Author's note: if you follow my tumblr then you probably have seen the post I made about Jtulia. JT and Julia. IT WILL HAPPEN, PEOPLE! I SHIP THEM SO HARD YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW. Anyway(: this is a book about them falling in love and once again I say IT WILL HAPPEN. Enjoy(:

Being a ghost isn't fun. I'm not all super powered, like most people would think. I'm just gone. I'm freaking see-through.

Hell, I'm invisible to people that aren't my own kind. Only other spirits can see me and they're not much fun. I wished humans can see me.

I wish Eli could see me.

For a year now, I just followed Eli around, always making sure he was safe from himself and other people. He was still my Eli, even though he was with Clare, now. She hadn't made any claim on him. She didn't know him like I knew him. He was still mine.

I didn't hate Clare, though. Sure, I envied her. Not only did she have my Eli, but she was also alive. I miss that feeling of being alive.

The ghosts that roamed around this place -Eli's new school was called Degrassi, or something? - were kinda different. I've only seen one kid here before named Rick and he was freaking creepy. Always muttering to himself, mentioning the names "Jay" and "Spinner" and "Jimmy." I thought he was weird and that's a stretch for me.

I didn't pay attention to the other kids, but Eli. And Clare and Adam. I mean, they were his friends, right? I had to make sure they wouldn't hurt him. And one time, I paid attention to that bully Fitz, because he was gonna hurt my Eli.

I still regret to this day the excitement that tore through me when Fitz back Eli into the corner, knife in hand. I thought Eli was finally going to be joining me - something I didn't think would happen for a long time. But there he was, against a wall knife just inches away from his stomach.

And I hated myself for feeling happy. I shouldn't want Eli's like to be over - I don't want Eli's life to be over - but I just want to be with him again. I guess I just want him to be happy…even if it means I'm not.

Today, was Eli and Clare's one month anniversary. I guess that's the only thing I didn't like about Clare. She changed him. The Eli I know would never celebrate a "month-a-versarry" - as she put it - with a pink card. Eli didn't celebrate like that. The Eli I knew and loved celebrate everything with, well, sex.

I didn't want to sit on this park bench with him and watch him confess his love to someone that wasn't me. I put up with it most of the time, but this was just too much.

I wandered around the halls of Degrassi, looking for something entertaining. Now that I was a ghost, nothing amused me any more.

I walked past a locker and saw someone transparent, like me.

Another ghost.

He was tallish, brown hair and I slim built. He was wearing a white cotton shirt and jeans. I had to admit, he was cute, even if it wasn't my style.

He just kinda stood in front of the locker, trying to touch it, but his hand just kept going through.

I walked over to him. "Hey,"

He wasn't the first ghost I talked to, but he felt different. He had a likeable look to him.

He turned to me. "Hi,"

"What are you doing? You know we cant touch things," I said, watching his hand go back into the locker.

"I know," he mused. "But I just want to try,"

"I had to bust your bubble, but I've tried a billion times - you cant touch anything and it sucks. Who's locker is this, anyway?"

"Her name is Liberty Van Zhandt," he murmured, pulling his hand out. "I'm trying to remember her,"

"Why cant you just go to her and watch her?"

"She's not the same as she was," he shook his head and backed away from the locker, walking down the hall.

"Hey, wait up!" I called, running after him. When I reached him I put my hand out. "I'm Julia,"

He shook my hand - we could touch other ghosts. "I'm JT,"

"So did you used to go here, or something?" I asked as we walked through the hallway.

"Yes. A very long time ago. It's so different now,"

"I wouldn't know. I just stick around this place to look out for someone,"

"I do this to remember," we walked through a glass door to a garden with a headstone that said "The JT Yorke Memorial" with flowers and a graduation cap.

"You didn't even graduate?" I asked. H

He shook his head. "No, I was a senior when I died,"

"I'm so sorry," I whispered.

"It's okay. It's gotten better," he shrugged. "I only miss Liberty, really. Other than that, being a ghost is fun,"

"I wish I could say the same," I grumbled.

"How long have you…been dead?"

"Around two years,"

"Newbie," he snickered and began to walk away.

I followed him again. "Hey, where are you going?"

"I'm going to the place I died. Wanna come?"


"Because…I want you to know my story. And I want to know yours. You seem pretty cool, Julia,"

"Thanks, JT," I smiled and we walked out of the school.

As we passed Eli and Clare, I kept my eyes ahead, not wanting to see how happy she was with my Eli.

"I'm guessing that's the person you're looking out for?" JT asked.

I nodded. "I want him to be happy. I just don't want to watch,"

"But you wanna stick around to make sure he's happy," he added and I nodded. "I get it. I stuck around Liberty for a while but it began to get to much. I was at her weeding, though,"

"Who is Liberty, anyway?" I asked.

"You'll see," he said and we arrived to a curb. JT just looked at the ground and sighed. "This is where it happened. This curb,"

Author's note: so I'm kinda liking where this is going. Should I continue?