Hi, people. More good news and more bad news. The good news is Anakin and Ahsoka are free to live out the rest of their lives on Naboo. The bad news is this is the last chapter for Families. This is where Decisions Saga comes to an end. I want to thank everyone who followed this story from the beginning. You guys have been great fans and supporters. I hope you enjoy this final chapter.

A month later

Anakin and Ahsoka have finally finished redecorating their new home. The nursery for the babies is completed. They got some help from Clare and Tom when they came by to pick up or drop off Damon. Ahsoka still had one more thing to do. One day, she took her speeder and went back to the pregnancy center. She hoped Trekkie was still there. When she pulled up, it looked exactly the same when she left. She walked in and was greeted by Lisa.

"Ahsoka, dear. It's so good to see you again. How long has it been?"

"A month. It's great to see you again."

"So, what brings you here?"

"Is Trekkie still here?"

"Yes. Poor girl still has no where to go."

"Until now. Where is she?"

"She's in the nursery."

"Thanks." She walked to the nursery and looked around for Trekkie. She found her rocking a crib. "Well, long time no see."

"Ahsoka!" She ran and hugged her friend.

"Oh my Force! It's great to see you again. What are you doing here?"

"I live here now."

"You're pregnant again?"

"No. Anakin and I told the Council the truth and we live here now."

"That's great. I'll get to see you a lot more."

"Hopefully more than you think."

"What does that mean?"

"How would you like to live in a beach house with Anakin and me?"

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah. We have extra rooms. Anakin and I have our room, the babies have their nursery, you could have your own room and your babies could have their own nursery. What do you think?"

"I think that'll be great, but I don't want to get in you and Anakin's way."

"It's no trouble. Anakin and I talked about it and we'll be happy to have you live with us." Trekkie hugged her again.

"Thank you, Soka."

"You're welcome. So, pack your things. I'll be back tomorrow to pick you up."


The next day

Ahsoka and Anakin was helping Trekkie settle in. All the babies were in their rooms asleep.

"I really appreciate you guys letting me live with you."

"You're welcome, Trekkie. It was nothing really." Padme appeared. Trekkie almost jumped when she saw her.

"Okay, do you always do that?"


"I don't think I'll be able to get use that."

"Well, you don't have to."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, Ahsoka, that my job is done. You no longer need me. I only stuck around for this long to make sure you guys went through this situation the way you were suppose to. It's time for me to go."

"Will we ever see you again?"

"Maybe, but I'll still be watching over you guys." She faded away.

Five Years Later

Anakin and Ahsoka have lived in their new home for five years now. Trekkie recently moved out and is living on her own raising her kids. Ahsoka and Tom worked out a schedule for who has Damon when. They decided to exchange him ever two weeks and alternate on weekends. Anakin and Ahsoka got married a year after they moved. Clare and Tom also got married a month after them. The war ended three years after Anakin and Ahsoka left. The dark lord was found and arrest. It turned out that Chancellor Palpatine was Darth Sidious. He was tried and found guily. He was punished by execution. Obi-Wan found General Greivous and killed him. Ventress was arrested and is now in prison. Same as Dooku. The making of battle droids ended and so did the war. There is no more worry in the lives of our young friends. Nothing but their love for one another and their families.

Unfortunately, this is the end of Families. I hope you all enjoyed the story all together. I know I enjoyed writing it. R&R. Check out my profile for future stories and for my poll.