Twisted steel on the fake skyline. Wasn't much else to the whole thing than what it was, broken pieces of metal warped into something abstract and recognizable like shapes in clouds. People tended to do that. Take a look, it's a squid! Kind of ridiculous when you think about it isn't it?
But that wasn't it you know? People weren't looking for shit like that when they looked up past the smoke and soot. No, they saw how fragile and utterly breakable their little world was down here. Took a few good explosions to trigger it, but that's besides the point. We got attacked down here. Caught with out pants down if the expression suits ya.
Me? Yea, I got lucky as always. Missed out on homicidal masked nutters gunning down people. Yup, instead I got the deal with an orchestra of fucking death- also, note to self. Awesome name for a band- and met the guy who royally fucked up my life by killing my bro and taking me eye! Oh, and I got shot a lot. Once by old man Mihai- correction, Mihai. He gets pissy when you call em' old and he's like forty right? That's old in my book, course you're always twenty years younger than old age. Read that off a fortune cookie, great nugget of wisdom if you're into to that stuff.
Anyways, before digress more from this parade in inner thoughts into something irreverent, like squids- see what I did there self?-
So it's been a few wonderful days after being shot, haled off to this hospital that won't let me smoke or eat candy apparently. How does a guy curve his oral fixation huh? Not that it's important right now since they let me go outside to smoke and take pictures, courtesy of a camera from my favorite blackmailer.
And that's what I'm doing to pass the time, and write in this handy set of notes. I guess you'd call it a dairy if you were a girl, but this is important shit you know! Like- deep philosophical shit in those movies Heine watches. Speaking of the white devil, haven't heard from him in awhile after he rang up once to see if I was breathing still. He sounded pissed and I haven't spoke with him since, probably best knowing his cranky ass.
There I went again; going off on some tangent about God knows what. Yea, that one deep part I started with. Broken steel and what not, I took a picture of it from here. Nasty looking stuff the way it's messed up, hell even the sun is pouring through it. Don't get much that down here.
In conclusion, and I say this to piss of my English teachers cause hey look I still got a job in writing didn't I? Course it isn't glorious so maybe they were on to something. But yea, life's pretty screwy right? So I took some pictures of it. Just a few to add to a scrap book after it's all over and assuming I'm still living- or still have my last eye.
Yup, life's a gas down here until someone lights a match.
Fuck. Out of smokes again.