Title: Noah's Request
Characters/Pairings: Rex, Noah
Genre: Humor
Rating: K
Words: 100
Author's Note: Enjoy!
Noah's Request
"I don't know how we get in these situations."
"Relax, I'll have us outta here in no time."
"Rex, we're in a hole, a hole."
"And soon we'll be out. Here." Rex handed Noah his goggles. "Put these on and place your arms around my neck."
Noah did as Rex instructed. "Dude, this feels weird."
"I could carry you instead," Rex smirked.
"No, I'm good."
"Yeah, that's what I thought. Hang on." Securing an arm around Noah's waist Rex built his hovercopter, lifting both teens into the air.
"Rex, you seriously have to learn how to build an extra seat."