a/n I know my grammar sucks OK so don't be making comments about it please ^^; anyways I hope you enjoy the fanficiton.


Death The Kid a now homeless teen who has been traveling alone ever since his friends and family perished in a fire. The boy was known for his voice and his OCD over symmetry. On his travels he settled among a group of homeless teens like him who wonder the streets stealing and hunting for food. Blackstar was the strongest but most idiotic. The Thompson sisters were the only ones who actually stole things in the group. Soul was sorta the leader of the gang while Tsubaki was the wise one who just watched them from afar.

Tonight the group was going out for a special evening at Shibusen Club the hottest dance/bar around. The Thompson sisters had stolen enough money to get them all passes for tonight's show. Th ey each dressed as nice as possible, packed what money they had left and walked out of there abandoned house.


Kid: You bafoon keep it down will you..if a gang hears you will be the ones getting mugged.

Patty: XD

Liz: no patty getting mugged is not a good thing

Kid: I guess its a good thing one of you sisters are smart.

Liz: watch it

Soul: both of you just be quiet..arguing before a party aint cool. Not cool at all.

Liz and Patty: whatever

Tsubaki: There it is you guys(points to smexy building)

The group gasped looking up at the building. Kid was nosebleeding over how symmetrical the building was. When suddenly a girl walked passed him leaving behind a sweet scent of vanilla. His eyes opened wide at the girl walking away. Her beautiful long blonde hair, her emerald green eyes, her sexy dress. Kid couldn't take his yellow eyes off of her. She was perfect in every way. Her bangs and hair ends were cut exact and perfectly. Soul noticed kid staring off into space.

Soul:(walked over and drags kid) cmon romeo staring at girls aint cool...

Kid: I was not staring I was admiring.

Liz: Same thing lets get a move on people TIME FOR BEEER!

Patty: lol big sis is going to get DRUNK lol

Soul: ok guys seriously not cool we need to get seats..(shoves and pushes everyone in)

Once inside the group stole a few chairs from other tables and made there own little table. Patty had wondered off to order the drinks when she caught the eye of a handsome lavender haired boy. His hair was short and in a weird style but patty liked it. She ran over to him but by the time she got to him he had vanished. She sighed in disappointment and went to order the drinks.

Kid looked around desperate to see that beautiful girl again. Soul, Tsubaki, and Blackstar all noticed.

Soul: if your thinking about that girl again you might wanna forget about her..her dad isnt exactly mr cool.

Kid: what do you mean?

Liz: Her names Maka Albarn she works here as a singer her creepy perverted dad owns the place.

Kid: ahh what a beautiful name..

Blackstar: bleh shes cute but she doesn't have a good bust.

Kid: Honestly Blackstar you can't judge a girl by her breasts.

Soul: seriosuly not cool dude..

Patty:(lays all the drinks down and sighs)

Liz: whats wrong with you patty?

Patty: I saw this really cute pink haired guy..but he vanished

Liz: If you look hard enough you might be able to find him.

Patty: GOOD IDEA SIS(gets out goggles and sneaks around under tables and chairs)

Liz/Kid/Soul/Star/Tsu: is she for real?

Justin Law: Ladies and gentlemen I would like to present you with our special show tonight. Please Welcome Maka Albarn!

The crowd cheered and whistled as Maka stepped out onto the stage. Kids heart began pounding against his chest. As Maka approached the end of the stage. He could have sworn that there eyes met for a few moments. The lights dimmed as the music came on and Maka began to sing.

Choo Le Na.., Choo Le Choo Le Na.., In Honthon Ko

Dil Ko Choo Le Just This One Time Choo Le
Kuch To Keh Le Just This One Time Choo Le

Kid's eyes were entranced with Maka's. Soul and the twins couldve cared less they just drank and talked. Tsubaki and Blackstar went to go find patty. Finally kid recognized the words to the song so well he could sing along with her when the time came which was very soon.

Muskurate Hain Yeh, Tu Bhi Toh Aa Muskarale

Jagamagate Hain Yeh, Chooker Sitare Banale

La Zameen Pe Just This One Time Ajaa..

Door Nahin Ye Just This One Time Ajaa(Makas hand reached out to the crowd catching Kids attention)



Kid ran and jumped onto the stage landing in front of Maka. Kid stood up and sang:

Oh Maka Oh Maka

Oh Maka Oh Maka

Main Tera Hain Chhaila, Oh Maka Aaja

Oh Maka

Maka put her hands in Kid's singing with him and dancing across the stage like 2 beautiful white swans dancing, intertwining, on the lake of blue. The crowd cheered them on as there romantic duet continued on and on until the song finally ended with a passionate kiss.

Soul: not..cool dude..

Tsubacki/Liz/Patty: awww

Blackstar: YAHOO GO KID GO

There lips parted while there fingers did not. His yellow eyes focused in on her green ones in meer aw. Maka nuzzled her head against his neck making Kid blush. Above them on a Platform Stood Mr. Albarn himself. Spirit. He growled and called in his lackeys as he watched his little angel dance with such a street rat. Kid held her head into his chest.

Kid: Your a very excellent singer my dear Maka.

Maka: As are you..umm whats your name?

Kid: Death The Kid or Kid for short.(he said as he planted a kiss on her hand)

Maka: It's a honor to meet you Kid kun.

Kid closed his eyes and held Maka's hands tighter as Maka reached up to plant another kiss on his lips. Kid blushed and couldn't hardly believe what was happening. He went from a street rat to a beautiful young girls lover within 3 months. There lips almost touched when a rope went around Kids throat and yanked him away from Maka.


Kid: whats the..meaning of this

Then a tall figure approached kid. He had blue eyes and red hair, he was Maka's dad. He smiled at Maka then grabbed Kid by his shirt collar.

Spirit: Why..did you kiss..my daughter...