I'm sorry I'm sorry, please feel free to throw me into the depths of Tartarus, but before you do the only reason that I haven't written before is because of my research paper and standardized tests so it's not entirely my fault. Also, my crazy bio teacher wants to start dissecting ginormous bullfrogs and then using them for our finals, we have two minutes at each frog and we have to write down what organ a pin is sticking in and what it does. Uk, I am not looking forward to Monday. BUT DO NOT SKIP THE NEXT PARAGRAPH IT CONTAINS MIND BLOWING INFO. SO PLEASE I BEG OF YOU DO NOT LEAVE THIS PAGE BEFORE READING THE NEXT PARAGRAPH! IF YOU DO YOUR LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME!

This paragraph contains vital information about THE SON OF NEPTUNE, which debuts October 4, 2011. If you would like TO SEE/READ the THIRTEEN PAGES of this book go to: .com/explore/PMPages/Printable/Son_of_Neptune_ or go to .com/disneybooks/heroes-of-olympus/ and click on the image of THE SON OF NEPTUNE cover that says click here for a sneak peak.

It is amazing, and I cannot wait for the real thing (as I am sure most of you are exited for this book too, possibly more than I am) but until then this will have to do. I will see you for the next installment, which I am trying to write out as soon as humanly possible. TTYL. (Wow I just realized that Poseidon's Unclaimed Daughter can be shortened to the worst nickname in the world, PUD that sucks!) Poseidon's Unclaimed Daughter