Chapter Five

Sasuke finds Yuuki sometime after Naruto goes six tailed. Yuuki has a cruse mark on the side of her neck. Sasuke whispers to hisself while he's trying to douge Yuuki's attacks. "Damn... Orochimaru gave her a cruse mark..." Yuuki starts up the Rasengan. "Sh- She knows the Rasengan...?" Yuuki charges at Sasuke, as Sasuke jumps into a tree. "Yuuki! Kakashi needs your help!" Yuuki stops, as she heard Kakashi's name. She then stops the Rasengan, looking at Sasuke. "What does Kakashi need?" "He needs help with Naruto." "Naruto...?" Sasuke nods at Yuuki. "Yes. The Kyuubi is going wild." Yuuki says in a whisper "Brother..." "What did you say, Yuuki?" "Nothing. I'm going." Yuuki disappears. "Did she say 'Brother'? Oh, well." Sasuke runs back to the others.

Once Yuuki gets to the others, she stops in her tracks. "Naruto... Naruto, stop!" Kakashi hears Yuuki, he looks at her being very happy to see her. "Yuuki, did Minato-Sensei, teach you the Jutsu for stoping Naruto?" Yuuki nods, running to her little brother. "Naruto, stop, please? Like father said... You're no demon... You're better than that, Naruto... Stop..." Naruto doesn't her his big sister, and attacks her, slaming her into a tree. "Yuuki!" Kakashi yells for Yuuki. "I'm fine." Yuuki stands back up, brushing herself off. "If he wont listen then I will have to use the Jutsu, on him..." "Yuuki... Minato-Sensei, wouldn't like to his son like this." "I know that, Kakashi! I just don't want to hurt, Naruto!" "Yuuki! Look out!" Yuuki looks up, seeing Naruto, is about to attack her, she then quickly side kicks Naruto, throwing him to the ground. "Sorry... Naruto..." "Yuuki don't be sorry! Stop him! He hurt Sakura!" "Alright! Fine! I'll use it!" Yuuki does hand signs, Naruto runs back to Yuuki, ready to kill her. Yuuki then places her hand on Narutos' head. Narutos' eyes goes back to their blue color, he then falls to the ground, but Yuuki catches him before he does. "Naruto..." Naruto's eyes open up, and he sees Yuuki. "Oh. Yuuki-Sama." Yuuki laughs. "Nee-chan, don't call me Yuuki-Sama." "Nee-Chan? I'm Nee-Chan?" "Guess it's time to tell you everything, Naruto."

When Kakashi, and Yuuki get Sakura, and Naruto to the Leaf Hospital, Yuuki tells Naruto everything. "WHAT? YOU'RE MY BIG SISTER!" "Yes. And yell." "So... The 4th Hokage... Minato... Is our father?" "Right." "Why did you leave your baby brother behind!" Naruto starts to cry. "I didn't mean to... After fathers' death..." "You see, Naruto, when Yuuki and Me was kids, Yuuki was VERY close to Minato-Sensei." Kakashi smiles as he remembers the old days. "Yeah. And I bet you had a crush on my sister too." Yuuki punches Naruto's head. "I've been knowing he had a crush on me. And he's been knowing I had a crush on him, Naruto!" "Ow! My head!" Sasuke walks in after checking on Sakura. "That's why Kakashi never talked about her. Naruto, remember Sensei said he loves someone so dearly, but he never said her name?" "Yes, Sasuke. I do." "It's your sister he loves." "But that means, I wont get to know my sister!" "Naruto, we can go out for Ramen, and talk?" "That'll be Great, sis!" And so that's how Minatos' Long Lost Daughter comes back, and Naruto finds out about his Mother, and Father, and his Big Sister, he NEVER knew about. The End.

Sorry it took SOOOOOOO long for this update. I've been VERY busy! I'll try to keep up though!