[Authors Note: I would like to thank ~tdeuquette~ for responding to my RP/Colab writer classified. She and I have been talking a lot here recently and she was half the reason why I finished "Just Say the Words" and decided to move on to this. There's a reason why it's going to be rated M, but right now it's rated T. I hope you enjoy. PLEASE Read and review. All the love, ~P]

Chapter One:

Temperance Brennan sighed and rested her elbow on the side of the toilet. Day six of this awful sickness, and she still refused to listen to her body. There was no way on this Earth that she was in this situation. She flushed the contents of her stomach down the drain and pulled herself to her feet. Pull it back together, Tempe. She told herself. She washed her hands and brushed her hair back into its tight ponytail. When she returned back to her office, she pulled a mint out of her purse and placed it in her mouth. She knew before the vomiting came, she knew before her moods started to change. Was she going to accept this yet, no, but she was going to deal with it until she confirmed her hypothesis. That is who Dr. Brennan was, she collected the facts and was scheduled for a test later to confirm, or maybe deny, her ideas.

Seeley Booth watched her all day, running to and from the bathroom. He listened as she snapped at what was usually the common mistake. He knew that something wasn't right, but he wasn't about to confront her about it. They had promised to try and keep things the same, but they knew that the promise may not hold out for long. They both knew they were the center of the Hoover/Jeffersonian relationship, and they knew they walked a very thin line. If one of them broke the connection, the whole unit would fall apart with them. So, they kept their one love filled night together a secret. But, they may not be able to keep it for very long much longer.

They knew it would happen sooner or later, they knew that another case would come up and they would have to take it, like usual. This time there were remains were of a woman, who, by Bones predictions, was pregnant, which made it harder not to connect with it for her. She sighed as she bent over the table where they woman's remains laid. She knew how she was murdered; she was stabbed right in the lower stomach, which nearly killed her even more. Her cell phone's alarm clock went off to let her know that she had an appointment to attend.

She was releasing herself from her lab coat, which was slowly getting a little bit tighter around the chest area, when there was a slight rap on her door. She turned to see the cocky, arrogant, sexy, charming man she called her partner, leaning against the doorframe.

"You're heading out early, Bones." He sighed, running a hand over the back of his neck.

"I have an appointment this afternoon, if that's alright with you." She said, hanging her jacket up on the hook. He scoffed.

"An 'appointment', Bones?" He asked. "Is that what they're calling it nowadays?" He asked. She looked at him confused and then saw the look on his face. She was trying to be rational, but he was annoying her.

"No, Booth, that's not what they're calling it nowadays, though I am really not too sure what 'it' is. I am going to the doctor, if that's alright with you." She said, gathering her things together. He changed his attitude when she said the word doctor.

"Woah, hey, wait, why are you going to the doctor?" He asked, coming into her office. He kept his voice low. "What's going on is everything okay?" He asked, giving her the once over. She looked perfectly fine in his eyes, better than fine. Then again, she always looked better than fine. He couldn't help but notice that her chest had looked like it had gotten a little fuller. He detoured his eyes back to hers, and he caught her worry.

"Booth, I assure you," She started to lie. She knew better, though, and moved past him to shut her door. She sighed and leaned against it for a second.

"You're running in and out of the bathroom every two hours, your moods have changed and…" He tried to stop himself, but he couldn't. "Well, it's obvious that you've filled out a little bit…" And he let his voice drift off a little. Brennan looked down at her chest, sighed and the pushed forward a bit.

"Do you think that I'm…" But she couldn't say the word.

"Do I think you're pregnant, Bones, yes." He confirmed her question. He could always do that, see right through her. He sighed and rubbed his neck, not sure if he should ask a question or not.

"Who do you think the father is?" Brennan couldn't believe that the question had just fallen off her partners lips.

"Really, Booth?" She asked, trying to keep her emotions under control. He sighed and handed her the purse she was about to push him out of the way for.

"Alright, fine," He said kind of giving into her. She sighed as she took the purse and their eyes met, changing for a moment. "Do you want me to go with you?" He asked, looking at his watch.

"It's just the test, Booth." She said, grabbing her jacket. "I don't want you to waste your day by following me around the hospital—" He stopped her by grabbing her arm. He pulled her close for a moment, looking at her.

"Bren," He called her their name, their secret dream name. "If you are pregnant, there's more than a ninety percent chance that I'm the father." He said, and he sighed. "I didn't leave Rebecca, I'm not leaving you." He said. She shook her head, accepting him. Something was connecting her to him, more than their usual connection. She knew then, for a fact, that she was pregnant.

The doctor's office wasn't crowded, but Booth's heart still fell in his stomach when he heard Brennan's name being called. He was led to the room while she was led to the restroom, and he couldn't help but pace in the little room. Booth was used to fathering a child, Parker was an eleven-year-old and growing strong, but that was with Rebecca, someone he loved once, but fell out of love with. Booth never really fell out of love with Temperance.

When she came back in the room, he was sitting in a chair with his head in his hands, his leg shaking.

"Booth," She said, and he quickly stood up. She leaned against the bed and Booth stood beside her, wrapping his arm around her waist instead of one of their usual "man hugs" sort of a positions. She leaned her head on his shoulder and took a deep breath.

"I'm going to be here, Bones." He said, kissing her head. "I'm going to be here for you for everything." He said, but when he swallowed, his mind was thinking of other things. He didn't know about having a child with a woman who wasn't sure if she loved him or not.

"I know you will, Booth." She said, and then she looked up at him. "I trust you." And she smiled a light smile. He pressed his forehead against hers, but then the door slightly clicked, and he could hear the doctor clearing his throat.

"Dr. Brennan, Agent Booth." He said, and Brennan moved a little bit, but not out of his arm completely. He sighed, but then there was a small smile that appeared on his face, and he knew, we both knew. "Congratulations," He said, before handing Tempe the paper work. He excused himself out while she went through the charts.

"He's right," She sighed. "I'm pregnant." She looked back up at me. I sighed and smiled, pulling her in again. "What are we going to do?" She asked me. I sighed and shrugged my shoulder.

"How about we go feed the little guy," I smiled, lovingly placing my hand on her lower stomach. She rolled her eyes but smiled.

"Or girl, but it's too early to tell." She said, placing a hand on mine. "But I could go for some friend food." She shrugged. I looked at her wide eyed and confused.

"Bones," I questioned. "My Bones wants fried food?" I asked. She laughed and grabbed her purse, subconsciously grabbing my hand. I looked down and noticed that she had laced her fingers through mine. When she caught my glance, she smiled.

"Yes, I want fried food and yes," She said, moving our hands a bit. "I am holding your hand." She smiled, as we made our way out of the office.

The diner had their usual table open and when they sat down; the waiter asked if they wanted their usual. Booth ordered his hamburger and fries, but when Brennan ordered the same thing, Booth's eyeballs nearly popped out of his head.

"What the heck?" He asked, and Brennan smiled.

"It's normal to have abnormal food cravings during the first if not the second trimester of your pregnancy." She smiled, taking a sip of her tea. Booth smiled at her and she returned his smile. Suddenly, his face changed when he realized something.

"What're we going to do about this?" He asked, motioning between the two of them. Brennan placed her tea down and wiped her mouth.

"Well, I was wondering if—" But she was cut off by her phone ringing. She sighed, and answered it quickly before she eyed Booth and motioned her head to the door. This would have to wait until later.