a/n: I know it's short, but it's good! This will be more than 2 chapters. And Yes i am aware that J.K. Rowling has come out and said that Dumbledore is gay. But maybe he could be bi!

FYI: I don't own Harry Potter!

Ch. 2

'Oh crap.' Sirius thought to himself.

"You ok, Mione?", He said, walking over to her and sitting down next to her on the floor.

"N-n-no.", Hermione said, "My life is utter and complete shit!"

"Why do you say that?", Sirius said, putting his arm around her tentatively, surprised when she leaned into him and buried her face in his chest.

"I have no family! My parents are still in Australia. I never undid the spell. I couldn't! They were so happy when I went to take the spell off! They didn't even recognize me!", Hermione said, crying into his chest.

"Mione, that's not true! You have Harry, Ron, Ginny, Neville, Remus and everyone else in the Order! We are your family!", Sirius said, holding her tight and wishing he could say exactly what was on his mind.

"I know that! But Ginny has Harry and Remus now has Tonks," Hermione sobbed, "Hell! Even Dumbledore has someone now! Ron and Luna are together now! And I have no one! The only person I want would never want me!"

"Mione, how do you know that the person you like would never like you back? I bet there are plenty of guys that would love to go out with you! I could name at least one!", Sirius said, working up the courage to tell Hermione who it was that he was thinking of.

"I highly doubt there is any man out there who would want me!", Hermione said, sitting up and looking Sirius in the eye.

"You don't know that, Hermione.", Sirius said, looking back into her eyes.

Hermione, having been angered by this statement, stood up and walked to the center of the the room. Or at least, she tried to, it was more like a drunken stumble.

"I do know that! No one wants me!", Hermione yelled, not realizing that she had come to be standing underneath the mistletoe.

Sirius stood up suddenly wanting to be near her. He couldn't resist her, wanted to be near her. Wanted to kiss her. He had been feeling this way for a very long time, but for some reason all of a sudden he wanted to really kiss her.

"Well I can prove it to you," Sirius said, stepping nearer to Hermione.

"Oh really?", Hermione asked nervously, "How is that? Are you magically going to make a man appear who would be even remotely interested in me?"

"He's already here.", Sirius said, pulling Hermione close to him and kissing her on the lips.

SO? REVIEW! Please. The reviews inspire me to write!