Author's Notes: I hope you guys enjoyed the story plot! I really did like writing this but I do think I could have done better. The idea was so much better in my head and well planned but somewhere in there I lost my words. Sorry. I don't own glee, enjoy! BTW sorry for spelling mistakes or anything. For some reason my friend's computer doesn't have it, who knows.

It was Chrismtas time; the werewolves were finishing wrapping presents when the vampires walked in. "Uncle David!" The small blond child cried as she ran into her new uncle's waiting arms. Quinn went over and hugged Wes along with the other girls. Finn and Puck nodded to Blaine with a grin. Kurt ran over to his family and hugged them all. Kurt missed them, moving to dalton was one of the hardest things he ever had to do.

No one was upset with Kurt when he thought it be best for him to move with his mate. After all, Sam's old coven found out of his death and all eyes were on Kurt for killing him. He was a wanted vampire and not even his big brother Finn could save him from that. Kiss or not, Sam was a high ranking vampire and they wouldn't stop till they have Kurt's head.

Blaine was more then happy to welcome Kurt into his home. The pack loved Kurt once they got passed the fangs and blood drinking. He was happy to wake up to Kurt every morning. Even though his breath smelt like death, it's just another reason to love him. Of course their lives weren't perfect, some werewolves didn't like the idea of a vampire living alomg them. Even with being at peace with them not all wolves were on good pages with them.

Wes became best friends with Kurt first. He, and of course David, helped Kurt out getting use to everything. Both had a soft spot for the small vampire child, thus their new titles as pack sitter for the leech child. Which both were happy with. Beth liked Wes and David a lot, they'd play around with in wolf form. Giving her rides all around, the first time they went so fast they nearly gave Quinn a heart attack.

Finn and Rachel were happy that everyone as at peace enough to have a baby of their own. Racchel discovered she was pregnant three weeks after the battle which was months ago. Finn was scared to death but Puck warned him he doesn't have much to worry about. Everyone was happy, they had a great large family where everyone was happy and no danger.

Kurt walked out with a tray of cookies and some warm AB postive for Beth. "Here you are, Sweetie."

"Dank you!" She giggled as she bit into a cookie before sipping her blood. Blaine chuckled at the blood dripping down her face as another wolf near by growled and stormed out. Everyone tensed but it disapperaed quickly once Beth started to sing slient night. Soon enough everyone joinied in.

Everyone was laughing and enjoying theirselves. Presents were the best, funny gifts were given all over. Puck gave Finn an ice pack for when Rachel goes through labor, Quinn broke his hand during it. "And Beth won't be healing you anytime soon." Puck added. He was afraid of Beth healing to much. Once she healed everyone she was out cold for two days. For such a small child she was strong but everyone can only take so much.

Kurt sat down by Blaine and rested his head on his shoulder. "This is the best Christmas I ever had. Thank you for letting my family come. I miss them terribly."

"Anything to make my little vampy happy." Blaine grinned as he kissed him softly against his lips.

"I love you, Blaine. Even your flees." Kurt smirked.

"Ha Ha. Between you and your family I don't think there will be any dog jokes left for the next holiday." Blaine rolled his eyes.

"You love with, Blaine Anderson." Kurt said in a sing song voice.

"Only from you." He grinned as he kissed him again.

"We will be together forever?" Kurt asked, looking up into Blaine's eyes.

"Forever." Blaine agreed as he pulled him close. "You won't get rid of me, Kurt Hummel. Not even a sliver bullet will." He kissed his neck with a slight smirk. "I'll keep you safe." Blaine muttered against his skin. Kurt sighed happily as the others gagged at the two's love feast. Kurt was glad that he had everything he could ever ask for. An amazing werewolf boyfriend, a family at his back along with the pack. Though of course there were a few downsides; like being wanted for murder, his powers being out of control, and the fact that the high magical counlce were out to get him. Kurt would find a way to keep the ones he loved safe, even if it kills him.