A/N I am so sorry. I have been terrible to you glorious people. I did not update. But I will tell you, school is quite literally beating me up with homework and exams. Take me back?

It was odd, having holes in his memory. Like reading a book and half way through the pages are blank, before continuing the story again.

"I remember cages. There were others…" Castiel frowns, frustrated, "Other angels, but I don't remember…" He grabs his head, squeezing his eyes shut. "It's all gone, missing, but-" Scrabbling around on the table, Castiel grabs a pen and a piece of paper. His eyes glaze over for a minute while he draws, the scratching sound of the pencil the only noise in the room.

Dean peers over at the paper, eyebrows knitting in confusion. "What is th-"

"Shhh!" Sam whispers harshly and tilts his head at Cas. "He's concentrating!"

"Aww, like a little kid making macaroni art." Dean starts to laugh but quiets down when Sam glares at him.

"This…This was there…and," Castiel says, voice quiet. He holds up the paper, an intricate pattern covering nearly all of the space on it and begins to roll up his sleeve "and it's on my arm too." He untapes the bandage (courtesy of the hospital) and lifts it up slowly. Underneath is the very same mark, an angry red on the pale skin of his forearm.

"That's gotta be it then! Some kinda seal, locking away your mojo!" Dean yells, jumping out of his chair. "All we gotta do is break the seal, like put a line through it or something, right?" Castiel visibly flinches. Dean pauses, looking over at him. "Or maybe not? Cas?" The angel turns his blue eyes onto the mark on his arm.

"I don't think we should do that. I am not sure what this symbol means, and breaking it could be disastrous." He sighs. "I don't know what to do." He hides his face in his hands, utterly defeated.

"Well, it's late and we should probably rest up and hit the books tomorrow, so I say we sleep." Bobby's gruff voice breaks the dark atmosphere in the room. "We'll work on this later, not at 4 in the morning." He leaves and the stairs creak in the silence.

"Agreed. I can't wait to sleep in a bed that doesn't smell like cheap motels." Sam climbs out of his chair, all long arms and legs. "Night guys!" he smiles and waves before walking off.

Cas turns to Dean. "Thank you. For getting me from the hospital. I appreciate it."

"Don't worry about it Cas, we're friends, that's what friends do. Well, maybe not normal people's friends." Then he did something Dean thought he'd never see. Cas smiled. Not a smirk, or a twitch of the lip, but a proper smile. Oh fuck it. Dean leans forward in his chair and their lips meet.