My friends and I join the That 70's Show circle...this could be interesting.

I don't own anyone but myself!

*Kelso, Hyde, Eric, and Fez are talking about how stupid girls are. Suddenly, as we see Eric, Fez says "Who the hell are you?"

Me (sitting by Fez): "I'm Alice." (Not my real name but I don't want people stalking me. Plus it's my nickname! You know...Twilight!)

*Kelso screams like a girl*

Kelso: "Where did she come from?"

Alana (the blonde) *sitting by Kelso*: "Well, you see, my parents"

ME: "Alana! Don't scar him for life!"

Hyde: "What's with the midget?"

Ami *sitting by Hyde* (she's my short friend): "I'm a minja! Get your terms straight!"

Hyde: "What's a minja?"

Ami: "A midget ninja. Duh!"

Vanessa *sitting next to Eric*: "Hey, can I scare someone too?"

Eric: "Holy mother of God!"

Vanessa: "Yes! My work here is done."

Fez: "Where did you guys come from?"

*Alana tried to talk. I interrupt with : "Don't even Alana."

Eric: "Seriously, what are you guys doing here?"

Ami: "That's classified. Now let us stay and I won't kick your asses."

*Kelso laughs* Kelso: "Yeah right. Like you could hurt me."

*Ami throws Kelso on the floor easily*

Ami: "What now?" *Dusts off hands*

Hyde: "You, my minja friend, are awesome!" *They high five*

*Fez trys to hit on me* Fez: "You can sit on me if you want."

Me: "Yeah, no."

Vanessa: "Oooo! Alice is getting hit on!"

Me: "Shut up!"

Vanessa: "Never!"

*Kelso gets up off the floor* Everyone: "BURN!"

Kelso: "That's my line..."

Alana: "Dude, you make blondes look smart." *shakes head*

Fez: "You want to come to my house, Alice? We have a TV."

Vanessa: " comment..."

Me: "I think I'll pass."

Eric: "Fez, don't you have anything else to do other than hit on her?"

Fez: "No."

Me: "Great." *Rolls eyes*

Hyde: "So Forman, what were you whining about?"

Eric: "Oh right, Donna wants to move to California."

Alana: "California is awesome!"

Hyde: "No it's not. Now what you gotta do is-"

Alana: "Yeah it is."

Hyde: "Shut up, no it's not."

Me: "Yeah it is."

Hyde: "No."

Me: "Yes!"

Hyde: "No!"

Me: "Yes!"

Hyde: "No!"

Vanessa: "Cheese!" *smiles while everyone else stares* "What?"

Me: "Really Vanessa?"

Vanessa: "Yes really."

Fez: "What a loser."

Me: "Ana you aren't?" *slaps the back of his head*

*Kelso's been staring at Ami in fear* Kelso: "'re crazy!"

Ami: "Your point being...?"

Hyde: "You're my guru!" *High five again"

Kelso: "So, Eric, you gotta let Donna know who's boss and what you say goes."

Me: "Oh hell no!"

Alana: "Uh oh."

Ami: "Here she goes again."

*Vanessa hums the death march*

*I go into a huge lecture about how girls have as much say as guys*

Kelso: :S "What?"

Hyde: :O "Wow."

Eric: "Luke. I am your father."

Alan and Ami: "Nerd. Jinx!" *Fail attempts at high fives*

Vanessa: "You guys suck at high fives."

Alan: "Yes."

Ami: "Yes we do."

Me: "Get the hell off of me, Fez!" *pushes Fez off and onto the floor*

Review plz!