A/N: My last chapter for this story. Don't worry, I'll start working on the sequel ASAP!

Time's Running Out

Chapter 19


When Toothless returned, Hiccup still hadn't woken up, but he was close. Even though it was early in the morning, and the deep-sea ice had yet to break, Toothless could hear Hiccup's father awake and moving around.

Toothless figured that he must have had a nightmare too. He could tell that Camicazi was having one when he went over there, because she was sweating in her sleep, tears streaming down her face.

Toothless wondered if it was the same nightmare that Hiccup's father usually has. The one that takes place after a battle, when he's going around and seeing who died. Then he sees a smaller figure at the end (all dead bodies are covered in white blankets). When he goes to see who it is, he find out that it was Hiccup, and Hiccup had been killed in battle.

Toothless had heard him telling this to Gobber. That's how he knew the nightmare. He also knew that every time Stoick had a nightmare, he would always look in the door and check on Hiccup in the morning, just to make sure he and Toothless were still there.

Toothless heard him coming, so he laid down in his usual spot on the floor at the foot of the bed. He closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

The door opened a little bit. Toothless stayed still until he decided he wanted Stoick to close the door.

Toothless gave a big, toothless yawn, then blinked his eyes open (as if he had actually been asleep) and stretched like a cat. The door closed.

Toothless immediately sat bolt upright and looked at Hiccup. If his dad paid any attention, he would have known something was wrong. Here's why: Hiccup was lying on his back. The only time he sleeps like that is when he's injured or sick. Or both. Toothless figured that Hiccup didn't like sleeping on his back because he had woken up that way to find his foot missing. Things like that leave people scarred. Also, because he was asthmatic, it was sometimes hard for him to breathe when he was lying on his back.

Toothless also noticed that the fever Hiccup had last night hadn't broken, because his face was flushed (from a distance, you couldn't tell in his dark room) and he was shaking. Hiccup started coughing again, which supported the theory that he was sick.

About 10 minutes later, Hiccup's eyes fluttered open.

"Hey Toothless. What did I miss?"

"Not much. I know Camicazi's gonna ask you how you feel when she gets over here, so I'll just ask for her. How ya' feeling?"

Once Hiccup stopped laughing at Toothless's Camicazi impersonation, he said: "I can feel my legs again, but they feel like melted metal, and if I tried to stand up, I think I would fall flat on my face. Uh, I think Camicazi was right about me getting sick. I know my fever's back."

Toothless smiled. "It never went away." He then walked over to the window and stuck his head out. He said something to someone that Hiccup couldn't hear or see. After a minute, he pulled back in and snapped the window closed.

"Expect Camicazi to be over here in a few minutes. I just sent a Terror to go tell her you're awake," said Toothless.

"Okay, but I'll probably have to repeat myself."

Toothless laughed, then asked: "What do you plan on doing after she leaves?"

Hiccup smiled weakly. "Absolutely nothing..."

THE END (for now)

A/N: I finished! OMG, thank you everyone who reviewed and read this story! I'll try and post that one-shot as soon as I can, and then I'll work on the sequel, along with some other stories. So... I guess that's it then. See ya' in my next story!

-Qille out!