That evening, the great hall was buzzing with excitement. The news had spread that the cursed students and teacher were finally recovering and that the culprit had been apprehended. The identity of the binder remained a mystery, though many students were whispering theories and accusations. Albus and Scorpius said nothing on the subject. They were the only two students who knew Sarah Vineyard was the binder. Even Wright, who had been reinstated to the seclusion table, seemed to have had his memory modified so try though he might, he could not answer any of the questions the other students asked about his ordeal.

The Gryffindors, to their credit, were not taking their defeat on the Quidditch pitch with any attitude of self-pity or dismay. Rather, they made their declarations of retribution and were already forming plans to increase their training, change up their tactics, and slaughter their rivals as soon as the next term resumed. Across the hall, the Slytherins were elated and unaffected by the Gryffindor's vows of revenge. They kept congratulating the members of their team, particularly Albus and Scorpius, for their brilliant performance and were confidently assuring themselves that the Quidditch Cup was as good as theirs for the year. They were so pleased with themselves, their spirits couldn't be deflated even by the arrival of their Head of House. Professor Schlegel was still quite frail-looking and off his color as he made his way toward the head table, but otherwise, he seemed to be recovering tolerably well. Several of the Slytherins welcomed him cheerfully as he passed by.

"We sure missed you in Potions class, Professor," lied Sonora Grey, as she smiled sweetly.

"Thank you, Miss Grey," he answered distractedly. Suddenly, his eyes narrowed when he caught sight of the decadent chocolate cakes placed intermittently on the table.

"Who said you could have cake?" he demanded furiously and the Slytherins all winced as the scrumptious-looking sweets disappeared.

"We DID win the Quidditch match today!" Virgil Bumgarner whined pitifully. Schlegel crossed his arms and glared at him.

"Fine," he retorted, "The Quidditch team can have cake. Everyone else gets nothing until you catch up in house points!" A large, moist slice of cake reappeared on the table before each of the Quidditch players. Albus smiled broadly and made a big show of tasting a huge bite.

"Mhmmm-mmm!" he announced. The others grumbled in annoyance.

"You want my piece, mate?" Scorpius asked Albus. He wasn't particularly fond of sweets.

"Hey! No fair, Malfoy! He's already got one!" Donner complained as Jesse and Malcolm chorused, "Give it here, Malfoy! I'll take it!"

"Back off, you lot," Sonora Grey interrupted, "He's giving it to me! Aren't you, Malfoy?" Scorpius shrugged his shoulders in response and smiled slyly.

"What'll you give me for it?"

Sonora gave a sneaky glance toward the head table, making sure no teachers were watching, then leant over and whispered something in Scorpius' ear.

"Eugh!" he cried in outrage, "That's disgusting!" The older Slytherins had a good laugh at Sonora's rejection and she crossed her arms and scowled.

"Pathetic little boys…" she grumbled.

At that moment, Professor McGonagal rose and went to the podium. The noise in the hall drifted away as she prepared to address the students. Albus glanced up at the head table. His father and mother were sitting at the end next to Hagrid, as the headmistress' guests. They were smiling warmly at a first-year Hufflepuff who was shyly requesting that his mother sign her autograph to a photo of her old professional Quidditch team. His father caught Albus' gaze and gave him a wink and a smile.

"Good evening, students!" Professor McGonagall greeted them cordially, "I want to take a moment to congratulate all of you on your hard work this term. Many of you have made tremendous growth both in your academic studies and in your friendships with your fellow students. I'm certain the effort you've put forth will not only be reflected in the exams you take this coming week, but will follow you throughout the rest of your time here at Hogwarts. On behalf of all the staff, I wish you the best of luck on the upcoming mid-term exams." The students clapped politely and the headmistress continued.

"Before I lose your attention, I have a few other announcements. The study hour times have been posted in the library as well as on each of your common room bulletin boards. It is expected that each student refrain from any noisy or disruptive activities during these times so that all students have ample opportunity to prepare for their examinations. Any infractions will result in a loss of house points! Also, in the interest of safety, students will remember that broomsticks are not to be flown in the corridors or in any classroom." The headmistress paused and gave the Gryffindor table a stern look. Many of the Quidditch players were grinning mischievously.

"Finally, a word of thanks to two of our students. Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy, I'm told, were instrumental in discovering the counter curse which restored to us our classmates as well as our fine potions master."

"Well, bully for Potter and Malfoy," Donner grumbled sullenly, still despondent after being cheated out of his cake.

"As a reward for their actions," the headmistress continued, "Each of them are awarded thirty house points!" The Slytherin table clapped happily at the good news, then erupted into fervent cheers and applause as the chocolate cakes began to reappear on the table before them.

"Hooray for Potter and Malfoy!" Donner corrected himself gleefully as he heaped a giant piece onto his plate.

Albus looked intently at his friend, whose eyes were as wide as saucers as his classmates smiled and congratulated him. Albus knew that Scorpius wasn't use to anything other than constant abuse from the wizarding world and as Albus watched his reaction, he was reminded of the first time he'd ever seen Scorpius.

He'd been five or six years old at the time and he and James were accompanying his father on a trip to Gringott's Bank. He remembered the musty, gloomy atmosphere of the entrance hall. It was pouring rain outside and there was a backup of people at the doors who were waiting for a break in the deluge before venturing out. Albus remembered the claustrophobic feeling of so many people crammed under the portico and the sound and sight of the heavy rain water cascading from the mouth of a stone gargoyle that hung from the side of the building and splashing onto the cobblestones. As they were waiting, the chatty and somewhat frantic mood of the mob suddenly hushed into a silent ire. Albus and James had observed the faces of the other witches and wizards suddenly going quiet and hostile and could sense the unrest without understanding the cause.

"What's wrong, dad?" James had asked worriedly.

"Hush, son," his father had told him, "Hold on to your brother's hand." James had squeezed his hand tightly as the two small boys craned their necks to catch a glimpse of whatever the crowd was glaring at so hatefully. Finally, they caught sight pf a tall man with white-blonde hair who was attempting to push through the thick crowd, into the bank, while guiding a small blonde boy at his side. The boy stared straight ahead, not making eye contact with the dozens of adults who seemed to detest him with such strange intensity. Even so, Albus noticed a sense of alarm in his eyes, as though he instinctively knew that he and his father could be in danger. The crowd began to clamor with angry mutterings and whispers and those who stood between the man and the entrance glared menacingly at him and refused to make way. Frustrated, the man was requesting for them to let him pass, when all of a sudden, a wizard behind him flicked his wand and the water that was gushing from the mouth of the stone gargoyle jetted toward the man, hitting him square in the back. The force of the spray caused him to stumble forward and the crowd in front of him scattered in disgust as if afraid he would accidentally touch them and impart some fatal illness. Several others laughed ruefully as the man gathered up his little boy and fled into the building without even looking back to confront his assailant.

"Who were those people?" James had asked their father excitedly.

"That was Draco Malfoy and his son," they'd been told.

"Why does everyone hate them?" Albus had asked.

"They're angry, son," Harry Potter had explained, "Because very soon Draco Malfoy's parents are likely to be released from prison and many people don't think they should be allowed to go free." James and Albus had looked at each other in confusion.

"But, if they shouldn't get out of prison, why are they?" James had asked.

"Well, they've served their time. Their sentence is over." James' small face had scrunched up in thought.

"Were they put in jail because they were dark wizards?"

"Yes, son."

"Are they good wizards, now that their sentence is over?" Harry Potter had smiled at his sons' inquisitiveness. He never ceased to be amazed at the simple wisdom of his children.

"That, my dears, is a very good question. We'll just have to wait and see."

It would be years before Albus would see the blonde boy again, standing alongside his father on platform 9 ¾, but he hadn't forgotten the confused and hurt expression on his face as he gazed helplessly at the mob of people who hated him for the crimes of grandparents he'd never even met. It was a stark contrast to the expression of surprise and elation that currently occupied Scorpius' face.

After dinner ended, Scorpius and the other Slytherin second years went down to study for their exams and Albus went with his father to visit Rose in the hospital wing.

"I hope you weren't too embarrassed when Professor McGonagall made that announcement," his father told him. Albus shook his head.

"No, I didn't mind at all," he assured him, "Besides, I think it meant a great deal to Scorpius."

"Oh?" his father asked with a knowing smile, "Why's that?"

"Well, for as long as he can remember, he and his family can't even go out shopping in Diagon Alley without always having to worry if people are going to bother them…maybe even try to hurt them. Frankly, after a while, that kind of life is probably downright depressing! But maybe now Scorpius will see that it isn't always going to be like that. I expect it gives him some hope for the future." His father nodded approvingly.

Rose seemed in good spirits as she sat up in bed, eating her dinner. Her parents sat on either side of her bed and all three greeted them warmly.

"There's the little trouble maker!" Albus' Uncle Ron joked.

"What have I done?" Albus cried defensively.

"Nothing, Albus," his Aunt insisted, "Don't listen to your Uncle."

"I wish I could have seen the game," Rose told him, "Everyone says you played really well!"

"That's an understatement," stated Uncle Ron, "We got toasted, buttered, and served!" He poked his daughter playfully on the shoulder.

"You and Freddy need to get out on that pitch next year, that's all. Get rid of some of those dozy chasers!" Rose rolled her eyes.

"So, I'm supposed to stay head of my class and save the Quidditch team? Any other outrageous expectations I should know about?"

"Yes," her mother replied, " Do a better job of keeping your cousins out of trouble!"

"I said, 'outrageous', Mummy, not 'impossible!'" Rose countered sarcastically and everyone laughed. They had a nice talk until it began to get late. Albus' Aunt Hermoine pointed out that if Rose wanted to be well enough the next day to try and take her exams, she was going to need her sleep. Rose's eyes widened anxiously as she realized how late it was and her father laughed.

"Don't worry, you'll be brilliant! Merlin's Beard, girl, you've had those textbooks memorized since you were eight!" Rose looked slightly relieved as she kissed her parents good-bye.

Albus' family walked him through the corridors, toward the staircase descending into the dungeons.

"And are you ready for your exams?" his aunt asked. Albus shrugged.

"I guess so," he replied without much confidence.

"Of course he is!" his uncle insisted and he turned to advise his nephew. "You just have to keep up your confidence! If you start to get anxious, think of everyone you know that's dumber than you are, that's already passed these tests!" Aunt Hermoine rolled her eyes.

"What's wrong with that?" Uncle Ron complained, "Say, d'you remember Crabbe and Goyle? Two stupider goons never walked this earth and they always managed to pass their exams! If they could do it, surely a sharp kid like Al can manage!" Aunt Hermoine crossed her arms and shook her head, but she didn't bother to argue with her husband's logic.

"Not to add anymore pressure to your week," his father changed the subject, "But how's that assignment I gave you coming along."

"Oh…" Albus replied uneasily, "Er…I did try…but I guess I haven't done too well." Albus glanced up at his father and was relieved that he didn't seem at all disappointed.

"I did try," he repeated for good measure.

"I believe you, Albus," his father assured him. Suddenly, they were joined by Albus' mother and sister, who bounded down the stairs disappointedly, braids flying behind her.

"We were saying good-night to James," his mother explained. Lily ran to her brother and embraced him wildly.

"I don't want to go!" she whined as she clenched his arm.

"Now, now," their father laughed, "The boys will be home in less than a week for Christmas." Lily sighed and looked down gloomily.

"It won't be long, Lil," Albus insisted cheerfully, "Hey, what are you getting me for Christmas?" Lily's face scrunched up playfully.

"I'll never tell!" she declared matter-of-factly as she yanked a colorful knit hat over her red braids.

"It'll be nice to have the family together for Christmas," said his mother.

"There's nothing better than Christmas time!" Lily agreed.

"Not for everyone," their father stated softly and they all looked at him in confusion.

"What do you mean, Daddy?" Lily asked, "Who doesn't like Christmas?"

"I didn't always like Christmas," his father explained, "Until I met Uncle Ron here. I never had any real family around and I generally spent Christmas cleaning up Dudley's wrapping paper. Then when I came to Hogwarts, I met Ron, and he and Gran and Grandad welcomed me into their family." His wife smiled and kissed him.

"If only everyone had such good friends." He reached down and took Lily's hand. Albus met his father's glance and sighed. He knew without his saying, what he was driving at.

"Well, it's time for us to be going home!" Albus hugged each of his family members and watched as they disappeared down the corridor. Perturbed, he turned round and headed down into the dungeons.

The common room was nearly abandoned. Most of the students were studying in the library or turning in early. The only one left was Jeremy Wright, who sat fretful and alone on a sofa, trying desperately to levitate a book on the floor. He flicked his wand wildly toward the book, which spun around like a firecracker, then landed with a plop on the floor. Wright swore in frustration and wiped his face with his hands.

"You're waving your wand too much," Albus said softly. Wright turned around in surprise.

"It's just supposed to be a swish and a flick," he explained further. Albus brandished his wand and spoke the incantation. The book rose easily from the floor and glided into Wright's hands. Wright tossed it onto the floor again and leant back against the sofa in exhaustion. He looked miserable. Albus sighed and asked, "Are you staying here for the holiday?" Wright shrugged.

"If I manage to pass these exams, I guess I am," he admitted, "Otherwise, I guess I have to go back to a foster home or an orphanage." Albus looked down at his feet.

"Well, don't let yourself get discouraged. I mean, think of all the people who you know who are dumber than you that have already passed the test." Wright shrugged unconfidently. Albus hesitated as they both stared at the book on the floor.

"Well, I was thinking, if you wanted to go anywhere for Christmas, you could come to my house." Wright looked up in surprise.

"I..I…I don't think so…" he stammered, "But thanks."

"Right, well…anyway. If you change your mind, my family's real nice and…well…we'd be happy to have you."

"I think I'll just stay here and work on my spells," Wright replied after a long pause, "But maybe some other time, you know. Maybe over the summer…if I get to stay."

"Sure," Albus replied, secretly relieved that his invitation had been declined, "Well, good-night."

"Good-night, Potter."

Albus walked around the sofa and made his way to the boys' stairwell.

"Just a swish and flick…" he heard Wright whisper behind him as he attempted to levitate the book for the hundredth time.

If you enjoyed this story, you might also like "Albus Potter and the Legend of the Changelings", which is still in progress, but next in the series. Please feel free to review, especially if there was something in the story that didn't make sense. Thanks!