifts my neck lightly, placing it on his lap. My cheek feels warm against his jeans as he cleans up my head wound, and wraps a bandage around my head, cleaning up damp spots with the towel. He dabs the cloth to my hair, removing some of the blood. I suddenly feel drowsy, my eyes falling shut, as I fall asleep on his lap.
Two things wake me up the next morning. A light breath on my face and a throbbing pain throughout my body. I open my eyes, my right dully painful. The man from the library stares at me, laying on his side, his head resting in his palm. He is inches from me. I open my mouth slightly.
"Morning" He whispers, smirking. He gets up and moves towards the door.
"Does your body ache?" I blush, my mind thinking numorous things at once.
"W-what?" Ha laughs, turning to me again.
"Do you need an asprin?"
I nod, moving to sit up. He turns towards the door, clutching the knob. I stare at his wings, rubbing my eyes.
"But my father is downstair-" He shakes his head coming back towards me. He touches my nose, his wings fluttering.
"Don't worry. As soon as you fell asleep, he left. He got in his car, beer in hand and took off. I think he wen towards the highway, maybe." He taps his chin, walking back towards the door opening it. He disapears and I cough weakly, getting up, moving into the bathroom. I am scared to see what I may look like. I close my eyes tightly and count to three.
"You can do this, Sakura." I whisper hashly to myself.
I open them, and and gag at what I see.
My pale skin is flooded with bruises, and blood. My eye is slightly black. I move to touch it with a finger, wincing. I turn towards the doorway, seeing that the angel is no where to be seen. I close the door slightly, and unbutton my shirt, untying the bandage around my ribs. I stare at the blue bruises and the open cut. One part of my ribs looks swollen and is sticking out slightly. I turn towards the bathtub, running the water. I lean my back against the sink counter, exhaling, and I feel a finger touch my shoulder.
A blush comes to my face and I cover myself up, my hands around my torso.
"Who are you?" I whisper. The angel rolls his eyes at my actions, and places two tablets and a glass of water on the counter.
His wings flutter again.
"Sasuke at your service." He grins, handing me the tablets. I take them, and swallow them painfully. Sasuke hands me the water, which I gulp down. He moves to turn off the bathtub knob.
"S-sasuke?" I try to say his name without stuttering and fail. He nods, smirking.
"What are you?" I stare at his wings. They move again as he laughs, pulling a towel off the rack, handing it to me.
"Well, judging by my wings.." His voice trails off sarcasticly. I pull off my socks, one hand still pulling my shirt around me. He turns to the door, closing it behind him.
"I'll be downstairs." He says over his shoulder, and I hear his footsteps walk down the stairs. I undress and lower myself into the bathtub gently.
We sit on my bed, the door closed, incase my father returns. I brush my clean hair with my comb. My fresh shirt and jeans feel soft against my bruises.
"Why are you here? Why do you even exist? There are Angels? Did you know my mother?" I ask aloud, staring at him. Sasuke sits next to me, smirking.
"Slow down." He pulls off his ankleboots, flinging them next to his jacket in the corner of my room.
"I'm here because I was assigned here by Tsunade. She is the head of us all. When a human dies, certain mundanes are chosen to become angels. Others who have been bad, die and never get a choice. They become Dark. I exist because I was chosen." Sasuke cracks his hand, stretching his arm. I watch as his bicep muscles curl and retract. I blush.
"Yes, there are Angels, and they serve ad help humans in need of support and care. I do not think I know your mother. Maybe soomeone of my family did once." He frowns.
"You.. died?" I whisper putting my brush on the bed. I tie my hair into a plait, pulling it onto my shoulder.
Sasuke nods and swallows.
"When I was still a human... I had a family, and I still do, minus a few. It was a huge family. The Uchiha Clan. That was eleven years ago, when I was seven. We had extended family in the clan, but otherwise, it was me, father, mother, and my brother .. Itachi." I watch as his eyes darken, and turn slightly angry.
"One day he was offered a deal, with the devil, Pein. Pein said if he could kill all that he loved, he would become Pein's darkest and most powerful. So that day he murdered everyone of our family, including me. He said he was sorry, but I never forgave him. After killing me, he sacrificed his own body to Pein. I haven't seen him since. Father and I were chosen to be angels. My mother, Mikoto, was not, which broke Father's heart. We were both colder to everyone, more distant. But Father had a change in heart, a few years later. He was happy again, with his assignment. But it was forbidden to be too happy with a human. After a few years with my own assignments, I stopped acting cold, changing heart also to see all of those who have experienced pain like I did." He shrugs.
I turn to him, my eyes watering. "Sasuke?"
"Is there an angel there called Hana?" He closes his eyes, recollecting. He opens them, nodding. My heart stops.
"Yes, she was new here about... six.. seven years ago? Her hair was a pink, like yours. Why?" I burst into tears, my heart beating madly. I feel him awkwardly pulling me into a hug. He rubs my back.
"She was my mother. She died of heart failure. She's who gave me this necklace." I hear Sasuke snap his fingers.
"I knew I recognized your necklace! My father bought an exact same one for his assignment." I look at him, pulling away. "What was your fathers name?" I remember what she said to me seven years ago.
"My deepest love did. He was an angel", At this my eyes widen, "a lovely one. His name was Fugaku." She laughs at my widened pupils and open mouth.
"You knew a real angel?" I've always been fascinated with them, reading any book I could get my hands on about them.
"Yes, you may not believe me, but maybe one day, you will meet your own angel too." She shifts her knees towards me, and puts the necklace around my neck.
"There. I want you to have it. If anything happens to you, your guardian angel will be here for you." She touches my cheek, hugging my frail body.
"His name was Fugaku. Why?" Sasuke's voice interrupt my thoughts. I can't help but smile. I tell him of the memory and when my mother gave me this necklace.
"He loved her. Like my mother." He smirks. I nod, smiling.
"Are they happy now?" Sasuke nods, poking my nose again. He gets up. Walking to the window, he sees my fathers car coming up the long street. He walks back towards me.
"Get a jacket, shoes, whatever you need. We should go before he gets in." He puts his jacket on, covering his wings, and slipping on his boots. I get up, putting on my Vans and a jacket. I grab my phone and keys. Sasuke pulls at my hand, and we run downstairs and out the back door. I hear my fathers car engine turn off and slamming of doors. I wince when I hear him yell my name. Sasuke and I run down the street towards the park. I stop, clutching my knees, coughing. A hand touches my shoulder.
"You okay?" I nod, We make our way over to the park bench and sit down.
"How long do you stay with an .. assignment?" I look towards the lake, fiddling with my bandaged arm. .
"Until they release us, do not need the support anymore, or until we feel our job is done. Its usually about a year or so. And yes, Angels age." He laughs, resting his arm around the back of the bench.
"How much of a chance does a good human get to become an angel?" I see a couple walking across the street, hand in hand. It makes me think of my mother and father long ago. I wipe a tear away from my eye.
"Its a fifty-fifty chance. Tsunade picks. But like with assignments, there are rules." I look at him and he pulls out a small bounded black book from his jacket. He hands it to me. I open it to the first page, running my hands over the ink on the paper. I flick to the pages titled "Rules."
1. An angel shall be assigned to a human for approximately one year to one year and four months.
2. An angel shall respect the humans wishes and oblige to them and shall not make choices for them.
3. An angel shall greet the human assigned with respect, never insult.
4. An angel must read the book of Rules to the human, or explain them.
5. An angel shall not have romantic relations with a human.
If caught or confessed to having such relations, an angel shall have their wings ripped off, their eyes gorged, and sentenced to death.
6. An angel shall always aid the human assignment, and take care of them.
7. An angel shall give their human assignment a gift, before erasing the human's memories.
8. Before leaving the human assignment, the human's mind shall be erased of anything related to Angels.
9. An angel shall never reveal their wings or powers to anyone but the human assignment.
10. An angel shall not use their powers unless in emergency.
11. An angel shall never have contact with a Dark.
12. An angel shall not do anything bad.
If caught of confessed to doing anything along these lines, an angel shall have their wings burned off, along with their face, then sent to the devil.
I blinked, looking at Sasuke.
"You have powers?" He nods, smirking.
She turns the page and catches a glimpse of writing before Sasuke gently pulls it out of her hand, putting it back in his jacket. At that moment, I hear my name being yelled. I look up to see Naruto and Hinata hand in hand running to me.
"Sakura-chan! What happened to you!" They take their turns hugging me and I open my mouth.
"I- uh-" I stutter. I hear Sasuke clear his throat.
"Well, you see, Sakura was at the mall yesterday, and she fell down the escalater. I, being a random bystander, happened to save her, taking her to the hospital." He smirks, triumphantly. I look at him miming a thank you. He smiles.
"Oh y-you poor thing." Hinata stutters, patting my arm. Naruto wraps an arm around her, looking at Sasuke.
"So who are you, mr. High and Mighty?" Naruto holds out his hand. Sasuke takes it, and they shake hands.
"Sasuke. Pleasure."
"Naruto Uzimaki, and my girlfriend here is Hinata." He grins, releasing Sasuke's hand. Hinata waves at him, turning towards me.
"Sakura... d-do you know what time it is? We have to meet with Neji and TenTen at one." I pull out my phone.
"Er... its twelve forty five." Naruto sighs, grabbing Hinata's hand.
"Bye guys!" He yells over his shoulder. Sasuke smirks again looking at the tree next to the bench.
"Do you want to get some ice cream, or something, Sasuke?" I look towards the ice cream shop across the busy street.
"I'm not a, ah, fan of sweets. Sorry. But we can still go." He gets up, offering me his hand. I take his hand and he pulls me up, dragging me across the street. Sasuke plops down at a small table inside, and I take a seat oppisite him. I pick up the menu on the small table and stare at it for a second, debating what to order. Sasuke's fingers hammer on the table in a light rhythmn as I decide.
Standing up, I replace the menu onto the surface and walk over to the counter.
"Cherry Sherbert with vanilla please?" The smiling woman takes my order, and turns towards the counter behind her, preparing the icecream. I pull out my wallet, counting my extra bills.
"$5.25, ma'am." She hands me a cone, with a napkin. I place down five bills and find a quarter. Picking up the ice cream, I run my tongue over it, giggling as I shiver. I set down across from Sasuke, and he looks at me, his chin rested in his entwined hands balanced on his elbows. He smirks.
I continue to like the red cold ice cream, my tongue darting to the corner of my mouth every so often to catch a small piece.
"Are you sure you don't want some?" He shakes his head, still watching my face. I sigh, shoving the cone in his face.
"Please? For me? Remember? "An angel shall respect the humans wishes and oblige to them." I grin, still holding out the cone. He rolls his eyes at me, grabbing the cone.
"Your using my rules against me? Damn." Sasuke growls, taking a bite off of the cold food, hanging it back to me. He makes a fake gagging noise. I laugh.
"Sasuke?" He looks at me, eyebrow raised.
"Sasuke-sama to you." He smirks.
"Fine. Sasuke-kun." He smirks wider, making me blush slightly.
"Deal. What is it?" He leans back on the chairs two back legs.
"If you don't like sweets, what is your favorite food?" I finish the ice cream, biting at the cone, using my napkin to wipe my fingers.
Sasuke grins at me.
Yeah, I didn't expect this to be a multific story. Maybe instead I'll just re-edit it later, adding to this chapter. Yes, you've probablly just realized "WTF! FUGAKU WAS SASUKE'S DAD!" Get over it, lol. I thought I'd add a twist, yo. I realize I've set myself up for a hell of a load of work. I am sorry I didn't update for a while, and I promise I will have something accomplished in the next week. Exams and homework have me caught in a spiders web. I also need to finish my story 'Ragdoll'. And find inspiration and time for my Crack Fic. So yeah. Hope you enjoyed this story! Sorry it was a bit bull! :]