At the top of the long set of stairs was a young woman, who I was going to assume was Yusuke's cousin.

"Kaggy!" I heard Yusuke yell. A giant smile erupted on the girls face as she raced down the stairs. "Yusuke!" She yelled. But as she was running, she suddenly tripped and before she hit the ground Yusuke rushed forward to catch her.

"How's my favorite female cousin doing?" He asked her with a grin. She playfully pushed him and grinned back,

"You're only female cousin is good and wishes you'd stop calling her Kaggy." Yusuke grinned at her and I couldn't help but smile as well.

"Ah, yes, but not all wishes come true." Her smile faltered but she shrugged it off and placed an obviously fake smile back on.

"Youko, whats wrong, you've been awfully quiet." I asked him.

/She seems so… familiar./ he spoke. I frowned,

'I've never met her before, how could you know her?' I asked. Youko remained silent, but I knew he was likely analyzing everything. What weirded me out the most, was how her aura was practically gone; she didn't feel like she had one.

"Isn't that the truth?" I heard her joke. She straightened out her clothes and gestured behind Yusuke to us. "Who are your friends?" She asked as her eyes scanned us all; but what confused me was that she was looking at me the longest. I remained quiet as Yusuke turned.

Kagome's POV –

"Isn't that the truth?" I laughed bitterly to myself as I forced a grin. "Who are your friends?" I asked as he turned around. My eyes landed on the long red haired man who was obviously a fox. I kept my eyes fixed on him. Why was he so familiar?

"I am the great Kuwabara, and I think I'm in love!" the tall orange haired man declared. I turned my attention to him in slight amusement; I laughed as I instantly thought of Miroku. As I laughed, tears escaped my eyes in my hidden depression.

"I'm sorry, you just remind me of one of my good friends." I whispered as I wiped the tears away. The fox looked at me in slight understanding as he stepped forward. He clasped my hand in his and a shock immediately went through both of us; as his lips descended to my hand, I felt my heart beat faster and faster, like the beating of drums. When his suave lips met my slightly tanned skin, I almost shivered.

"I am Suichi Minamino, but please call me Kurama." Time stopped. There was nothing around the two of us as we gazed into each others eyes. The green was so familiar; so familiar that it hurt to look at them. Tears escaped the corners of my eyes as his hand tighten around mine.

In the silence that fell between them, the pulse of the completed Shinkon No Tama was heard. We both glanced to my chest as it glowed beneath my shirt. I inhaled sharply as I felt an intruder in my mind; I wanted to scream: to cry. I wanted to kill myself to end the pain. I felt so cold, so cold that I couldn't breath; but then all went dark. Together we fell to the ground; together in perfect sync. There were a number of yells heard around us as we touched the ground, but it didn't matter; with our hands together we were alone.

Before my painfully closed eyes, my barrier broke; something in my mind shattered and now I was reliving the past and the future. I felt tears fall as I screamed; I screamed for what could have been lost love, for what could have been lost forever. With my last scream, I succumbed to the darkness.

Kurama's pov -

The pain was excruciating but after what I witnessed, it was worth it. Kagome, my vixen, would have been forgotten and that would have been awful. As I yelled in agony, I heard Youko roar in the back of my mind. As we witnessed our past and future together, I almost couldn't breath. My heart had felt so empty before I remembered, and now it felt fragile and strong; hot and cold; lost and found. The kiss had reawakened all that we lost and for that I could never have been more grateful. I felt my grip tighten around her hand and I smiled.

"Mine." Youko and I whispered in sync; together we vowed never to let harm befall her again.

-Four months later-

It was November. Kagome, Kurama, and Shippo walked up the steps to their new home. They had bought a nicely sized piece of land in Makai, courtesy of Sesshomaru. Their home was bigger than they had planned, but it worked out because they were going to work on a family soon anyhow. The wedding Kagome so desperately wanted was going to take place in February, the month of love in the Ningenkai, if only to sate both of their parents' needs. The mating would take place shortly after. They entered the newly acquired home and separated. Shippo went to his room, while Kagome and Kurama went up stairs to theirs. They pushed the doors open while their lips were locked, and half-undressed and were most surprised at what they found. Sprawled on their bed was a grinning bat youkai, commonly known as Kuronue. Blushing, the two separated.

"Hello." He said as he made his way to the two. As he got closer to Kagome, she smiled at him and went to hug him. He allowed it. After the hug, however, Kuronue pulled her back and kissed her just as passionately as Youko would kiss her. She blushed, but made no move to stop him. She couldn't deny the bond she had made with the bat, for while she truly loved Youko, she loved the bat just as much.

The end!

AN: Its finally finished, if I left something out, let me know. I hope you enjoyed my story, and I hope you enjoyed it enough to leave comments, good and bad are welcomed. I own nothing; though I wish I did. Thanks for your support! - Angeline