Okay, let me get this out of the way. By my definition a crack pairing is something that would never work in a thousand years. Wasp X Captain America, not crack, not canon but definetley not crack either. Black Widow X The Grim Reaper, not crack but not probable either. Sif X Hulk? Hey! Crack Pairing! IMO, any pairing will work provided that you have the right circumstances. So! Lets get to the story! However, one last thing is needed before we start. These one shots are written purely for entertainment, they do not reflect my views on any actual pairings in the show! So, I hope you enjoy and please review!

"Cap? Is that you?" Vapor asked in a sweet voice pressing her currently formless body up against the glass of her cell. Only minutes ago she had been sitting miserably in a corner of her room. Now... she was just anxious to see her lover once again. It had nearly two years since the Leaders plan had failed and she had been re-incarcerated with the rest of the gamma irradiated inmates. For six long months while the Cube was being repaired she had been locked away inside the negative zone prison and during that time she had grown closer to one of the guards. Well, he wasn't really a guard. The only real guards in that place had been the Ultron drones, and everyone knew how well that had turned out. But this man, was a soldier, he was an avengers and he was, in her opinion the sweetest bravest man in the world. She'd kissed him two years ago, when he wanted to know why, the whole situation had grown...into so much more. Captain America.

"Shh," he began putting a finger to his lips. "I'm afraid I don't have much time Ann," he said sorrowfully. "I'm only supposed to be here on an inspection tour." If she had been solid, Vapor would have bitten her bottom lip. The captain frowned as he silently opened the cell door and stepped inside. Vapor quickly reformed herself as quickly as possible and solidified herself. The two immediatley embraced.

"It's been far to long Steve," she whispered trying to pull him closer to her now solid body.

"I've missed you to Ann," he mumbled into her ear before quickly placing his lips on her own. Vapor groaned softly as Steve ran his hands through her soft hair before he pulled back. Vapor frowned but nodded. Even in her solid form, contact with her for to long could be dangerous. "I wish we could make this work Ann," he sighed. "I wish you weren't confined to this prison cell."

"I do to Steve," she whispered. "I do to," quickly she pulled his lips back over his own. "Promise you'll wait for me Steve," she said looking softly into his eyes.

"Don't worry," he said looking gently back towards her. "I'm going to wait for you. I'll be here when you get out, I..." he stiffened as his keen ears picked up footsteps. "I have to go," he said quickly pecking her lips just as Vapor released herself back into her gasious form. Cap stepped out of the door and quickly closed to door.

"Enjoying the tour sir?" a S.H.I.E.L.D agent asked saluting.

"Very much so," Captain America said with a wink that only Vapor caught.

"Good to hear, but we were sent here to report that Nick Fury is here as well and would like to show you around the new sub level containment units." another agent saluted.

"Ah, of course," Cap nodded. "Lead the way." The S.H.I.E.L.D agents nodded and turned around. Time suddenly seemed to slow down as Captain America turned his head back to Vapor and mouthed. 'I love you.' Vapor placed one hand over her heart and nodded. Who would have thought that one simple kiss two years ago would have progressed into something so much more.

'I love you to Cap." she whispered.

Cheesy, short and crack. Please tell me what you thought of it!