One delightful morning in late July, little Sealand woke up bright and early. He pulled back the covers on his bed, and got out. He quickly changed clothing, and put on his usual sailor outfit and his blue cap. Turning to the mirror, he smiled and ran out of the bedroom. Because the little nation wasn't considered a real nation by the others, he often stayed with his older brother England, more commonly known as Arthur. He ran down the steps but was halted by England who happened to be down the hall from the boy's bedroom.

"Peter…did you make your bed?" He crossed his arms and waited for an answer. England was an easy going guy, and he loved the time spent with his little brother, but he was also not going to raise a freeloading brat. The boy looked up at him and bit his lip.

"Uh…well, no I didn't um Arthur…"

"Well, hop to it, go and make your bed, and then…then you need to have a bath, I don't want to even think that you put on your dirty sailor suit from yesterday. Tsk tsk young man. Hurry on now, I will be watching and waiting." England turned the boy around and pushed him back in the room.

Sealand huffed slightly but did not let his brother hear him. He ran to his bed, and with the best of his abilities, he made the bed, and fluffed the pillow. Once that was done, he walked over to England. The man patted him on the head, and the two walked to the washroom.

"Alright youngster, strip down, and I will get the water temperature just right." He turned to the faucet and ran the bath. Throwing in some chamomile and lavender, the room began to smell pleasant. Sealand turned up his nose.

"Aww England…I don't want to smell like a girl." He stood in his bare skin. His prepubescent body out in the open. Trying to cover himself, he was slightly embarrassed. Although England had seen the boy naked ever since he was born, the child did all he could to cover himself up.

"Come now, get into the basin, and you caused quite enough mischief yesterday playing in the garden, you are filthy. In now!"

The boy climbed into the tub and Arthur began by douching his head with water, and rubbing in some shampoo. He hadn't watched as clearly some of the soap slid down and got into the boy's eyes. A small cry emitted from Sealand and he thrashed in the water.

"Hey! England…ouch, ouch! You got soap in my eyes, its hurts! Please get it out big brother, it hurts!" The boy rubbed at his eyes, which England had told him in the past not to do, as it would only further irritate it.

"Stop it Peter, you'll make it worse, calm down, let me get a cloth, and I will wipe the soap out."

"Hurry Arthur, I am going blind…hurry, hurry!" The boy stood up and stamped his feet. He had soap sliding all down his body. England went to the cabinet and got something for the boy's eyes.

"You are not going to go blind." He took the fabric and rubbed gently to the eyes, or so he thought gently. Sealand grabbed the cloth and shouted.

"You hurt me! Too rough. Stupid jerk land!" The boy splashed water at his brother, and then…immediately regretted it.

England gritted his teeth and grabbed for the little nation. He scooped him out of the tub, laid him over the ledge and then keeping a firm grip on his extremely wet body unleashed several sharp smacks to the boy's naked backside. Yelping, Sealand burst into teas and wiggled with all his might. This not being easy as there was a lot of water in and around the tub. Delivering a final slap to his backside, England took him out of the tub and wrapped him in a towel, and pulled him back down to his room.

Arthur pulled open the wardrobe, and looked at the many different outfits. Sealand stood gulping and wiping his eyes. They still burnt from the soap, but now he had a whole other burning sensation. England turned back to him.

"I have told you countless times that you are not to refer to me as jerk land. If I hear it again, you'll be more than sorry!" He pulled out another sailor suit. This one was all white, with white Capri pants, and a blue bow in the front. A white matching cap was also included.

He dressed the boy and nodded. At least the child looked presentable now.

"Well now, because of your little attitude, you have made us late for breakfast. Come with me, we will eat and then you have some morning lessons to do."

Sealand got slightly annoyed. This was the only thing he hated about staying with England. He was always made to do school work. And he could never get out of it because his big brother was strict. His Papa Sweden usually slacked off when it came to the education department.

Breakfast this morning was the usual…porridge. Something that Sealand despised, but England always made him eat it, and the boy never had any say in his breakfast. One of the wait staff brought out a bowl and placed it in front of him. England handed him a spoon, and then walked over to his place at the table, and sat down. Lifting the large spoonful to his mouth, he opened and shoved it in. He did not like the texture and gagged slightly. England raised an eye brow, but then went back to his own meal. Getting as much down as he could, he murmured slightly and cleared his throat. The elder nation looked up.


"May I be excused big brother? I want to go and play with my toys. Please?"

"Yes you may for a little while. You will however attend to your lessons in a little while. So go on, go play, and I will see to it that one of the house maids retrieves you. You have one hour."

"Thank you!" The boy leapt down from his chair and ran out of the room.

The mansion was large and glorious. Even though Sealand had been there many times, he still was curious to explore the vast rooms held within. There were some rooms that he was allowed to wonder freely in, and then there were rooms like England's study, the drawing room, and the billiards room, he was not allowed in. Those rooms were usually attended to by the adult nations, and were off limits. Today…Sealand would test the limits. He knew he only had one hour, so he had to make it last. He walked past England's study, shivering, he thought he would leave that room alone, besides he had been in there many times before, and it was never a good memory. The drawing room was nothing special, but because it was so elegant, that was one of the reasons why it was barred. Nothing a child could possibly want was in there. The last room was the billiards room. Many a nights when a cluster of nations would drink, smoke cigars and just plain hang out. This was the happening room. Sealand would often sneak downstairs and listen. He would also be envious of the others who played pool.

He walked into the forbidden room. It smelled sweet of cigars from a couple previous nights. It was a large area. Leather sofas frequented the room, and a bar stood at one corner. Photos of some of the nations together. One particular was England and America smiling at the camera. Another one of Sweden and Finland together. The giant billiards table was to the far left of the room. It was so beautiful, with hand rubbed traditional mahogany, red suede cloth that covered, and a dazzling chandelier above the table. England was extremely proud to have this in his home. The little nation decided that since this was his only chance, he might as well try his hand at some play. The billiard balls were strewn about on the table. Normally Arthur would have it in perfect condition, but he hasn't thought about re setting it. Sealand walked over and grabbed a pool cue. It was incredibly large in his wee little hands. Juggling it in his stance, he walked over to the table, tipped the cue stick slightly lopsided and without a moment to breathe, shot a ball with so much force, it flew into the air and crashed through the window. He was so frightened that still holding the pool stick, he rammed it into the chandelier making the large light fixture come crashing down on top of the pool table. He then threw the stick down.

Purveying the damage, a large lump formed in the child's throat. How was he going to get away with this? There was no way. The only thing he could do was lock the room, and hope the damage would not be seen for a couple of days. He waltzed right over to the desk by one of the sofa's. Inside the drawer was a large key. He grabbed the key, and then slamming the door shut, he locked it, and hid the instrument in his pocket. He stood by the door and sighed until he heard some foot steps coming towards the room. The boy dashed and ended up bumping into Genevieve, one of England's head maids. She looked down at the boy who had fallen back on his rear end, and helped him up.

"Ah Master Peter, it seems though your brother is waiting for you out in the courtyard. He is ready to start your mathematics lesson. Come along young sir." She turned around and led him down the hall, and towards the outside.

England stood waiting by the rose bushes and was waiting by a large stone table. There was a parchment, and some writing utensils. He pointed to one of the seats, and the boy proceeded to walk over and sit down. England went on with the lesson for nearly twenty minutes. Pounding the information into the young child's mind. He learned, and was doing very good indeed. All was well though when after another half hour, England let the boy get up and stretch.

"Alright Peter…go on, get up and have a stretch." England yawned and cracked his knuckles.

Sealand reciprocated a yawn, and being a child, did little jumps up and down as to try and keep his legs from falling asleep. As he jumped up and down, the key that was in his pocket, that he had forgotten about bounced along. With all his jumping, the treasured key suddenly flew out of his pocket and landed right by England's shoe. Gasping in horror, the child watched the look on his big brother's face in an expression of questionable concern arose from him. He bent down and plucked it up holding it in his hand, and twisting it through and through between his thumb and index finger. Suddenly he looked at the boy who was just as intrigued. A fake look of intrigue thought Arthur.

"Peter…why do you have a key in your pocket? I know you didn't go searching in the gardens, because you were restricted to the mansion. Tell me…where is this key from?" He looked directly into the boy's eyes, which was not difficult at all. He could usually stare the daylights out of most the nations around. The boy shook with fear.

"I got it from the billiards room big brother." He barley got the words out, and hiccupped as he looked at the man. England's eyes widened and he forcefully grabbed the child's arms and whisked him into the house. As they walked down to the forbidden room, England breathed heavy. He did not have the time nor the patience to deal with this right now.

They arrived at the door, and Arthur noticed it was shut and, when he pulled, indeed locked. He looked down at the miscreant.

"Any reason why this door is locked young man?"

"Uh…no England. I don't…I saw the key in the hall on the floor. Maybe one of the maids locked the door perhaps?" The boy smiled slightly, but England did not return the grin.

"Stay right there." Said the elder man, and he walked to the door, slipped in the key. Turning the locked open, he swung the door forward and all time stopped. If Sealand had any sense right now, he should have fled the scene. The look on his older brother's face was nothing but spectacular. The broken window, the pool table damaged with the remains of a shattered light fixture. Sweat appeared on England's brow, and in the corner of his eye he saw Sealand slowly tip toe out of the room.

"Do not move at all…stay right where you are now sir!" England put his hand to his mouth and bit back a couple of choice words that Sealand usually got his mouth soaped out for. The man turned to the boy and in one gracious swipe grabbed the boy, and flipped him over his shoulder. "Into my study with you young man."

England walked in a brisk stride and arrived to his office. He set the boy down, and closed the door. Walking over to his desk, he pulled out his chair, and opened the drawer. He pulled out his cane, a paddle slapper, and his trusty slipper. The boy standing by the desk had tears in his eyes, and his hands flew straight to his bottom and he held it tight in anticipation. England cleared his throat.

"You were told many times…COUNTLESS times of the three rooms you are not to play in. I can't possibly say what is to happen to my beloved billiards room, but I will get one thing straight today, and it is making sure YOU will never, ever do anything like this again. And another thing…I do NOT tolerate lying." He sat down, holding the slipper in his hand. "Lower your britches and come here at once!"

The boy seeing in no turning back, lowered his pants, and took down his undergarments. He hoisted himself up the broad height of England's knee, and draped himself across it. The child could not bring himself to be brave as England hurriedly imprinted several stinging slaps to the boy's bare backside. Sealand had no idea how many dreadful smacks fell, but there were enough to subdue him to tears. He was most sorry, and wished for nothing more than for the spanking to now end.

England now judging that the child had learned his lesson from the contrite sobs, put Peter back on his feet, raising his knickers and adjusting his Capri pants. Tear stricken and jarring, Sealand put both hands behind him, and rubbed at his very hot and stinging bottom. Not waiting to seem like a terrible monster, England with as much determination to hold a stern exterior, pulled the boy into a gruff hug and rubbed his back in soft centric circles.

"There, there…straight up stairs with you. For being so naughty, you are to go straight to bed. I will have Genevieve wake you for tea, you will have a violin lesson, and then back to bed and punished for the rest of the evening."

"Yes…(hic)…(sob)…Yes big brother." The boy rubbed his eyes with his sleeve, and turned towards the door, opened it, and left the room. England got up from his chair, threw the slipper on his desk, and soon left his room. A very much and trying day. Sigh.