Chapter 1 - Lily P.O.V

"Sirius! Lily! C'mon, you're going to be late for the train! Hurry up!"

I ran out of my bedroom, pulling my heavy school trunk behind me. As soon as I entered the narrow hallway, I almost crashed head on into my soon-to-be-step-brother, Sirius.


Let me explain.

First of all, I am a witch. I am fifteen, and preparing to enter my fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Same with Sirius.

Sirius is my best friend. We met in Diagon Alley when we were eleven years old. It was early in the summer before our first year. I, being a Muggle-born, needed help getting around the place, and Sirius offered to help me. We talked while shopping for books and everything we would need for school. Hours later, my dad and Sirius' mum found us together.

The two adults really seemed to bond instantly, like I had with Sirius. My mum had died from cancer when I was six, five years before that meeting in Diagon Alley. My dad hadn't seen anyone since.

Sirius' mum left his dad a while back. He was becoming too involved with the Dark Arts, something she did not particularly agree with. Regulus, Sirius' younger brother, had also taken a keen interest in Dark Magic. Rosaline Black, Sirius' mum, took Sirius and left the two when Sirius was eight years old.

Andrew Evans and Rosaline Black began dating the very same year in which they first met. They had gotten engaged two years ago, during the summer. They were to be married this year, during the Christmas holidays. Sirius and Rose, as I called her, had moved in promptly after the engagement.

I was going to be Sirius Black's step-sister. He was going to be my step-brother. Rose was going to be my step-mother. My dad was going to be Sirius' step-father.

We were going to be siblings.

"Sorry, Lils," Sirius chuckled, steadying me upright. He did this by putting his hands on my waist, holding me, then letting go after he was sure that I had regained my balance. If anyone else had done that, I would have slapped them across the face. But with Sirius, I was fine with it. He was already like a brother to me, and he would be my real brother in about three and a half months.

"It's okay, Siri," I said, chuckling as well. I was terrible clumsy, I had to admit. I turned to see that Sirius had just come out of his bedroom, which was right across from mine, pulling his trunk behind him.

Before I could say anything, Sirius grabbed my trunk, and his, and started walking down the stairs. I shook my head fondly and followed behind him. Sirius just had to be a "gentleman".

As soon as we reached the living room, Rose marched over to us and practically shoved us out the front door. Trust me, Rose is a wonderful woman and I loved her loads, but she is very fiery and short-tempered. When a person got her angry, it was almost as if you were waiting for a bomb to detonate.

After Sirius and I had been ever so rudely pushed out the door, I turned to look at Rose questioningly. Her expression softened and she adopted a sheepish expression.

"Sorry, but you guys are going to be late!" She ran back inside the house, leaving me and a very confused Sirius outside. Moments later, she rushed back outside dragging my father with her.

My dad had his hands full, as he was carrying both of our school trunks. Sirius had let go of them in shock when Rose took us outside. Rose ran up to our car, threw open the trunk, and impatiently motioned for my dad to put our stuff in there. I shared an amused look with Sirius. He slung an arm around my shoulders, which wasn't very hard, seeing as his 5'10" build towered over my petite one.

We got into the car, and after a minute, Rose and my dad followed, slipping into the passenger and drivers' seats respectively. My dad looked slightly winded, and I had to bite back a chuckle. Sirius, sensing my restraint, looked at me and winked.

My dad started the car, and we were off to King's Cross Station.