Don't yell at me! I know I've got stories to update, but this one was just calling me and I had to give it a shot. This is just a prologue, but it'll make sense when I get the next chapter up. So yeah, this is Flipped (sorry, couldn't think of a better name!) I'm totally open to name suggestions, guys, and so read and tell me if you like it. Oh, and for all intents and purposes of this story, Ioseph Cavan wasn't killed when he was trying to assassinate Lincoln.

Summary: What would happen if the Circle of Cavan wasn't after Cammie and they did another exchange? What if, somehow, using advanced CIA technology, Cammie and Zach switched bodies? Would it bring them together or just tear them apart?

Disclaimer: Consider it disclaimed xP

Picture a room.

Dark. Dank. Musty. With a low ceiling and moist brown walls and a single bulb in the center of this horribly grim room.

Now, add a girl. A pretty girl she is. All blonde ringlets and rosy cheeks, thick lashes and ruffles and petticoats. Cute, huh?

But I want you to make a few changes.

Rip the girl's puffy sleeves off, and add bruises to her porcelain skin. Rope her down to a rickety chair, but leave her eyes alone.

Blue. Baby Blue. But filled not with fear.


"Quick, we haven't got much time," a tall young man said as he burst into the grim room holding the girl with the mussed ringlets. Without so much as a second glance to the beautiful girl (for she was even beautiful with blood marring her full pink lips and usually rosy cheeks), he strode to one wall and began to check the chamber for listening devices. These were developed recently by the CIA, and were hard to come by as they were still in the prototype stage. However, he couldn't be sure.

Cavan might've gotten his slimy hands on some.

Meanwhile, two women followed him in, breathing a bit harder from the effort of dragging their full skirts. The girl in the chair made a note in her mind of how cumbersome these stifling gowns were. A raven-haired beauty was in the lead, with features that seemed of Asian descent, and a petite redhead who couldn't have been more than sixteen followed.

"Brian?" Our leading lady (for now) exclaimed. However, soon the surprise on her face turned to anger. "What the devil are you doing here?"

Seemingly satisfied with his search results, the man, who shall now be called Brian, turned to the furious maiden. "Isn't it obvious?" he asked, his hazel eyes twinkling. "I'm saving my beautiful woman."

Scoffing, the young woman – nineteen, perhaps? – rose form the chair; her bonds broken by the two other females in the room.

"Brian, I am not you woman! Silly, sexist pig!"

"Gills, calm down. I'm merely messing with you. Now listen closely to the plan to get out of this hellhole."

"No! I'm Gillian Gallagher! I don't need saving!" she childishly responded.

"And I'm Brian Blackthorne and I don't give a damn! Obviously you needed saving, two minutes ago you were tied to a chair, battered and bruised!"

The girl, Gillian, contorted her face with rage and indignation before shouting (quietly and lady like, of course), "I knew what I was doing! I had it all under control! I'm just as competent as you –"

"With that a large, tan, calloused hand covered her delicate lips.

"Shh, Gilly, you'll wake your captors. I know you're just as great a spy as me, you may be better. But right now we need to get out of here. So please," with this his golden eyes turned dark and pleading, "please, listen to the plan."

Eyes wide and face flushed, Gillian nodded slowly, following his hand as it made its way away from her mouth. "Alright."

Smiling slightly, and a bit apologetically, Brian Blackthorne pulled out two clear earpieces and held them out.

Her response was instantaneous.

"No," she gasped. "Definitely not. Do you realize how dangerous that would be?"

"Gills. Gill, listen to me," the tall young man forced the girl, who must have been almost ten inches shorter than him, to look him in the eye by coaxing her chin up with an index finger. "It's even more dangerous leaving you unprotected. You're the bravest, strongest, fiercest woman out there, and nobody can afford to lose you." He took a deep breath and peeked out at her under his thick lashes before saying, "and I'm no exception."

Catching her breath, Gillian replied softly, "But – But I – Who?"

For the first time, the Asian beauty spoke up. "It would be Little Eliza here, milady,"

"Call me Gillian, please," the blonde murmured distractedly. Eliza? Would that be the tiny flame headed girl next to (Wendeline, her mind supplied. She had seen her around the mansion.). "Why, she's not but a child! Brian!" she cried turning to him. "I'd be putting a tiny thing not past the age of innocence into pure danger, Brian. I can't do that."

Impatiently, Brian shook his head. "Gillian Gallagher, we do not have much time to ourselves. You need to agree, Gills. How old were you when you first faced Ioseph?"

"Fourteen," she blushed. "But that's completely beside the point. I grew up differently and – "

She gasped and thrust herself into Brian's arms and chest at the last moment as a silver dagger whipped towards her head. She dodged it but just barely. Shocked, Gillian watched a small lock of her hair float to the ground as the knife stuck in the moldy wall. Turning towards the small girl, Eliza, she raises an eyebrow.

"I assure you," the girl begins in a dainty voice. "That I am quite capable, miss."

Chuckling, Gillian Gallagher stepped away from the warmth and security of Brian Blackthornes arms (a bit reluctantly) and said, "I should have known," and held out her manicured hand for an earpiece.

"Yes, you know me better than that. I would never, ever put a youthful dame in danger unless I thought they had your fight in them," the golden eye winked at her and her heart rate sped up a bit. Covering it up by putting on a brisk attitude she adopted an unspoken role as co-leader of the mission.

"Alright then, Eliza, come here," the young girl did as she was told. "Now, after you place this earpiece in, you know what will happen, correct?"

"Of course," Eliza piped up. "I was briefed. When we both insert the earpieces, our bodies will be switched. So I'll be Eliza inside the infamous Gillian Gallagher's body, and you'll be Miss Gallagher inside my body."

"Right, then, Eliza, Gills, go ahead," Brian said, glancing at his pocket watch.

Locked eyes, amber ones belonging to a five foot even girl with red hair; and baby blues, property of a 5'4" blonde woman. The two teenagers insert the earpieces into their ears nervously, either knowing what could happen.

After all, these hadn't exactly been tested…

And it was obvious that despite his high clearance level, Brian hadn't exactly had permission to use them.

Wendeline and Brian stifled gasps of shock as both girls began to shimmer a bit at their edges and curves. Beautifully dangerous. Finally, their glow became so bright that Wendeline had to avert her eyes, but Brian just squinted to see what was happening to his true love. Eliza.

Kidding, of course.

But Brian had been in love with Gilly ever since their families had had tea together when they were at the slight age of seven. He had pulled the chair out for the girl a bit too much and she'd landed on her arse. Instead of embarrassedly rushing inside as most young ladies would have, she humphed, got up (ignoring his outstretch hand), and landed him a swift kick to the groin. After that, she took a seat, spread her napkin in a lady like manner, and beamed at the confused parents as she took a bite of a biscuit.

At that moment, as he was rolling around on the tea pavilion, clutching his family jewels in a very un-gentleman like manner, he knew he was in love.

Slowly a shadow seemed to come out of Gillian's chest, as well as Eliza's. They switched spots and quickly, entered into the others body with a jolt.

"Oofh," Gillian – I mean Eliza, in Gillian's body, said.

"You guys alright?" Brian walked straight up to Gillian's body and wrapped his arms around her.

A giggle emitted from Gillian's lips. "Mr. Blackthorne, sir, I believe that Ms. Gillian is over there," and Eliza pointed to her own body.

"Oh, err, I knew that," Brian choked out as he ran a hand through his hair and took Eliza's hand instead. "Anyway, Eliza and Wendeline, you'll stay here and when the guards walk in, Wendeline hits them in the head with the weapon we've brought" (the weapon being a crowbar) "and then you both escape. You'll meet us at the rendezvous point if they hopefully haven't noticed us."

"And then," Gillian in Eliza's body said, "Eliza and I will switch bodies back quickly in case there's a fight."

Brian sighed and rubbed his face with his free hand but didn't argue with the girl.

So the two highly trained operatives left the room and quickly found an air duct. Right before Brian's eyes, Gillian ripped off much of her full skirt, leaving her bare from the knees down. Quickly, being the gentleman that he was, Brian covered his eyes and asked incredulously, "What the hell do you think you're doing, Gills? We haven't even courted yet, and this is hardly the place!"

Giggling a bit, she said, "Relax, Brian. This is just so I can actually fit in those vents. I'll tell you, you mean have got it easy with trousers and stockings."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, Gills, let me give you a boost up." Averting his eyes, he lifted the small girl as if she were weightless and followed her into the vents. After about twenty seven minutes and forty three seconds of crawling, they came to the rendezvous point. Opening the ventilation grate, they both dropped down; Brian going first and catching Gillian.

After about two minutes of waiting around for their partners in this rescue mission, Gillian and Brian began to grow worried.

"Where could they be? Surely they weren't caught? Perhaps, perhaps… Oh no! I've got a different strength level and weight than Eliza! What if she's messed up because of the changes in her body! Oh dear…"

"Relax," Brian said. "They'll be fine," The same couldn't be said for Brian though. Even though it was Eliza's body, and he was the epitome of a gentleman, he knew that it was Gilly in there who had bared her legs in front of him, and was finding it hard to focus on anything else.

At that moment, the two burst into the private chamber. "Quickly, quickly! They're coming!" Wendeline shrieked.

No sooner had Gilly and Eliza switched back then Ioseph Cavan himself entered, along with two of his guards.

"Oh, well if it isn't little Gillian," he sneered. Ioseph Cavan was a handsome man, one who could actually look good wearing a sneer. Slicked back pale blonde hair and icy blue-gray eyes. Two inches shorter than Brian, yet still at an imposing height. Both men were fit, and both had competed for Gillian Gallagher's affections. "I see you've escaped. You look a bit… worse for the wear. Perhaps you wouldn't be in this predicament if you had taken part in our courtship two years ago," he finished bitterly.

Without wasting any time in allowing Gilly to answer him, Brian punched him square in the jaw and after that, excuse the cliché, but hell broke loose.

While Wendeline and Eliza took on the two guards, Brian and Ioseph were duking it out in a long overdue combat. Gillian was trying to intervene but Brian kept pushing her back. "We've got to settle this Gill; he needs to know that you don't belong to him." She was about to protest when he added, "You don't belong to anyone." And with that, she knew she couldn't argue.

So she landed a lethal kick to the side of one guard's neck, and administered the Litzsky Maneuver with Wendeline to the other, effectively knocking him out for a few hours.

When she glanced over at the two men, however, her hopes were dashed. Although Brian was more skilled in combat, he wasn't armed and Ioseph was holding a silver dagger. As she caught Eliza's guilty eye, she realized with a jolt that it had been the ornate one that had nearly severed her head off her shoulders. With a (very feminine) screech of rage, she ran to Ioseph Cavan, and removed the sword slung across a holster in his belt.

With one clean slash of his own sword, Ioseph Cavan was no more.

So, that was just a prologue! Not the actual story, it just kind of sets up the plot, you know? Adds some background information on those 'special earpieces'. Anyway, this is kind of based off of hot chick, but only the body switching part. I'm actually hoping my story will turn out nothing like that movie because, well, it sucked. No offense Rachel McAdams, you were young then. But uh, yeah! Tell me what you think of the idea, and if you think the story would be good! (Goode?)

Also, check out my one shot I just posted called 'That Gift from Cupid' and if you like Percy Jackson or Big Time Rush (yeah, I'm a little old for them. But they're so cute!) I have some stories for those 'shippings' too.

Okay gurlies (guylies if there are any reading this?) click that little review button right down there.

That's it.

Thanks for reading!