Roku's Daughter

Ch.1 – Betrothed?

"I am searching for the Dragon of the West." A soft, feminine voice reaches Iroh's ears as he sat facing the back wall of his prison cell.

"I do not know what you are searching for, but you will find nothing of beauty in this prison. A woman like yourself should be outside where there is life."

"there is a nice man here who will not grace me with seeing his face when I have come so far to visit my white lotus."

At this Iroh turns to find a woman with long, slightly wavy black hair and deep brown eyes in red robes with silver bracelets on her wrists, ankles and arms. "…I have heard of you… you're Avatar Roku's daughter… but how have you survived for so long?"

"I'd prefer if you used me name. I am Kagome."

"OH, that is a beautiful name. But why would you be looking for me?"

"You joined my white lotus family. So I have come to set you free."

"I am no longer the man I used to be. I am older and out of shape. I will be of no use to you. I am sorry you came all this way for nothing."

"No, you are the man I'm looking for. I'm rounding up all of my white lotuses. You are not the only one being held captive. There is a cave in the mountains along the eastern border. When you find it take 13 steps in and hold your lotus tile against the wall. I have more friends to fee." She instructed as the bars of Iroh's prison cell began to smoke. "You will meet my father's dragon there." The bars seem to smoke out of existence. "Here." She hands him a black cloak. "This will keep you hidden. Now go, before the guards wake."

"May I ask one thing of you Kagome?"

"Very well, what is it you reqire?"

"My nephew, Prince Zuko, you were supposed to be betrothed to him. Please do not hate him because of his recent actions."

"You wish for me to honor the marriage agreement?" she looked up at him questioningly.

"Only if you choose to." Iroh bows to her before wrapping the cloak around himself and vanishing.

"Hm… I will have to observe this… Prince Zuko…"