Disclaimer: I do not own Pandora Hearts.


Seniors: Gilbert, Vincent, Jack, Echo

Juniors: Alice, Chesire, Alyss

Sophomores: Oz, Elliot, Reo, Reim

Freshman: Ada


Break: Elective/JROTC

Sharon: Junior

Glen: Sophomore

Oscar: Senior

Lotti: Freshman

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Chapter 1- Seeing Him

"God I hate school…" Gil muttered to himself as he walked slowly through the halls of Pandora High School. 'Why do I even bother coming to school when nobody likes me?' Gil thought and sighed as he realized that he had passed by his class. Turning around, he bumped into Alice, his now enemy. "Watch where you're going Seaweed Head!" You too, Stupid Rabbit!" They glared at each other, before Alice pushed Gil to the side and continued walking. To think that they actually went out, he actually loved her, until he found out he was being used. Because of her, he was all alone, only with one friend, Reim. He began to continue to his classroom, unaware that no one was in the hall and the bell already rang.

"Gilbert Nightray! You're late!" Ms. Kate scolded as Gil made his way to the back right corner [near the windows]. As Ms. Kate began the lesson, Gil drifted his view to the window as he began to daydream.

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"Onee-Chan!" Ada ran up to her second oldest brother, Oz. "What is it Ada? Jack left you again to go hang out with his friends?" Ada shook her head as she grabbed her schedule out of her binder and handing it over. Oz was surprised when he saw it. Jack and him had that class and now Ada? "You, Me and Jack get to be in the same class for A-Day! Isn't this awesome?" Even though it was his first day at Pandora High, He still didn't get how the people at the front desk change schedules fast. Well, he should know how that works despite that he doesn't go to Pandora's Private School anymore. Their uncle, Oscar, is a teacher here, so making friends wasn't hard for the trio. First day here and they're already popular. Since Oscar isn't really the teaching type, he has parties every day in his classroom, and the school doesn't mind if he brings 'beverages'.


'Fuck. First day here and already I have a tardy. Oh well, at least me and Ada have the authority of saying we didn't know our way around' Oz thought. He and Ada left the hallway in search of the oldest one of the trio.

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'Fourth Period. Finally' Gil thought as the bell disrupted his daydream. He was always the last one to leave, knowing nobody cares about him. "Gilbert, come over here. I need to have a word with you." Making his way over to the desk, he sat on the chair that was usually used for the people who didn't know how to act. "Gilbert" She began, "I don't know if it's either you're tired or lazy, maybe if have problems, I don't tolerate Failures in my class. Is that understood? Or should I get Chief Break to speak with you?" Gil shook his head, shuddering at the name of Chief Break. He didn't like his JROTC class and especially didn't like the remarks the man had on Gil. Chief annoyed Gil so much that by even looking at him annoyed Gil. After leaving the classroom, Gil walked quickly outside, knowing the punishments that Chief Break gave.

Entering inside the portable building, Gil made his way to his assigned seat next to Reim. It was certainly a little bit loud today, but Gil knew most were talking about him and his emo self. Footsteps came, leading with a man in a general's outfit was Chief Xerxes Break, blow-pop in his mouth, as usual. "My little cadets,-" was all he could say before a trio of blondes opened the door.

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Break turned to see the trio. "Sorry we're late, we didn't know that the school had classrooms outside" Ada spoke for their excuse. Break nodded, then looked back at his class. "Cadets, we have new adorable recruits!" He turned to the trio. "Introduce yourselves."

"Hello everyone! I'm Ada Vessalius and I'm a Freshman." said replied, blushing of embarrassment.

"Oz Vessalius. Sophomore." was all he said.

"Jack Vessalius. Senior. What's up Ladies~!" He was answer by screams that felt like they wanted to rape the poor guy.

Oz looked around in the classroom, spotting a certain raven-haired boy. His heart started to beat. Fast. 'Why do I feel this way?' Chief Break told the trio their assigned seats. Ada next to Vincent, Jack next to Alice, and Oz behind the raven-haired boy next to Chesire.

"Hey Oz." Chesire whispered.

"Hey." Oz whispered back.

"Don't talk to the guy in front of you. He's a weirdo and he's also mean."

"Um… okay…" His heart ached when Chesire told him that. Despite that he was listening to people he just met, they have been here longer than Oz had. He decided that he was going to ask him why he was a weirdo and mean during lunch.

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Gil heard everything that the cat-haired freak said to Oz. It didn't matter, as long as he had his best friend, who usually ogles Chief Break, he was okay.

Soon class ended and Gil left the room before any else. The only ones that knew what he was going to do next was Break and Reim. Getting out a cigarette, lighting it up and putting it in his mouth, breathing out a puff of smoke as he laid down next to a tree. If Reim didn't hurry up soon talking to Chief Break, then the next thing he was going to do was get his blade out.

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Not knowing from a distance, Oz was standing behind a tree. 'He doesn't look mean and he doesn't act weird. All I see is depression…' His heart ached again. 'How come so far from all my classes, this guy, whose name I don't even know, makes me feel like this?'

Suddenly, a finger poked Oz's shoulder. He turned around to see the guy that sat next to the raven boy. "Hi, I'm Reim." He held out his hand. Oz looked at it then shakes it. "That person over their near the tree is Gilbert. But everyone else who doesn't know him is Raven." Reim looked down. "I just wish everyone stopped treating him like this… he's already thinking about suicide…" He looked up, embarrassed. "Sorry I shouldn't be telling his business to others." Reim waved as he ran up to Gil before he hurt himself.

Oz looked at the two wide eyed as Reim took the blade away from Gil. He should really ask Chesire about Gil and why was he treated like this.

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Second Chapter coming soon~!