Ok: Note before reading: Set after Deathly Hallows, but no one died! I know, this is sort of AU. Lord Moldy Pants is dead though! Please Read and Review!

Thank You, Mistletoe

Hermione was standing alone in her usual corner of the sitting room at Grimmauld Place at the annual Order of the Phoenix Christmas party with her drink in hand watching the antics of her friends and fellow Order members. Harry was standing with his arm around Ginny talking to Remus about God only knew what. From the way Ginny was paying attention to the conversation it was probably about either Ginny's defense against the dark arts students or auror business. Neville was standing closer to Hermione's corner talking to Ron and Luna about herbology and how his mandrakes were coming along nicely. Everyone was milling about and having a great time.

Everyone except Hermione.

She got to stand alone in her corner, nursing her firewhiskey-and-coke mixture and watch her friends. She could smile and act happy for all of them especially when the happy things happened. Happy things like last Christmas when Harry proposed to Ginny. Or the year before that when Kingsley brought the best present of all: Sirius.

Apparently the veil would spit you back out if it thought you were an animal. Because of Sirius's animagus form it mistook him for a dog and eventually put him back out into the Department of Mysteries, scaring more than a few Unspeakables.

That had been the best Christmas of all, Hermione thought while taking another sip of her drink. and then looking down realized that her drink was empty. She walked over to the drink table to mix herself a refill.

"I really hope you aren't planning to drink any of the punch.", a voice said behind her, making her jump.

"Oh! Sirius! I didn't see you over here!", Hermione said, almost dropping the bottle of firewhiskey while her pulse started racing.

"Careful there, Mione!", Sirius said, catching the bottle and brushing her hand with his, "Here, let me mix that for you."

"Thank you. So what was that about not drinking the punch?", Hermione asked, watching Sirius mix her drink.

"The twins spiked it with some new potion they came up with. When you mix alcohol with it you get more drunk than normal but don't get the blackout that would normally occur.", Sirius replied, "Just watch, Tonks has already drank about 6 cups of the punch. I'm starting to get concerned that she won't be able to get home by herself."

"Oh dear!", Hermione said accepting the drink Sirius had just poured for her., "Are you going to warn anyone else about the spiked punch?"

"No. I think it will just make things that much more exciting at this party.", Sirius said with a wink.

Right then everyone's attention was drawn to where Remus was standing with Harry and Ginny. Tonks had just walked up to Remus, or more like stumbled, and dragged him to the center of the room directly under the mistletoe.

"Remus, I have a confession to make.", Tonks said, while standing under the garland.

"Tonks, what is going on? Are you drunk?", Remus replied, not noticing where he was standing.

"Yes, but that's beside the point. Well, you see, I've liked you for a long time and well, I thought tonight would be the perfect time to well...", Tonks said, leaning closer and closer to Remus.

"To what Tonks?", Remus said.

"To do this."

Tonks leaned in, wrapping her arms around Remus's neck and kissed him full out on the mouth. Remus, after a stunned second, wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her back. Everyone stood stunned for a moment, taking in the sight, and then almost as one they all started cheering. The couple broke apart, blushing furiously.

"Well then, um... everyone go back about your business!", Remus said, blushing furiously while taking hold of Tonks hand and walking back over to Harry with her beaming in tow.

Everyone went back to talking and fooling about. As the party progressed things got even crazier. McGonagall, after having drank 3 cups of punch, walked over and kissed Dumbledore right when he stepped into the middle of the sitting room. Remus and Tonks were found snogging in the library and had to be dragged back to the rest of the party. Luna, after making a comment about it possibly containing nargles, promptly ended up being kissed by Ron.

The party broke up shortly after this display as everyone had found someone to go home with regardless of whether they had shown up as dates or not. Once he had seen the last of the guests out Sirius went back to the sitting room to begin cleaning. When he walked in her found a sight he never thought he would see: Hermione crying.

sooo? How did you like it? please review!