Daisuke and Miyako laughed as the spit was he made went right into the side of Takeru's head. He let out a low growl as the two laughed away. The bell rang, and the teacher looked quite unhappy.

"Mr. Motamiya, I need to speak with you," she stated flatly. He gave her a look of half fear, half amusement.

"Yes, ma'am?" he asked as soon as he reached her desk.

"Why do you insist on acting like a fool in class? That could result in a grade drop," she said.

"I have to, it is my only way of communication," he said.

"Well, you are too smart for this kind of stuff. I mean, you have straight As, and you are acting like you don't even deserve an F. I don't get it. Why can't you just act smart around everyone else?" she scolded.

"Because I would be called a freak, like I need any more of that," he said. The teacher looked at him sympatheticly.

"That isn't true, look at your friend Miyako, she is another straight A student, but she acts smart, and she has quite a few friends," she said.

"That's her, I am already hated, why put even more on me?" with that, he walked out of the room. Miyako was waiting for him.

"So what did she have to talk to you about?" she asked.

"Oh, just the usual, grades, and things."


Yamato was waiting for his brother to get out of school. He wasn't happy, though, because Takeru and Taichi had persuaded him to have a digidestined sleep-over at his home. That meant Miyako, Iori, Daisuke, and the rest would be at his house. Soon, he heard the end of the day bell, and watched as the other adolescents poured out of the school. He spotted Takeru scolding Miyako and Daisuke. Miyako looked sorry, Daisuke looked bored. Yamato laughed to himself. The young man was quite good at ignorance, for he was doing that with Takeru. The older watched as he snuck away after Ken, who had switched schools. After Takeru had said goodbye to Miyako, he hopped into his brother's vehicle, looking very irritated.

"So, how was school?" Yamato asked.

"Same old stuff, Daisuke and Miyako were throwing spit-wads, trying to hit me. Sadly, Daisuke did," he said with a growl.
"I see," Yamato said, "are you still having the sleep-over at my house, then?"

"Yeah, and Daisuke is still coming, but I'm just frustrated with him, I wish he could be smart for once. It would do him some good," Takeru said as they took off for home.


Ken smiled at his best friend. The boy was full of so much spunk, which he wished he had sometimes. Daisuke looked at him with a grin.

"Are you going to the party tonight?" Daisuke asked. Ken nodded timidly.

"I don't really think I will be very welcome," he said.

"Come on!" Daisuke said "You will be fine, I mean, you have me with you if you aren't, and if they don't want you there, I can go with you home, sound good?"

"Yes, thank you, you are the best person I have ever met," Ken said, hugging the other boy. Daisuke returned the hug, and they continued the trek to Daisuke's house.


So, what do you think, should I continue, or just stop here? Please review!